如何将 BIM360 PushPin Extension 与 Forge Viewer 一起使用?
【中文标题】如何将 BIM360 PushPin Extension 与 Forge Viewer 一起使用?【英文标题】:How to use the BIM360 PushPin Extension with Forge Viewer? 【发布时间】:2021-07-10 07:34:33 【问题描述】:我正在尝试使用 PushPin 扩展在我的自定义 Forge 查看器中加载问题,我按照the official documentation 中描述的步骤操作,但在调用PushPinExtension.createItem
issues.forEach(function (issue)
var issueAttributes = issue.attributes;
var pushpinAttributes = issue.attributes.pushpin_attributes;
// Notice the last rendering condition, which will enforce rendering the pushpin on the current sheet.
// We simply compare the issue sheet metadata against the current sheet.
if (pushpinAttributes && issueAttributes.sheet_metadata &&
issueAttributes.sheet_metadata.sheetGuid === viewerApp.selectedItem.guid())
id: issue.id, // The issue ID.
label: issueAttributes.identifier, // The value displayed when you select the pushpin.
// The shape and color of the pushpin, in the following format: ``type-status`` (e.g., ``issues-open``).
status: issue.type && issueAttributes.status.indexOf(issue.type) === -1 ?
`$issue.type-$issueAttributes.status` : issueAttributes.status,
position: pushpinAttributes.location, // The x, y, z coordinates of the pushpin.
type: issue.type, // The issue type.
objectId: pushpinAttributes.object_id, // (Only for 3D models) The object the pushpin is situated on.
viewerState: pushpinAttributes.viewer_state // The current viewer state. For example, angle, camera, zoom.
// if
// forEach
查看那个扩展的source code,似乎现在有一个pushPinManager
嘿菲利普! :) 你好吗! 【参考方案1】::) 你好吗!
是的,您发现文档不会随着扩展的最新更改而更新。虽然 Pushpin 示例已迁移到最新版本。它演示了使用 Pushpin 扩展加载问题和创建新问题的工作流程。
以上是关于如何将 BIM360 PushPin Extension 与 Forge Viewer 一起使用?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Postman - 如何使用 V2 端点将用户导入 BIM 360 项目
如何将 Service Now 与 Forge 连接以创建新的 BIM 360 项目?