【中文标题】如何从插件中修补南方处理的模型?【英文标题】:How to monkey patch south handled models from plugin? 【发布时间】:2013-05-18 14:23:09 【问题描述】:我正在制作一个带有插件的 django 网站。每个插件都是一个简单的 django 应用程序,取决于一个主要的(甚至是其他插件)。
那么,我如何从其他 South 应用程序中修补一个 South 应用程序模型?
编辑:我添加了一个关于我现在如何处理 django 迁移的答案。
通过 monkeypatch 更改表结构恕我直言,这是一个非常非常糟糕的主意。您可能希望使用 GenericForeignKeys 或任何其他临时“非破坏性”解决方案。 它更高效,不是那么难看,而且我是所有这些应用程序的开发人员(因此没有无人看管的冲突风险)。即使我从未使用过 GenericForeignKeys 但我不喜欢它们。 我不明白这个问题。适当的猴子修补会让它在南方不显眼。您只需要添加一个递归迁移脚本。 在哪里?什么叫递归迁移脚本? 【参考方案1】:目前我最好的解决方案是在插件中制作自己的迁移文件(这意味着在迁移文件的模型字典中添加表)。
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
db.add_column(u'remoteapp_model', 'fieldname',
(to=orm["my_plugin.MyModel"], default=None, null=True, blank=True),
def backwards(self, orm):
db.delete_column(u'remoteapp_model', 'fieldname')
# for models, you may want to copy from a previous migration file
# and add from the models of the main application the related tables
models =
from remoteapp.models import RemoteModel
from django.db import models
class MyModel(models.Model):
models.ForeignKey(MyModel, null=True, blank=True,
default=None).contribute_to_class(RemoteModel, 'my_model')
只需让需要处理更多字段的插件扩展现有模型,然后使用多种技术中的一种来获取模型的最专业的类实例。为了实现这一点,我将下面的类用作所有将以这种方式使用的类的 mixin。
class Specializable(object):
def all_classes(selfclass):
""" Returns the class this is called on, plus its known subclasses """
subs = selfclass.__subclasses__()
subs.insert(0, selfclass)
return subs
def get_sub_instance(self):
""" Gets concrete instance of object of deepest subtype which has its ancestor link pointing to this object (depth first search behaviour). """
selftype = type(self)
for klass in selftype.__subclasses__():
this_ptr_name = klass._meta.get_ancestor_link(selftype).name
sub = klass.objects.get(**this_ptr_name: self)
subsub = sub.get_sub_instance()
if subsub: return subsub
else: return sub
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
def new_with_translator(selfclazz, name):
def new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
selfclazz.create_subclass_translator(cls, install = name)
return models.Model.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return new
def create_subclass_translator(selfclazz, Baseclass, install=None):
""" Creates a classmethod object for installation on Baseclass,
which acts as a factory for instances of subclasses of Baseclass,
when called on that subclass. The factory takes as input an instance
of a subclass (old_instance), and a dictionary of properties with which
to initialise the new instance. It also installs the base class instance
of old_instance as the base instance for the new instance. All three will
share the same pk.
if install is set, this will also install the function on Baseclass under
that name if it does not have a property of that name. """
def create_from_other_instance(selfclass, old_instance, properties):
""" Creates an instance of this class using properties and old_instance.
In particular, it will try to re-use the superclass instance of old_instance.
properties should contain all of the fields for this class (but need not include the superclass values)
This *must* be called on a subclass of the baseclass - it will give odd results if called on the baseclass itself.
This will NOT delete old_instance and it will NOT SAVE the object created - the caller is responsible for
those things."""
if selfclass is Baseclass: raise TypeError("This method cannot be used on the base class")
ancestor_link = selfclass._meta.get_ancestor_link(Baseclass).name
properties.update(ancestor_link: getattr(old_instance,ancestor_link))
for f in get_model_fields(Baseclass):
val = getattr(old_instance, f)
if val and not properties.get(f):
properties[f] = val
return selfclass(**properties)
new_method = classmethod(create_from_other_instance)
if install and not hasattr(Baseclass, install):
setattr(Baseclass, install, new_method)
return new_method
#KYCable inherits from Model, so must precede Model
class Director(KYCable, models.Model, Specializable, DateFormatter, AdminURL, Supercedable):
def get_individual(self):
return self.get_sub_instance().get_individual()
如果您的插件知道子类关系,那么它可以使用一些技巧,例如在它知道的子类中搜索相同的模型 id,以在出现超类实例时获取相应的子类模型实例。
它创建了一个新表,需要连接,降低性能,不太实用,需要更多代码......你没有说服我“猴子补丁很丑”,你没有给出任何论据。但是你得到了赏金,因为你是唯一一个回答的人。您阅读了问题并回答了您想回答的问题,而不是我问的问题。但是感谢您的回答,它的结构很好。 @christophe31 它更加实用,因为您使用的是应该使用的工具,因此避免引入难以发现的错误,以及避免需要手写你自己的迁移。我没有责任告诉你如何做一些可怕的事情。 Monkeypatching 用于动态对象系统。一旦将其映射到关系数据库,您就拥有了一个由动态对象系统在内存中表示的静态类系统。另外,您是否考虑过如何处理添加相同字段名称的两个插件?继承再次避免了这个问题。 @christophe31 至于你关于性能的观点 - 过早的优化是万恶之源。 @christophe31 另外,你还没有颁发赏金。【参考方案3】:我在迁移到 django 1.7 和 django 迁移时发布了一个新答案,解决方案并不明显,我必须创建自己的迁移类来将外键添加到远程表。
from django.db.migrations import AddField
class AddRemoteField(AddField):
def __init__(self, remote_app, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddRemoteField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.remote_app = remote_app
def state_forwards(self, app_label, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddRemoteField, self).state_forwards(self.remote_app, *args, **kwargs)
def database_forwards(self, app_label, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddRemoteField, self).database_forwards(
self.remote_app, *args, **kwargs)
def database_backwards(self, app_label, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddRemoteField, self).database_backwards(
self.remote_app, *args, **kwargs)
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import models, migrations
from my_app.tools import AddRemoteField
from my_app.models import Client
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('anikit', '0002_manual_user_migration'),
operations = [
field=models.ForeignKey(Client, verbose_name='client',
null=True, blank=True),