Android 人脸地标裁剪



【中文标题】Android 人脸地标裁剪【英文标题】:Face landmark cropping by Android 【发布时间】:2018-05-08 18:07:46 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试检测面部特征并裁剪面部特征区域。我已经使用 dlib 成功检测了界标区域,下一步是裁剪检测区域,我已经阅读了很多博客,OpenCv 的官方文档,但我无法理解裁剪区域需要做什么。

我已经在每张脸的 arrayList 中获得了地标点。但我不知道如何使用这些点裁剪图像。

我正在使用 android


这是我得到的:List landmarks = ret.getFaceLandmarks(); for (Point point : landmarks) int pointX = (int) (point.x * resizeRatio); int pointY = (int) (point.y * resizeRatio); canvas.drawCircle(pointX, pointY, 2, mFaceLandmardkPaint); OpenCV - Cropping non rectangular region from image using C++的可能重复 如果您要显示代码,请使用提供的格式化工具编辑您的问题并将其放在那里。 【参考方案1】:


//This function extract data from the image and return FaceLandmarks Object
private ArrayList<FaceLandmarks> faceLandmarkDetection(Bitmap bitmap) 
     ArrayList<Point> singleFaceLandmarks = new ArrayList<>();
     ArrayList<FaceLandmarks> multipleFacesLandmarks = new ArrayList<>();
    //Calling FaceDet class loading landmarks file.
    FaceDet faceDet = new FaceDet(mTargetPath);
    //This array contain multiple faces landmarks
    //extracting the results from the image
    Bitmap rotateBitmap = rotateImage(bitmap);
    List<VisionDetRet> results = faceDet.detect(rotateBitmap);
    //Running on the image faces extracting information.
    for (VisionDetRet ret : results) 
        int rectLeft = ret.getLeft();
        int rectTop = ret.getTop();
        int rectRight = ret.getRight();
        int rectBottom = ret.getBottom();
        int imageWidth = rotateBitmap.getWidth();
        int imageHeight = rotateBitmap.getHeight();
        //We do image correction, if the face is out of the entire image frame
        if(rectRight > imageWidth)
            rectRight = imageWidth;
        //We do image correction, if the face is out of the entire image frame
        if(rectBottom > imageHeight)
            rectBottom = imageHeight;

 ==>           int faceWidth = rectRight - rectLeft;

 ==>           int faceHeight = rectBottom - rectTop;

 ==>            Bitmap croppedBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(rotateBitmap, rectLeft, rectTop, faceWidth, faceHeight);
            List<VisionDetRet> improvedResults = faceDet.detect(croppedBmp);
            //This array contain single face landmarks: Get 68 landmark points
            for (VisionDetRet improvedRet : improvedResults) 
                singleFaceLandmarks = improvedRet.getFaceLandmarks();
            multipleFacesLandmarks.add(new FaceLandmarks(singleFaceLandmarks));

    return multipleFacesLandmarks;


以上是关于Android 人脸地标裁剪的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



android 怎么裁剪drawable

android 怎么裁剪drawable


OpenCV,dlib 地标旋转