在 Spyder 中运行 Pytorch 神经网络时出现属性错误



【中文标题】在 Spyder 中运行 Pytorch 神经网络时出现属性错误【英文标题】:Attribute Error when running a Pytorch neural network in Spyder 【发布时间】:2021-08-14 13:07:09 【问题描述】:

我试图运行一个神经网络来了解更多关于分类嵌入的信息(神经网络代码的解释在这里 https://yashuseth.blog/2018/07/22/pytorch-neural-network-for-tabular-data-with-categorical-embeddings/)但是 Spyder 在最后尝试运行循环后给出了 AttributeError。

Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次): 文件“”,第 1 行,在 文件“C:\Workspace\Python_Runtime\Python\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py”,第 116 行,在 spawn_main exitcode = _main(fd, parent_sentinel) _main 中的文件“C:\Workspace\Python_Runtime\Python\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py”,第 126 行 self = reduction.pickle.load(from_parent) AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'TabularDataset' on ma​​in' (built-in)>

我的理解是,这来自 Spyder 的多处理功能问题。

正如一些答案所建议的那样,我已经尝试将所有不在类或 def 中的东西包装起来

if __name__ == '__main__':


我也尝试导入多进程包而不是多进程,但这没有帮助。我想我需要去更改 spawn.py 文件中的行,但不确定具体如何。

问题是在我当前的 PC 上我只有 Spyder。我尝试在家中使用 Pycharm 在我的个人 PC 上的另一个数据集上运行相同的代码,它运行良好,完全没有错误。

有人知道如何解决 Spyder 中的问题吗?


from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader

class TabularDataset(Dataset):
  def __init__(self, data, cat_cols=None, output_col=None):
    Characterizes a Dataset for PyTorch


    data: pandas data frame
      The data frame object for the input data. It must
      contain all the continuous, categorical and the
      output columns to be used.

    cat_cols: List of strings
      The names of the categorical columns in the data.
      These columns will be passed through the embedding
      layers in the model. These columns must be
      label encoded beforehand. 

    output_col: string
      The name of the output variable column in the data

    self.n = data.shape[0]

    if output_col:
      self.y = data[output_col].astype(np.float32).values.reshape(-1, 1)
      self.y =  np.zeros((self.n, 1))

    self.cat_cols = cat_cols if cat_cols else []
    self.cont_cols = [col for col in data.columns
                      if col not in self.cat_cols + [output_col]]

    if self.cont_cols:
      self.cont_X = data[self.cont_cols].astype(np.float32).values
      self.cont_X = np.zeros((self.n, 1))

    if self.cat_cols:
      self.cat_X = data[cat_cols].astype(np.int64).values
      self.cat_X =  np.zeros((self.n, 1))

  def __len__(self):
    Denotes the total number of samples.
    return self.n

  def __getitem__(self, idx):
    Generates one sample of data.
    return [self.y[idx], self.cont_X[idx], self.cat_X[idx]]

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class FeedForwardNN(nn.Module):

  def __init__(self, emb_dims, no_of_cont, lin_layer_sizes,
               output_size, emb_dropout, lin_layer_dropouts):


    emb_dims: List of two element tuples
      This list will contain a two element tuple for each
      categorical feature. The first element of a tuple will
      denote the number of unique values of the categorical
      feature. The second element will denote the embedding
      dimension to be used for that feature.

    no_of_cont: Integer
      The number of continuous features in the data.

    lin_layer_sizes: List of integers.
      The size of each linear layer. The length will be equal
      to the total number
      of linear layers in the network.

    output_size: Integer
      The size of the final output.

    emb_dropout: Float
      The dropout to be used after the embedding layers.

    lin_layer_dropouts: List of floats
      The dropouts to be used after each linear layer.


