使用来自 IBM MQ 的所有消息



【中文标题】使用来自 IBM MQ 的所有消息【英文标题】:consume all messages from IBM MQ 【发布时间】:2021-07-23 04:12:54 【问题描述】:

我想消费来自 MQ 的所有消息。

public static void main(String[] args)
 JMSContext context = null;
 Destination destination = null;
 JMSConsumer consumer = null;

 JmsFactoryFactory FF = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance(WMQConstants.WMQ_PROVIDER);
 JmsConnectionFactor CF = FF.createConnectionFactory();
  context = CF.createContext();
  destination = context.createQueue(QUEUE_NAME);
  consumer = context.createConsumer(destination);
  String msg = consumer.receiveBody(String.class, 15090);




有没有更简单的方法来删除队列中的所有消息,甚至不 阅读或消费它们?

是的。您可以使用 MQ PCF Clear Queue 命令,只要没有应用程序为输入或输出打开队列。即 IPPROCS 和 OPPROCS 必须为零才能正常工作。这也适用于 Morag 的 MQSC Clear 命令。

这是一个用于清除队列的功能齐全的 Java MQ PCF 程序。

import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import com.ibm.mq.MQException;
import com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager;
import com.ibm.mq.constants.CMQC;
import com.ibm.mq.constants.CMQCFC;
import com.ibm.mq.headers.MQDataException;
import com.ibm.mq.headers.pcf.PCFMessage;
import com.ibm.mq.headers.pcf.PCFMessageAgent;

 * Program Name
 *  MQClearQueue01
 * Description
 *  This java class issues a PCF "Clear Q" command for a queue to delete all messages 
 *  in the queue of a remote queue manager.
 * Sample Command Line Parameters
 *  -m MQA1 -h -p 1414 -c TEST.CHL -q TEST.Q1 -u UserID -x Password
 * @author Roger Lacroix
public class MQClearQueue01

   private static final SimpleDateFormat  LOGGER_TIMESTAMP = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

   private Hashtable<String,String> params;
   private Hashtable<String,Object> mqht;

   public MQClearQueue01()
      params = new Hashtable<String,String>();
      mqht = new Hashtable<String,Object>();

    * Make sure the required parameters are present.
    * @return true/false
   private boolean allParamsPresent()
      boolean b = params.containsKey("-h") && params.containsKey("-p") &&
                  params.containsKey("-c") && params.containsKey("-m") &&
                  params.containsKey("-q") &&
                  params.containsKey("-u") && params.containsKey("-x");
      if (b)
            Integer.parseInt((String) params.get("-p"));
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
            b = false;

      return b;

    * Extract the command-line parameters and initialize the MQ HashTable.
    * @param args
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
   private void init(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException
      int port = 1414;
      if (args.length > 0 && (args.length % 2) == 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2)
            params.put(args[i], args[i + 1]);
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();

      if (allParamsPresent())
            port = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get("-p"));
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
            port = 1414;

         mqht.put(CMQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, params.get("-c"));
         mqht.put(CMQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, params.get("-h"));
         mqht.put(CMQC.PORT_PROPERTY, new Integer(port));
         mqht.put(CMQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, params.get("-u"));
         mqht.put(CMQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, params.get("-x"));

         // I don't want to see MQ exceptions at the console.
         MQException.log = null;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    * Handle connecting to the queue manager, issuing PCF command then
    * looping through PCF response messages and disconnecting from
    * the queue manager.
   private void doPCF()
      MQQueueManager  qMgr   = null;
      PCFMessageAgent agent  = null;
      PCFMessage   request   = null;
      PCFMessage[] responses = null;
      String qMgrName  = (String) params.get("-m");
      String queueName = (String) params.get("-q");

         qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qMgrName, mqht);
         MQClearQueue01.logger("successfully connected to "+ qMgrName);

         agent = new PCFMessageAgent(qMgr);
         MQClearQueue01.logger("successfully created agent");

         // https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_latest/com.ibm.mq.ref.adm.doc/q087420_.html
         request = new PCFMessage(CMQCFC.MQCMD_CLEAR_Q);

         request.addParameter(CMQC.MQCA_Q_NAME, queueName);

         responses = agent.send(request);


         for (int i = 0; i < responses.length; i++)
            if ((responses[i]).getCompCode() == CMQC.MQCC_OK)
               MQClearQueue01.logger("Successfully cleared queue '"+queueName+"' of messages.");
               MQClearQueue01.logger("Error: Failed to clear queue '"+queueName+"' of messages.");
      catch (MQException e)
         MQClearQueue01.logger("CC=" +e.completionCode + " : RC=" + e.reasonCode);
      catch (IOException e)
         MQClearQueue01.logger("IOException:" +e.getLocalizedMessage());
      catch (MQDataException e)
         MQClearQueue01.logger("MQDataException:" +e.getLocalizedMessage());
            if (agent != null)
               MQClearQueue01.logger("disconnected from agent");
         catch (MQDataException e)
            MQClearQueue01.logger("CC=" +e.completionCode + " : RC=" + e.reasonCode);

            if (qMgr != null)
               MQClearQueue01.logger("disconnected from "+ qMgrName);
         catch (MQException e)
            MQClearQueue01.logger("CC=" +e.completionCode + " : RC=" + e.reasonCode);

    * A simple logger method
    * @param data
   public static void logger(String data)
      String className = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getClassName();

      // Remove the package info.
      if ( (className != null) && (className.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) )
         className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.')+1);

      System.out.println(LOGGER_TIMESTAMP.format(new Date())+" "+className+": "+Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getMethodName()+": "+data);

   public static void main(String[] args)
      MQClearQueue01 mqcq = new MQClearQueue01();

      catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
         MQClearQueue01.logger("Usage: java MQClearQueue01 -m QueueManagerName -h host -p port -c channel -q QueueName -u UserID -x Password");




如果正如您的问题所暗示的那样,您只想清空队列中的所有消息,而不是在应用程序中实际读取它们,您可以考虑简单地使用管理 MQSC 命令:-

CLEAR QLOCAL(queue-name)

您可以将其键入runmqsc 工具以将其发送给队列管理器。



JMS API 一次使用一条消息,因此您需要将 receiveBody 放入一个循环中,例如:

public static void main(String[] args)  
   JMSContext context = null;
   Destination destination = null;
   JMSConsumer consumer = null;

   JmsFactoryFactory FF = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance(WMQConstants.WMQ_PROVIDER);
   JmsConnectionFactor CF = FF.createConnectionFactory();
   context = CF.createContext();
   destination = context.createQueue(QUEUE_NAME);
   consumer = context.createConsumer(destination);
   String msg = null;
      msg = consumer.receiveBody(String.class, 15090);
    while (msg != null);

receiveBody 返回null 时,表示队列中没有更多消息。

JMS API 没有定义从队列中删除所有消息的任何方法,但大多数 JMS 服务器都有一个特定于实现的管理 API,您可以通过它执行这些操作。


以上是关于使用来自 IBM MQ 的所有消息的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

第十一章 发送和接收IBM WebSphere MQ消息

来自 IBM MQ 的 Spark 流数据

IBM MQ 使用指南

IBM websphere MQ 消息发送与获取

如何通过 IBM MQ 使用 JMS 点对点消息传递模型来测量 SuT 的响应(处理)时间?

IBM Websphere MQ - MQGET 不会从队列中移除消息