使用 CUDPPHandle 时出错



【中文标题】使用 CUDPPHandle 时出错【英文标题】:error when using CUDPPHandle 【发布时间】:2014-03-07 09:46:07 【问题描述】:

我作为一个初学者在 CUDA 上工作,并试图执行一个预先编写的代码,编译时每次使用 CUDPPHandle 都会出错...例如

void HPGMST()

    //Reinitialize the ranking arrays, must be orig but this also works

    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_vertex_split_rank, h_vertex_split_rank_test, sizeof(unsigned long long int)*no_of_vertices, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

    CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cudaMemcpy( d_edge_rank, h_edge_rank_test, sizeof(unsigned long long int)*no_of_edges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

    //Make both grids needed for execution, no_of_vertices and no_of_edges length sizes

    int num_of_blocks, num_of_threads_per_block;

    SetGridThreadLen(no_of_edges, &num_of_blocks, &num_of_threads_per_block);

    dim3 grid_edgelen(num_of_blocks, 1, 1);

    dim3 threads_edgelen(num_of_threads_per_block, 1, 1);

    SetGridThreadLen(no_of_vertices, &num_of_blocks, &num_of_threads_per_block);

    dim3 grid_vertexlen(num_of_blocks, 1, 1);

    dim3 threads_vertexlen(num_of_threads_per_block, 1, 1);

    //Append the Weight and Outgoing vertex into a single array, 8-10 bits for weight and 20-22 bits for vertex ID

    //Append in Parallel on the Device itself, call the append kernel

    AppendKernel_1<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>(d_segmented_min_scan_input, d_weight, d_edge, no_of_edges);

    //Create the Flag needed for segmented min scan operation, similar operation will also be used at other places

    ClearArray<<< grid_edgelen, threads_edgelen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, no_of_edges );

    //Mark the segments for the segmented min scan using scan

    MakeFlag_3<<< grid_vertexlen, threads_vertexlen, 0>>>( d_edge_flag, d_vertex, no_of_vertices);

    //Perfom the Segmented Min Scan on resulting array using d_edge_flag as segments

    cudppPlan(&segmentedScanPlan_min, config_segmented_min, no_of_edges, 1, 0 ); //Make the segmented min scan plan


    “CUDPPHandle *”类型的参数与“CUDPPHandle”类型的参数不兼容 不存在从“CUDPPConfiguration”到“CUDPPHandle *”的合适转换函数 不存在将“int”转换为“CUDPPConfiguration”的合适构造函数 函数调用中的参数太少

我正在使用 'nvcc -arch sm_20' 在 tesla C2075 上编译 请帮忙....





您的代码仅提供 5 个参数。正如here 所见,cudppPlan 函数需要 6 个参数。看起来您缺少调用的第一个参数。


如果你看这个linkcudppPlan 有 5 个参数...我想版本有所不同..你能帮我使它与以前的版本兼容 代码是使用 cudpp 1.1.1 编写的,但目前我使用的是 cudpp 2.0

以上是关于使用 CUDPPHandle 时出错的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用 group_by 时出错,而不是在减去两个日期列 R 时使用排列时出错



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