错误代码:C2661:没有重载函数需要 6 个参数



【中文标题】错误代码:C2661:没有重载函数需要 6 个参数【英文标题】:Error Code: C2661: no overloaded function takes 6 arguments 【发布时间】:2018-08-13 14:35:50 【问题描述】:

这个程序确实从队列中获取文件名,在用户输入它们之后,即 myQue 然后将它们放入 ma​​inQue 之后,它会打开这些文件并解密它们如果可能的话。如果解密成功,则将解密后的数据写入新文件。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Queue.h"
#include "randgen.h"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

using namespace std;

Queue myQue;        //My structure to store the file names
Queue mainQue;      //Main que for the threads
RandGen Ran;        //Random Generator object

// Mutexes for certain restrictions
std::mutex mtx_blockMyQue, mtx_blockMainQue, mtx_blockPrint;

//Function for decrypt the message
void decipher(string str, int shift) 

    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) 
        if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z') 
            str[i] = str[i] + shift;

//Function for finding the most frequent letter
char mostFrequent(string text)

    int max = 0;
    int count = 0;
    char maxCharcter;
    for (char q = 'a'; q <= 'z'; q++)
        count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i<text.length(); i++)
            if (text[i] == q)
        if (count>max)
            max = count;
            maxCharcter = q;
    return maxCharcter;

void sleepThr(int thrNum, int time)

    cout << "Producer Thread - " << thrNum << " starts sleeping for " << time << "milliseconds" << endl;

//What producer threads do
void producer(Queue &myQue, Queue &mainQue , int thrNum, int time,string &input)

    this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(time));   //Sleep thread
    cout << "Producer Thread - " << thrNum << " starts sleeping for " << time << "milliseconds" << endl;

    //sleepThr(thrNum, time);

    mtx_blockMyQue.lock();      //Thread locked

        if (myQue.isEmpty()==false) 
            cout << "Producer Thread - " << thrNum << " is now enqueuing '" << input << "'" << endl;
            //Value to be dequeued and then to be enqueued
                                    //Dequeueing the value
            mainQue.enqueue(input); //Enqueueing the value
        mtx_blockMyQue.unlock();        //Thread unlocked

        //mtx_blockPrint.lock();        //Thread locked
        this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(time));   //Sleep thread
        cout << "Producer Thread - " << thrNum << " starts sleeping for " << time << "milliseconds" << endl;
        //mtx_blockPrint.unlock();  //Thread unlocked

//What consumer threads do
void consumer(Queue &mainQue, int thrNum , int time , string &input, fstream &reader)

    //this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(time));   //Sleep thread
    //cout << "Consumer Thread - " << thrNum << " starts sleeping for " << time << "milliseconds" << endl;
    mtx_blockPrint.lock();      //Thread locked

    this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(time));   //Sleep thread
    cout << "Consumer Thread - " << thrNum << " starts sleeping for " << time << "milliseconds" << endl;

    mtx_blockPrint.unlock();    //Thread unlocked


    cout << "Consumer Thread - " << thrNum << " is now handling '" << input << "'" <<endl;
    string line;
    if (!reader.is_open()) 
        cout << "Consumer Thread - " << thrNum << " cannot process '" << input << "', there is no such file!" << endl;
        getline(reader, line, '.');                         //Read file ignoring '.'
        char mostChr = mostFrequent(line);                  //The most frequent char
        char e = 'e';                                       
        int intChr = mostChr;                               //Decimal of the most frequent char
        int intE = e;                                       //Decimal of the char 'e'
        int shiftNum = intChr - intE;                       //Shift number
        decipher(line, shiftNum);                           //Decrypting the message
        string outputFile = input + "_decrypted.txt";
        ofstream output(outputFile);                        //Opening a new output file for decrypted message
        output << line;                                     //Putting the decrypted message into the file
        output.close();                                     //Closing the output file
        cout << "Consumer Thread - " << thrNum << " is done handling " << input << " with a shift of " << shiftNum << " and written the result to '" << outputFile << "'" << endl;


int main() 

    fstream reader;             //Reader
    string inputFileName;       //File name
    int time1[2], time2[3];

    cout << "Enter a file name: ";
    cin >> inputFileName;
    myQue.enqueue(inputFileName);   //Storing the file name in my structure

    //Do this task until the dash(-) character entered
    while(inputFileName != "-")
        cout <<  "Enter a file name: ";
        cin >> inputFileName;
    thread prodThr[2];  //Constructing Producer Threads
    thread consThr[3];  //Constructing Consumer Threads
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) 

        time1[i] = Ran.RandInt(1000, 4000);
        prodThr[i] = thread(&sleepThr, i + 1, time1[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        time2[i] = Ran.RandInt(2500, 3500);
        consThr[i] = thread(&sleepThr, i + 1, time2[i]);
    while (myQue.isEmpty() == false) 

        for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) 

            time1[i] = Ran.RandInt(1000, 4000);
            prodThr[i] = thread(&producer, myQue, mainQue, i + 1, time1[i], inputFileName);

        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) 
            time2[i] = Ran.RandInt(2500, 3500);
            if (mainQue.isEmpty() == false) 
                consThr[i] = thread(&consumer, mainQue, i + 1, time2[i], inputFileName, reader);
        //Joining Producer Threads
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
        //Joining Consumer Threads
        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) 

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include "Queue.h"
using namespace std;

// Constructor. Generates an empty queue         *

    front = nullptr;
    rear = nullptr;

