如何在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套多个数组?



【中文标题】如何在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套多个数组?【英文标题】:How to UNNest multiple arrays in BigQuery? 【发布时间】:2018-05-31 04:32:53 【问题描述】:

我有这个 json,它存储在 BigQuery 表中的 3 个字段令牌、问题、答案中



token 字段只有一个值。


answers 字段是一个 list 对象,其中包含 3 个问题的答案,id 将用于将问题与答案进行匹配。下面是从 bigquery 下载的 JSON 文件

token          questions                                      answers
18e6d8e445     "fields": ["id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text", "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"       ["field": "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text", "text": "t", "type": "text", "field": "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 10, "type": "number", "email": "t@t.com", "field": "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email", "type": "email"]
949b2c57e3     "fields": ["id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email", "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"       ["field": "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 10, "type": "number", "email": "someone@mail.com", "field": "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email", "type": "email", "field": "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text", "text": "they were awesome", "type": "text"]             
146c49cdd6     "fields": ["id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text", "id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"], "id": "kaiAsx", "title": "a - b"                        ["field": "id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "type": "short_text", "text": "nice", "type": "text", "field": "id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 2, "type": "number", "email": "foo@bar.com", "field": "id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "type": "email", "type": "email"]        

@mikhail-berlyant 在下面提供了这个查询,这让我非常接近我的预期。我唯一遇到的问题是我无法得到答案。

SELECT distinct token, id, title AS question,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.type') answer_type
--REPLACE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(b, r'"type":".+?"\s*,\s*".+?":(.+)'), '"', '') answer
FROM `v1-dev-main.typeform.responses`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(definition, '$.fields'), r'"title":"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(definition, '$.fields'), r'"id":"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field": (.+?)')) a WITH OFFSET pos3
--UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'(.+?),\s*"field":.+?')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2 
--AND pos3 = pos4 
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.id')   


token                       id             question       answer_type
146c43c81cd5780839d3cdd6    zUIP73oXpLD6    Your email address  email
146c493c1cd5780839d3cdd6    oUZxPRaKjmFr    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale
146c493c05d5780839d3cdd6    CxhfK22a3XWE    What did you think about the changes?   short_text
18e6d8e33df44a1aa451b445    lBzHtCuzHFM4    Your email address  email
18e6d8e33df44a1aa451b445    L39FyvUohKDV    What did you think about the changes?   short_text
18e6d0fa014bfa1aa451b445    krs82KgxHwGb    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale
a63b20df691c9a949b2c57e3    krs82KgxHwGb    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale
a63b20df691c9a949b2c57e3    lBzHtCuzHFM4    Your email address  email
a63b258ce0339a949b2c57e3    L39FyvUohKDV    What did you think about the changes?   short_text




以下示例针对 BigQuery 标准 SQL,并根据这些 json 字符串的格式对您的数据进行了一些假设 - 因此很可能需要对正则表达式进行一些调整。但它适用于以下虚拟数据

WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
  SELECT 12345 token, 
'''"fields": [
    "id":"1","title":"Question 1?",
    "id":"2","title":"Questions 2?",
    "id":"3","title":"Question 3?"
  ]''' questions,
  "type":"text", "text":"answer 1", "field":"id":"1", "type":"short_text",
  "type":"number", "number":42, "field":"id":"2", "type":"opinion_scale",
  "type":"email", "email":"an_account@example.com", "field":"id":"3", "type":"email"
  ]''' answers 
SELECT token, id, title AS question,
  JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.type') answer_type,
  REPLACE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(b, r'"type":".+?"\s*,\s*".+?":(.+)'), '"', '') answer
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"title":"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"id":"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field":(.+?)')) a WITH OFFSET pos3,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'(.+?),\s*"field":.+?')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2 
AND pos3 = pos4 
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.id')    


Row token   id  question        answer_type     answer   
1   12345   1   Question 1?     short_text      answer 1     
2   12345   2   Questions 2?    opinion_scale   42   
3   12345   3   Question 3?     email           an_account@example.com   


WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
  SELECT "12345" token, '"fields": ["id":"1","title":"Question 1?","id":"2","title":"Questions 2?","id":"3","title":"Question 3?"]' questions,'[  "type":"text", "text":"answer 1", "field":"id":"1", "type":"short_text","type":"number", "number":42, "field":"id":"2", "type":"opinion_scale","type":"email", "email":"an_account@example.com", "field":"id":"3", "type":"email"]' answers UNION ALL
  SELECT "18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445", '"fields": ["id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text", "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"', '["field": "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text", "text": "t", "type": "text", "field": "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 10, "type": "number", "email": "t@t.com", "field": "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email", "type": "email"]"' UNION ALL
  SELECT "a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3", '"fields": ["id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email", "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"', '["field": "id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 10, "type": "number", "email": "someone@mail.com", "field": "id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email", "type": "email", "field": "id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text", "text": "they were awesome", "type": "text"]"' UNION ALL
  SELECT "146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6", '"fields": ["id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "properties": , "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text", "id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "properties": , "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale", "id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "properties": , "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"], "id": "kaiAsx", "title": "a - b"', '["field": "id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "type": "short_text", "text": "nice", "type": "text", "field": "id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "type": "opinion_scale", "number": 2, "type": "number", "email": "foo@bar.com", "field": "id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "type": "email", "type": "email"]"'
SELECT token, id, title AS question,
  JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.type') answer_type,
  COALESCE(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(b, '$.text'),JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(b, '$.number'),JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(b, '$.email')) AS answer
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"title":\s*"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"id":\s*"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field":\s*(.+?)')) a WITH OFFSET pos3,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(REGEXP_REPLACE(answers, r'"field":\s*.+?', '"field": ""'), r'.+?')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2 
AND pos3 = pos4 
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('',a,''), '$.id') 


Row token                               id              question                                                answer_type     answer   
1   12345                               1               Question 1?                                             short_text      answer 1     
2   12345                               2               Questions 2?                                            opinion_scale   42   
3   12345                               3               Question 3?                                             email           an_account@example.com   
4   18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445    L39FyvUohKDV    What did you think about the changes?                   short_text      t    
5   18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445    krs82KgxHwGb    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale   10   
6   18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445    lBzHtCuzHFM4    Your email address                                      email           t@t.com  
7   a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3    krs82KgxHwGb    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale   10   
8   a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3    lBzHtCuzHFM4    Your email address                                      email           someone@mail.com     
9   a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3    L39FyvUohKDV    What did you think about the changes?                   short_text      they were awesome    
10  146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6    CxhfK22a3XWE    What did you think about the changes?                   short_text      nice     
11  146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6    oUZxPRaKjmFr    How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?   opinion_scale   2    
12  146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6    zUIP73oXpLD6    Your email address                                      email           foo@bar.com  


这很有帮助。我知道它适用于我添加的示例 json。但我对真实数据有一​​些问题。它一直工作到 answer_type 。我无法得到答案。而且,我相信,这是因为答案列表中的键值顺序不一样。有没有办法解决这个问题?谢谢。 如果有帮助请投票。同时,要继续这个问题-您需要提供更好的输入数据示例-正如我在回答中提到的-`它很可能需要对正则表达式进行一些调整。 ...它适用于以下虚拟数据` 当我第一次看到回复时,我确实立即投了赞成票。我会尽快提供更多数据。 所以如果是 - 应该有额外的逻辑允许选择所需的密钥。例如,即使顺序是随机的 - 键的数量始终是三个:字段、类型和第三个,取决于类型。如果是这种情况,这将允许选择那个键。所以你有这样的想法吗?否则 - 我看不到提取确切答案的方法 - 而不是提取具有相应 id 的整个元素 当然。很高兴我能提供帮助。这就是为什么我们在那里。 :o) 要学习的一个重要方面是如何正确/最佳地提出问题,以便您更快、更好地获得答案,最重要的是吸引更多用户回答 - 不仅是像我这样可以在字里行间阅读的用户 :o) 见你在下一篇文章中【参考方案2】:

如果您确定数组的长度,可以先对它们进行 ARRAY_CONCAT 并使用串联版本执行 UNNEST。它对我有用。


以上是关于如何在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套多个数组?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在存储为字符串的 bigquery 字段中取消嵌套多个数组?

BigQuery - 如何取消嵌套多个数组,并从一列分配值?

如何在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套重复记录,一个数组给出列名,另一个给出列值?

为啥在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套两个或多个变量时没有得到任何结果?

如何在没有交叉产品的情况下从 BigQuery 中的两列中取消嵌套两个列表,作为单独的行

在 BigQuery 中取消嵌套多个嵌套字段