


【中文标题】链接数组方法(filter、map、reduce)而不是使用双循环【英文标题】:Chaining array methods (filter, map, reduce) instead of using double loop 【发布时间】:2020-11-25 06:34:23 【问题描述】:

我遇到了一个我无法解决的问题...... 所以这就是我想要做的。


products = [
     name: 'Sonoma', ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Pizza Primavera', ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'South Of The Border', ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Blue Moon', ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'], containsNuts: true ,
     name: 'Taste Of Athens', ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'], containsNuts: true ,


      let ingredientCount = ; 

  for (i = 0; i < products.length; i += 1) 
    for (j = 0; j < products[i].ingredients.length; j += 1)  //loop ingredients 
      ingredientCount[products[i].ingredients[j]] = (ingredientCount[products[i].ingredients[j]] || 0) + 1; 

因此,componentCount 应该类似于: "artichoke": 1 "mushrooms": 2 ***

这里的问题是我需要使用 map 和 reduce 来创建与上面相同的结果。

let ingredientCount = 

    ingredientCount = 
    products.filter ((value) => 
        // filter out arrays within ingredients 
        // so out come should be like  
        [ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms']
        ,ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary']
        ,ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms']
        ,ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts']
        ,ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds']

    ).map ((value) => 
        /* then take out ingredients and map this array to  
        arthichoke: ['artichoke','artichoke','artichoke']
        sundried tomatoes: ['sundried tomatoes']

    ).reduce((acc, value) => 
        /* then reduce arrays within each key to numbers. 
        hence, the output should be 

        artichokes: artichokes.length (i.e. 3 )
        sundried toamatoes: 1




我认为循环很好。但是您只想使用数组方法。请你解释一下过滤器部分,因为我不明白 我不认为这种连接能更好地解决问题,因为两个主要原因,第一它混淆了代码,第二性能最差。另一方面,循环示例更具可读性和更快 【参考方案1】:

您需要使用map()flat(),然后是reduce()。函数flat() 将数组展平。

products = [
     name: 'Sonoma', ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Pizza Primavera', ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'South Of The Border', ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Blue Moon', ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'], containsNuts: true ,
     name: 'Taste Of Athens', ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'], containsNuts: true ,

let obj = products
              .map(p => p.ingredients)
              .reduce((obj, val) => 
                  obj[val] = (obj[val] || 0) + 1;
                  return obj;
              , );




let products = [
     name: 'Sonoma', ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Pizza Primavera', ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'South Of The Border', ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Blue Moon', ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'], containsNuts: true ,
     name: 'Taste Of Athens', ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'], containsNuts: true ,

let iCount = ;
products.forEach((c) => c.ingredients.forEach((i) => iCount.hasOwnProperty(i) ? iCount[i]++ : iCount[i] = 1));



使用数组的 .reduce 方法和 .forEach 方法的解决方案。

var products = [
     name: 'Sonoma', ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Pizza Primavera', ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'South Of The Border', ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Blue Moon', ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'], containsNuts: true ,
     name: 'Taste Of Athens', ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'], containsNuts: true ,

var result = products.reduce((acc,obj) => 
   obj.ingredients.forEach(ob=> acc[ob] = acc[ob]+1 || 1)
    return acc;




使用Array.prototype.reduce 来减少数组并随时增加计数。

const products = [
    name: 'Sonoma',
    ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'],
    containsNuts: false
    name: 'Pizza Primavera',
    ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'],
    containsNuts: false
    name: 'South Of The Border',
    ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'],
    containsNuts: false
    name: 'Blue Moon',
    ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'],
    containsNuts: true
    name: 'Taste Of Athens',
    ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'],
    containsNuts: true

const result = products.reduce((acc,  ingredients ) => 
  ingredients.forEach((ingredient) => 
    acc[ingredient] = (acc[ingredient] || 0) + 1;
  return acc;
, Object.create(null));




使用flatMapreduce。 (除了??, 运算符)

const products = [
     name: 'Sonoma', ingredients: ['artichoke', 'sundried tomatoes', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Pizza Primavera', ingredients: ['roma', 'sundried tomatoes', 'goats cheese', 'rosemary'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'South Of The Border', ingredients: ['black beans', 'jalapenos', 'mushrooms'], containsNuts: false ,
     name: 'Blue Moon', ingredients: ['blue cheese', 'garlic', 'walnuts'], containsNuts: true ,
     name: 'Taste Of Athens', ingredients: ['spinach', 'kalamata olives', 'sesame seeds'], containsNuts: true ,

const ingredientCount = products
  .flatMap(( ingredients ) => ingredients)
  .reduce((acc, item) => ((acc[item] = (acc[item] ?? 0) + 1), acc), );






Swift中 Map,Flatmap,Filter,Reduce的用法

js中map,forEach,filter,reduce等方法是ECMAScript5 Array新增方法


ES6 数组函数forEach()map()filter()find()every()some()reduce()