// Function enqueue inserts the value in num *
// at the rear of the queue.                 *
void Queue::enqueue(string val)
    if (isEmpty())   //if the queue is empty
       //make it the first element
        front = new QueueNode(val);
        rear = front;
    else  //if the queue is not empty
       //add it after rear
        rear->next = new QueueNode(val);
        rear = rear->next;

// Function dequeue removes the value at the   *
// front of the queue, and copies it into num. *
void Queue::dequeue(string &val)

    QueueNode *temp;
    if (isEmpty())
    else //if the queue is not empty
       //return front's value, advance front and delete old front
        val = front->value;
        temp = front;
        front = front->next;
        delete temp;      

// Function isEmpty returns true if the queue *
// is empty, and false otherwise.             *
bool Queue::isEmpty() const

    if (front == nullptr)
        return true;
        return false;

// Function clear dequeues all the elements  *
// in the queue.                             *
void Queue::clear()

    string val;   // Dummy variable for dequeue

        dequeue(val); //delete all elements


#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct QueueNode

    string value;
    QueueNode *next;
    QueueNode(string val, QueueNode *ptr = nullptr)
        value = val;
        next = ptr;


class Queue

        // These track the front and rear of the queue.
        QueueNode *front;
        QueueNode *rear;    
        // Constructor.

        // Member functions.
        void enqueue(string);
        void dequeue(string &);
        bool isEmpty() const;     
        void clear();


#include <time.h>                // for time()
#include <stdlib.h>              // for rand/srand
#include "randgen.h"
#include <cmath>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int RandGen::ourInitialized = 0;

void RandGen::SetSeed(int seed)
// postcondition: system srand() used to initialize seed
//                once per program (this is a static function)    

    if (0 == ourInitialized)
       ourInitialized = 1;   // only call srand once
    srand(seed);          // randomize

// postcondition: system srand() used to initialize seed
//                once per program     

    if (0 == ourInitialized)
       ourInitialized = 1;          // only call srand once

        time_t now;
        time (&now); // localtime bir zamandan itibaren geçen saniye formatında
                     // now değişkenine kaydedilir.
        // seed'imiz her saniye bir artmasın diye
                                        // daha random artsın diye sinusunu alıyorum 
 //       srand(unsigned(time(0)));    // randomize

int RandGen::RandInt(int max)
// precondition: max > 0
// postcondition: returns int in [0..max)     
    return int(RandReal() * max);

int RandGen::RandInt(int low, int max)
// precondition: low <= max     
// postcondition: returns int in [low..max]     
    return low + RandInt(max-low+1);

double RandGen::RandReal()
// postcondition: returns double in [0..1)     
    return rand() / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1); 

double RandGen::RandReal(double low, double high)

    double width = fabs(high-low);
    double thelow = low < high ? low : high;
    return RandReal()*width + thelow;


#ifndef _RANDGEN_H
#define _RANDGEN_H

#include <limits.h>                     // for INT_MAX

// designed for implementation-independent randomization
// if all system-dependent calls included in this class, then
// other classes can make use of this class in independent manner
// all random numbers are uniformly distributed in given range
// RandGen() ---      constructor sets seed of random # generator
//                    once per program, not per class/object
// RandInt(int max)
// RandInt(int low,int max) - return random integer in range [0..max)
//                     when one parameter used, [low..max] when
//                     two parameters used
//       examples:    rnd.RandInt(6) is random integer [0..5] or [0..6)
//                    rnd.RandInt(3,10) is random integer [3..10]
//                    rnd.RandInt()  is random integer [0..INT_MAX)
// RandReal()       -- returns random double in range [0..1)
// RandReal(double low, double max) -- random double in range [low..max)

class RandGen

    RandGen();                          // set seed for all instances
    int RandInt(int max = INT_MAX);     // returns int in [0..max)
    int RandInt(int low, int max);      // returns int in [low..max]
    double RandReal();                  // returns double in [0..1)
    double RandReal(double low, double max); // range [low..max]

    static void SetSeed(int seed);      // static (per class) seed set
    static int ourInitialized;          // for 'per-class' initialization


我已经检查了所有内容,但我不明白为什么编译器会给我这个错误。我正在使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015。


你发布的代码太多了。错误在哪一行? 通常这个错误几乎是不言自明的:有一个函数/方法调用,你在其中放置了六个参数。这个错误基本上说你没有一个有这么多论点的人......我建议寻找放错地方的专利或类似的东西...... 编译器应该告诉你包含错误的确切行#。 @drescherjm 在文件内存行 1630 中返回 (unique_ptr<_ty>(new _Ty(_STD forward<_types>(_Args)...))); 我明白了。这就是困难的原因。 【参考方案1】:

了解 thread 构造函数 (here) 和 reference_wrapper

线程函数的参数按值移动或复制。如果需要将引用参数传递给线程函数,则必须对其进行包装(例如,使用 std::ref 或 std::cref)。


void producer(Queue &myQue, Queue &mainQue , int thrNum, int time,string &input)

所以你必须将 thread 构造函数的调用改为

prodThr[i] = thread(&producer, std::ref(myQue), std::ref(mainQue), 
   i + 1, time1[i], std::ref(inputFileName));

consumer 函数执行相同操作。


以上是关于错误代码:C2661:没有重载函数需要 6 个参数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

错误 C2661:“CObject::operator new”:没有重载函数需要 4 个与 Visual Studio 相关的参数

如何修复“没有重载函数需要 2 个参数”错误 C++

MFC:_AFXWIN_INLINE 给我“没有重载函数需要 6 个参数”

在类中初始化 QHash

格式化 DateTime 错误“方法 'ToString' 没有重载需要 1 个参数”

方法“ToString”没有重载需要 1 个参数