仅使用构造函数中的列表查找 Lisp 列表中的最小数字?



【中文标题】仅使用构造函数中的列表查找 Lisp 列表中的最小数字?【英文标题】:Finding the smallest number in a list in Lisp using only a list in the constructor? 【发布时间】:2018-05-30 18:08:37 【问题描述】:


    编写一个 lisp 函数 f 来查找列表的最小值。假设列表仅包含数字。例如 (f '(3 2 5 4 9 5)) 返回 2。


(defun f (L)
 (cond ((null (cdr L))(car L))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (car L) (car (cdr L))) (rotatef((car L) (car(cdr L)))))
 (f(cdr L))

编译器告诉我,我对 rotatef 的使用不好。

我的逻辑是不断与car(cdr L)交换最小元素,始终以car(L)为最小元素。然后递归调用cdr,直到只有那是我能想到的唯一方法。奇怪的是他从未在我们的笔记中提到rotatef,所以我认为我做的很糟糕。

伟大的 Lisp 大神,你能帮帮我吗?你是我唯一的希望。


Lisp, instructions not working in defun的可能重复 【参考方案1】:


(defun smallest (list current_small test)
    (cond ((null list) current_small)
          ((funcall test current_small (first list))
            (smallest (rest list) (first list) test))
            (t (smallest (rest list) current_small test))))

(defun check_smallest (current_small current_value)
    (if(> current_small current_value) current_value nil) 
(defparameter mylist (list 3 33 2 1 32 87 -1 -222 45))

(print (smallest (rest mylist) (first mylist) #'check_smallest))



(defun F (L) (应用'min L) )


答案通常最好有一些解释,而不仅仅是一行代码。我不知道 LISP,所以无法评论准确性。【参考方案3】:

这确实是对 Rainer Joswig 漂亮答案的扩展评论。

他的minimum 函数所做的本质上是将列表的第一个元素视为运行中的最佳猜测值,反复构建一个新的、更短的列表,并将这个最佳猜测值作为其第一个元素。这真的很聪明,因为寻找最小值的整个算法确实是这样工作的:猜测第一个数字,将其与第二个数字进行比较,然后适当地递归。


所以,Rainer 的函数改写如下:

(defun minimum/tfb (list)
   "function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers, via a recursive helper"
   (when (null list)
     ;; I claim that the empty list is an error, so let's check this
     ;; and say so
     (error "empty lists don't have minima"))
   (labels ((minimum-loop (tail min-so-far)
              ;; TAIL is everything else we need to look at,
              ;; MIN-SO-FAR is the running minimum
              (cond ((null tail)
                     ;; we are done: the running minimum is the minimum
                    ((< min-so-far (first tail))
                     ;; the running minimum is smaller than the first
                     ;; element of TAIL so it is still our best bet:
                     ;; recurse on the rest of TAIL
                     (minimum-loop (rest tail) min-so-far))
                     ;; the first element of TAIL is less than or
                     ;; equal to min-so-far, so it is now our best bet
                     (minimum-loop (rest tail) (first tail))))))
     ;; Now start the process (remember we know LIST has at least one
     ;; element, which we use as out best guess).
     (minimum-loop (rest list) (first list))))

很容易看出这与 Rainer 的函数相同(除了如果给出的列表为空,它会发出错误信号,这是一个见仁见智的问题),但它使用了这个本地 minimum-loop 函数工作,并有这个额外的论点。


(defun minimum/tfb/gratuitous (list)
   "function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers, via a recursive helper"
   (when (null list)
     ;; I claim that the empty list is an error, so let's check this
     ;; and say so
     (error "empty lists don't have minima"))
   (labels ((minimum-loop (tail min-so-far)
              ;; TAIL is everything else we need to look at,
              ;; MIN-SO-FAR is the running minimum
              (if (null tail)
                  ;; we are done: the running minimum is the minimum
                ;; We have more to do: recurse, deciding which element
                ;; to use as the running minimum
                (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                              (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                                  min-so-far (first tail))))))
     ;; Now start the process (remember we know LIST has at least one
     ;; element, which we use as out best guess).
     (minimum-loop (rest list) (first list))))

我不认为这实际上在风格上更好,而且可能更糟。然而,这可能是我要写的。 (Python 程序员讨厌我的代码。)

