将已删除的 CKRecord 与 CoreData NSManagedObject 协调一致



【中文标题】将已删除的 CKRecord 与 CoreData NSManagedObject 协调一致【英文标题】:Reconcile deleted CKRecord to CoreData NSManagedObject 【发布时间】:2019-11-04 09:37:25 【问题描述】:

我创建了CKQuerySubscriptions 来监控CKRecords 的远程插入、修改和删除。对于插入和修改的记录,这很有效,因为我可以查询CloudKit 以获取受影响的CKRecord,获取关联的NSManagedObject,然后从那里处理插入和修改。

对于已删除的CKRecords,这是一个问题,因为在触发通知时,CKRecord 已从CloudKit 中删除。这意味着获取现已删除的CKRecord 的获取请求失败,因此我无法知道哪个NSManagedObject 与已删除的CKRecord 相关联。




这行得通,但感觉有点笨拙。一定有更简单的方法!但如果不是,如果此代码对其他人有用,如果您希望在任何未显示的辅助方法中使用的代码(例如在 +[CoreDataFunctions fetchRecordsForEntityType: withCloudIDs: completion:] 方法中),请随时发表评论;

//Array to hold all cloudIDs of existing NSManagedObject instances
NSMutableArray *cloudIDs = [NSMutableArray array];

//Populate cloudIDs array with the IDs of the existing NSManagedObject instances
for (NSManagedObject *item in self.items) 
    NSUUID *cloudID = [item valueForKey:@"cloudID"];
    [cloudIDs addObject:cloudID];

//Array to hold remaining NSManagedObject instances (i.e. the ones which were not deleted)
NSMutableArray *remainingItems = [NSMutableArray array];

//Fetch all remaining CKRecords (i.e. the ones which were not deleted
[CoreDataFunctions fetchRecordsForEntityType:[self managedObjectMonitoringClass] withCloudIDs:cloudIDs completion:^(NSArray<CKRecord *> *results) 
    //For each local NSManagedObject instance
    for (NSManagedObject *item in self.items) 
        //The cloudID for the local NSManagedObject instance
        NSString *localCloudID = [[item valueForKey:@"cloudID"] UUIDString];

        //For each CKRecord in CloudKit
        for (CKRecord *record in results) 
            //The cloudID for the remote CKRecord object
            NSString *remoteCloudID = [record valueForKey:@"CD_cloudID"];

            //If the local and remote cloudIDs match, the local NSManagedObject entity represents a CKRecord which still exists in CloudKit
            //Add the NSManagedObject entity to the remainingItems array
            if ([remoteCloudID isEqualToString:localCloudID]) 
                [remainingItems addObject:item];

    //Array to hold NSIndexPath objects to be removed from the collectionView
    NSMutableArray *indexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];

    //For each NSManagedObject stored locally
    for (NSManagedObject *item in self.items) 
        //If the remainingItems array does not contain this NSManagedObject, it has been deleted from CloudKit
        //Create and indexPath for this item and add it to the array
        if (![remainingItems containsObject:item]) 
            NSInteger index = [self.items indexOfObject:item];
            [indexPaths addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:index inSection:0]];

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
        [[self TBcollectionView] performBatchUpdates:^
            //Set the local items array to whatever is remaining in CloudKit
            self.items = remainingItems;
            //Delete the indexPaths for the items which were deleted
            [[self TBcollectionView] deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths];



我使用带有远程通知和 CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation 的订阅。





以上是关于将已删除的 CKRecord 与 CoreData NSManagedObject 协调一致的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

生成具有 CoreData 等属性的 CKRecord 类

在表视图或集合视图中删除与 IndexPath 关联的 CKRecord 的稳健方法是啥?

如何删除 CKRecord

如何从 NSPersistentCloudKitContainer 获取 CKRecord 的新副本?

删除 CKRecord:记录删除将违反验证引用,拒绝更新

如何删除 CKRecord 和 CloudKit 中的所有引用记录