    # Embedding layers
    self.emb_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Embedding(x, y)
                                     for x, y in emb_dims])

    no_of_embs = sum([y for x, y in emb_dims])
    self.no_of_embs = no_of_embs
    self.no_of_cont = no_of_cont

    # Linear Layers
    first_lin_layer = nn.Linear(self.no_of_embs + self.no_of_cont,

    self.lin_layers = nn.ModuleList([first_lin_layer] + [nn.Linear(lin_layer_sizes[i], lin_layer_sizes[i + 1]) for i in range(len(lin_layer_sizes) - 1)])
    for lin_layer in self.lin_layers:

    # Output Layer
    self.output_layer = nn.Linear(lin_layer_sizes[-1],

    # Batch Norm Layers
    self.first_bn_layer = nn.BatchNorm1d(self.no_of_cont)
    self.bn_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.BatchNorm1d(size)
                                    for size in lin_layer_sizes])

    # Dropout Layers
    self.emb_dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(emb_dropout)
    self.droput_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Dropout(size)
                                  for size in lin_layer_dropouts])

  def forward(self, cont_data, cat_data):

    if self.no_of_embs != 0:
      x = [emb_layer(cat_data[:, i])
           for i,emb_layer in enumerate(self.emb_layers)]
      x = torch.cat(x, 1)
      x = self.emb_dropout_layer(x)

    if self.no_of_cont != 0:
      normalized_cont_data = self.first_bn_layer(cont_data)

      if self.no_of_embs != 0:
        x = torch.cat([x, normalized_cont_data], 1) 
        x = normalized_cont_data

    for lin_layer, dropout_layer, bn_layer in\
        zip(self.lin_layers, self.droput_layers, self.bn_layers):
      x = F.relu(lin_layer(x))
      x = bn_layer(x)
      x = dropout_layer(x)

    x = self.output_layer(x)

    return x

categorical_features = ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3"]
output_feature = ["output"]
data = data[output_feature + categorical_features + ["cont1", "cont2"]].copy().dropna()

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
label_encoders = 
for cat_col in categorical_features:
    label_encoders[cat_col] = LabelEncoder()
    data[cat_col] = label_encoders[cat_col].fit_transform(data[cat_col])
dataset = TabularDataset(data=data, cat_cols=categorical_features,output_col=output_feature)

batchsize = 256
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batchsize, shuffle=True, num_workers=1)

cat_dims = [int(data[col].nunique()) for col in categorical_features]

emb_dims = [(x, min(50, (x + 1) // 2)) for x in cat_dims]

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = FeedForwardNN(emb_dims, no_of_cont=2, lin_layer_sizes=[50, 100],
                          output_size=1, emb_dropout=0.04,

import tqdm
no_of_epochs = 5
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(no_of_epochs)):
      for y, cont_x, cat_x in dataloader:

        cat_x = cat_x.to(device)
        cont_x = cont_x.to(device)
        y  = y.to(device)

        # Forward Pass
        preds = model(cont_x, cat_x)
        loss = criterion(preds, y)

        # Backward Pass and Optimization



您可以尝试使用控制台命名空间而不是空的命名空间来运行代码(以尝试保留 TabularDataset 定义)。为此,您需要在首选项对话框中检查选项 Run in Console's namespace instead of an empty one:菜单 Tools > Preferences(或 ? 按钮以显示对话框)和 Run > General settings > Run in Console's namespace instead of an empty one


我刚刚尝试过,但没有成功。该错误仍然出现。 我的猜测是,在导入 Dataloader 时,multiprocessing.Pool 也会被导入。也许在 TabularDataset 定义之后移动 Dataloader 的导入可能会有所帮助 也试过了,但仍然出现错误。但是当直接从终端运行脚本时,它可以正常工作。问题似乎与 Spyder 的 IPython 解释器有关。 也许你是对的,我认为在使用 IPython 控制台时运行依赖于 multiprocessing 模块的东西时可能会遇到一些问题,如下所示:github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues/1900。作为一种解决方法,您可以尝试将配置设置为运行文件以使用外部控制台:Run > Configuration per file.. 并检查 Execute in an external system terminalInteract with the Python console after execution

以上是关于在 Spyder 中运行 Pytorch 神经网络时出现属性错误的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在虚拟环境中运行 Spyder?


为啥我的简单 pytorch 网络不能在 GPU 设备上运行?

如何在 Spyder 中使用 argv

Anaconda3(5-1)程序编辑器 自带的spyder