最后请注意,Rainer 的函数和我对它的修改都是尾递归的。在像 Scheme 这样的语言中,这些函数将对应于明确的迭代过程。实际上,在 Scheme 中,迭代构造是根据尾调用定义的。对于这种辅助函数模式,Scheme 也有很好的语法。

这是我的第二个函数到 Scheme 系列语言(Racket)的简单音译:

(define (minimum lyst)
  (when (null? lyst)
    (error "empty lists do not have minima"))
  (define (minimum-loop tail min-so-far)
    (if (null? tail)
        (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                      (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                          (first tail)))))
  (minimum-loop (rest lyst) (first lyst)))

(请注意 list 的烦人拼写为 lyst,因为 Scheme 是 Lisp-1,并注意内部 define 的工作方式类似于 Scheme 中的 labels。)


(define (minimum/loop lyst)
  (when (null? lyst)
    (error "empty lists do not have minima"))
  (let minimum-loop ([tail (rest lyst)]
                     [min-so-far (first lyst)])
    (if (null? tail)
        (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                      (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                          (first tail))))))


【参考方案4】: 你应该计算一个最小值,所以让我们调用函数minimum L 作为变量名可以替换为list 改进缩进和括号


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (cdr list))
        (car list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (car list) (car (cdr list)))
        (rotatef ((car list)
                  (car (cdr list)))))
        (cdr list))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef ((first list)
                  (second list))))
        (rest list))))

最后一个 cond 子句中的最小值没有意义,因为它需要一个带有布尔值的列表:

(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef ((first list)
                  (second list))))
       (t (minimum (rest list)))))

ROTATEF 接受多少个参数? ((foo) (bar)) 在 Lisp 中没有用处,因为你不能就这样在一堆 Lisp 表单周围加上括号。

(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef (first list)
                 (second list)))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef (first list)
                 (second list)))
        (minimum (rest list)))))

ROTATEF 没有意义,因为它不返回最小值。

(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (minimum (cons (first list)
                       (rest (rest list)))))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)
 "recursive function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers"
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (minimum (cons (first list)
                       (rest (rest list)))))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)

 "recursive function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers"


       ((null list)                      ; list is empty

       ((null (rest list))               ; only one element
        (first list))

       ((< (first list) (second list))   ; if first element is smaller than second
        (minimum (cons (first list)      ; call minimum without second element 
                       (rest (rest list)))))

       (t                                ; second is equal or smaller
        (minimum (rest list)))))         ; call minimum without first element


CL-USER 24 > (let ((lists '(()
                            (1 2)
                            (2 1)
                            (3 2 1 0)
                            (1 2 3)
                            (3 4 2 1 1)
                            (1 1 12 -1 4 2))))
               (mapcar #'minimum lists))

(NIL 1 1 1 0 1 1 -1)






否则,我们有一个至少包含两个数字的列表。有(car L)(列表中的第一个数字),还有(cdr L)(列表中的所有其余数字)。如果(car L) 小于(cdr L) 中的最小数字,那么我们应该返回(car L)。否则,我们应该从(cdr L) 返回那个最小的数字。

现在,我们如何从(cdr L) 中得到最小的数字?好吧,我们已经在编写执行此操作的函数了!我们可以调用(f (cdr L))获取(cdr L)中的最小数字。

(defun f (L)
        ; empty list
        ((null (car L)) nil)

        ; list with just one element
        ((null (cdr L)) (car L))

        ; 2 or more elements
        (T (let ((head (car L))
                 (tailMin (f (cdr L))))
                (if (< head tailMin) head tailMin)))))



Parens are meaningful in lisp: 这就是问题所在 与您的rotatef

您还需要使用funcall: 而不是(f ...)(funcall f ...),这是lisp-1 vs lisp-2 问题。


以上是关于仅使用构造函数中的列表查找 Lisp 列表中的最小数字?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

emacs lisp中关联列表中的匹配键

解析 Common Lisp 列表中的符号

在 common lisp 中复制结构列表

查找列表中的最小元素(递归) - Python

使用 DataTemplate 时,ListView 仅显示列表中的最后一项

python 怎么取列表中最小的数