(C++) 为啥我的程序没有输出平均等待时间和超过 1 小时的平均时间?
【中文标题】(C++) 为啥我的程序没有输出平均等待时间和超过 1 小时的平均时间?【英文标题】:(C++) Why is my program not outputting average wait time and average time over 1 hour?(C++) 为什么我的程序没有输出平均等待时间和超过 1 小时的平均时间? 【发布时间】:2020-10-09 16:21:59 【问题描述】:这是一个使用队列模拟教师办公时间排队的程序。它会生成随机数量的学生,让他们每个人在办公室度过的时间都是随机的,并将他们添加到队列中。它还应该计算每个学生平均等待时间,以及办公时间是否超过 1 小时。
它也应该运行 100 次并取所有它们的平均值。
但是,每当我运行它时,等待时间和超过 1 小时的时间都显示为 0,我真的不知道为什么。我确定这只是我忽略的一些小事,但无论出于何种原因,我都无法弄清楚。
如果您需要我澄清有关我的代码或问题的任何内容,请告诉我。 这是我的代码:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> //used for the time(x) function & difftime.
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Student
int timeInOffice, arrivalTime, waitTime;
int main()
int numOfStudents;
queue<Student> officeLine;
int avgWaitFinal = 0, avgTimeInOfficeFinal = 0, avgTimeOverFinal = 0;
//avgWaitFinal is the final average wait time
//avgTimeinOfficeFinal is the final average time spent in office
//avgTimeOverFinal is the average time over 1 hour spent in the office.
for (int i=1; i <= 100; i++)
numOfStudents = rand()%10+1;
//This picks a random number of student between 1 and 10
for (int j=0; j < numOfStudents; j++)
Student st;
st.timeInOffice = rand()%10+1;
//this picks a random time spent in the office between 1 and 10 minutes.
st.arrivalTime = time(0);
int avgWait = 0, avgTimeInOffice = 0;
time_t officeArrivalTime = time(0);
while (! officeLine.empty())
Student s = officeLine.front();
s.waitTime = time(0);
avgWait += (int)std::round(difftime(s.waitTime, s.arrivalTime));
avgTimeInOffice += s.timeInOffice;
time_t outTime = time(0);
int totalTime = (int)std::round(difftime(outTime, officeArrivalTime));
//this takes the difference between the time the student left and the time they arrived to calculate the total time they spent in the office.
int timeOver = totalTime > 60 ? (totalTime - 60) : 0;
avgTimeOverFinal += timeOver;
avgWait = avgWait/numOfStudents;
avgWaitFinal += avgWait;
avgTimeInOffice = avgTimeInOffice/numOfStudents;
avgTimeInOfficeFinal += avgTimeInOffice;
cout<<"Run #: "<<i<<endl;
cout<<"Number of Students: "<< numOfStudents<<endl;
cout<<"Average Wait Time: "<<avgWait<<endl;
cout<<"Average Visit Time: "<<avgTimeInOffice<<endl;
cout<<"Time Over 1 Hour: "<<timeOver<<endl;
//These are the stats for each individual run of the program
cout<<"Overall Average Wait Time: "<< (avgWaitFinal/100)<<endl;
cout<<"Overall Average Time in Office: "<< (avgTimeInOfficeFinal/100)<<endl;
cout<<"Overall Average Time Over 1 Hour: "<< (avgTimeOverFinal/100)<<endl;
//these are the final averages of 100 runs
return 0;
欢迎来到 ***。这就是调试器适用的情况。在调试器中运行您的代码,这样您就可以逐行执行代码,观察每个语句的作用,当它的行为不是您所期望的时,您可以停止程序并修复它。调试是任何开发人员都必须学习的基本技能,所以现在正是这样做的好时机。 整数对于平均值不是很有用。 【参考方案1】:您在设置为time(0)
-loop 中,我已将s
在您的问题下的 cmets 中有一个有用的建议:取平均值时保留 double
值,然后仅将它们四舍五入为 int
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> //used for the time(x) function & difftime.
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Student
int timeInOffice, arrivalTime, waitTime;
int main()
int numOfStudents;
queue<Student> officeLine;
int avgWaitFinal = 0, avgTimeInOfficeFinal = 0, avgTimeOverFinal = 0;
//avgWaitFinal is the final average wait time
//avgTimeinOfficeFinal is the final average time spent in office
//avgTimeOverFinal is the average time over 1 hour spent in the office.
for (int i=1; i <= 100; i++)
numOfStudents = rand()%10+1;
//This picks a random number of student between 1 and 10
for (int j=0; j < numOfStudents; j++)
Student st;
st.timeInOffice = rand()%10+1;
//this picks a random time spent in the office between 1 and 10 minutes.
st.arrivalTime = time(0) + rand()%10+1;
double avgWait = 0, avgTimeInOffice = 0;
time_t officeArrivalTime = time(0);
while ( !officeLine.empty() )
Student* s = &officeLine.front();
s->waitTime = time(0);
avgWait += difftime(s->arrivalTime, s->waitTime);
avgTimeInOffice += s->timeInOffice;
time_t outTime = time(0) + rand()% 100 + 1;
double totalTime = difftime(outTime, officeArrivalTime);
//this takes the difference between the time the student left and the time they arrived to calculate the total time they spent in the office.
int timeOver = totalTime > 60 ? (totalTime - 60) : 0;
avgTimeOverFinal += timeOver;
avgWait = std::round(avgWait/numOfStudents);
avgWaitFinal += avgWait;
avgTimeInOffice = std::round(avgTimeInOffice/numOfStudents);
avgTimeInOfficeFinal += avgTimeInOffice;
cout<<"Run #: "<<i<<endl;
cout<<"Number of Students: "<< numOfStudents<<endl;
cout<<"Average Wait Time: "<<avgWait<<endl;
cout<<"Average Visit Time: "<<avgTimeInOffice<<endl;
cout<<"Time Over 1 Hour: "<<timeOver<<endl;
//These are the stats for each individual run of the program
cout<<"Overall Average Wait Time: "<< (avgWaitFinal/100)<<endl;
cout<<"Overall Average Time in Office: "<< (avgTimeInOfficeFinal/100)<<endl;
cout<<"Overall Average Time Over 1 Hour: "<< (avgTimeOverFinal/100)<<endl;
//these are the final averages of 100 runs
return 0;
以上是关于(C++) 为啥我的程序没有输出平均等待时间和超过 1 小时的平均时间?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章