【中文标题】按关键列将列排序为行(具有随机长度)【英文标题】:Sorting columns into rows (with a random length) by key columns 【发布时间】:2015-06-27 17:11:15 【问题描述】:快乐的骄傲日!
我正在尝试将三列排序为 3 到 11 个单元格之间的随机长度行,其中 A 列和 B 列本质上是键。
一行中的最大单元格数应为 11。 一行中的单元格数量必须是随机长度,介于 3 到 11 之间,从不超过 11(随机化不是必需的)。 第一列 (A) 和第二列 (B) 是键。以下是我一直在尝试修改以尝试此操作的一些代码,以及一些网站和 *** 的人试图实现类似的事情以供参考。
Sub mergeCategoryValues()
Dim lngRow As Long
With ActiveSheet
Dim columnToMatch As Integer: columnToMatch = 2
Dim columnToConcatenate As Integer: columnToConcatenate = 1
lngRow = .Cells(65536, columnToMatch).End(xlUp).Row
.Cells(columnToMatch).CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=.Cells(columnToMatch), Header:=xlYes
If .Cells(lngRow, columnToMatch) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToMatch) Then
.Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToConcatenate) = .Cells(lngRow - 1, columnToConcatenate) & "; " & .Cells(lngRow, columnToConcatenate)
End If
lngRow = lngRow - 1
Loop Until lngRow = 1
End With
End Sub
Move Cells into New Row Once Limit is Reached Excel tab to new line after certain amount of columns Split Excel Column and Copy Data into New Row【问题讨论】:
【参考方案1】:我可能会将此作为一个 2 步过程来处理,而不是尝试重新排列工作表。首先将所有数据收集到适当的结构中,然后清除工作表并将结果写回其中。
对于数据收集,收集字典是一个不错的方法,因为它允许您根据两个列键收集数据。由于您不知道需要存储多少值,因此 Collection 是一个很好的容器(尽管 String 数组也可以使用)。数据收集函数看起来像这样:
Private Function GatherData(sheet As Worksheet) As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim results As New Scripting.Dictionary
With sheet
Dim key As String
Dim currentRow As Long
For currentRow = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
key = .Cells(currentRow, 1) & "|" & .Cells(currentRow, 2)
If Not results.Exists(key) Then results.Add key, New Collection
results(key).Add .Cells(currentRow, 3).Value
Next currentRow
End With
Set GatherData = results
End Function
您需要添加对 Microsoft Scripting Runtime 的引用。另请注意,这不需要对输入进行排序。
Private Sub WriteResults(sheet As Worksheet, data As Scripting.Dictionary)
Dim currentRow As Long
Dim currentCol As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim key As Variant
Dim id() As String
Dim values As Collection
currentRow = 2
For Each key In data.Keys
id = Split(key, "|")
Set values = data(key)
currentCol = 3
With sheet
.Cells(currentRow, 1) = id(0)
.Cells(currentRow, 2) = id(1)
For index = 1 To values.Count
.Cells(currentRow, currentCol) = values(index)
currentCol = currentCol + 1
If currentCol > 11 And index < values.Count Then
currentRow = currentRow + 1
currentCol = 3
.Cells(currentRow, 1) = id(0)
.Cells(currentRow, 2) = id(1)
End If
Next index
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End With
Next key
End Sub
请注意,这不会随机化名称集合或每行中的数字(如果有超过 9 个),但将内部循环提取到另一个 Sub 来执行此操作相当容易。
Sub mergeCategoryValues()
Dim target As Worksheet
Dim data As Scripting.Dictionary
Set target = ActiveSheet
Set data = GatherData(target)
WriteResults target, data
End Sub
上获得ByRef Argument Type Mismatch
@Gile - 对我来说很好。哪条线?
Set data = GatherData(target)
@Giles - 无法在此处复制。模块中还有其他代码吗?
@Giles - target
更改为其他标识符,将所有上述代码放在它自己的模块中,没有其他任何内容,看看是否可以清除它。您也可以安全地声明为Dim target As Object