


【中文标题】获取嵌套字典值的安全方法【英文标题】:Safe method to get value of nested dictionary 【发布时间】:2014-11-08 03:03:54 【问题描述】:


except KeyError:

或者也许 python 有一个类似get() 的方法用于嵌套字典?


另见: ***.com/questions/14692690/… 在我看来,您问题中的代码已经是从字典中获取嵌套值的最佳方法。您始终可以在 except keyerror: 子句中指定默认值。 【参考方案1】:

你可以使用get 两次:

example_dict.get('key1', ).get('key2')

如果key1key2 不存在,这将返回None

请注意,如果example_dict['key1'] 存在但不是字典(或具有get 方法的类似字典的对象),这仍然会引发AttributeError。如果example_dict['key1'] 不可订阅,您发布的try..except 代码将引发TypeError

另一个区别是try...except 在第一个丢失的密钥之后立即短路。 get 调用链没有。

如果您希望保留语法 example_dict['key1']['key2'] 但不希望它引发 KeyErrors,那么您可以使用 Hasher recipe:

class Hasher(dict):
    # https://***.com/a/3405143/190597
    def __missing__(self, key):
        value = self[key] = type(self)()
        return value

example_dict = Hasher()
# <class '__main__.Hasher'>


由于Hasherdict 的子类,因此您可以像使用dict 一样使用Hasher。所有相同的方法和语法都可用,Hashers 只是以不同的方式处理丢失的键。

您可以像这样将普通的dict 转换为Hasher

hasher = Hasher(example_dict)

并将Hasher 转换为普通的dict 一样简单:

regular_dict = dict(hasher)


def safeget(dct, *keys):
    for key in keys:
            dct = dct[key]
        except KeyError:
            return None
    return dct


safeget(example_dict, 'key1', 'key2')


那么,对于这种情况,python 没有漂亮的解决方案?:( safeget 方法在很多方面都不是很安全,因为它会覆盖原始字典,这意味着您不能安全地执行 safeget(dct, 'a', 'b') or safeget(dct, 'a') 之类的操作。 @KurtBourbaki:dct = dct[key]重新分配一个新值给局部变量dct。这不会改变原始字典(因此原始字典不受safeget 的影响。)另一方面,如果使用了dct[key] = ...,那么原始字典将被修改。换句话说,在 Python 中names are bound to values。为名称分配新值不会影响旧值(除非不再引用旧值,在这种情况下(在 CPython 中)它将被垃圾收集。) safeget 方法也会在嵌套 dict 的键存在但值为 null 的情况下失败。它将在下一次迭代中抛出TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable 从 Python 3.4 开始,您可以使用 with suppress(KeyError):。看到这个答案:***.com/a/45874251/1189659【参考方案2】:

你也可以使用 python reduce:

def deep_get(dictionary, *keys):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key) if d else None, keys, dictionary)


只想提一下,functools 是no longer a builtin in Python3,需要从functools 导入,这使得这种方式略显不优雅。 对此评论稍作修正:reduce 不再是 Py3 的内置功能。但我不明白为什么这会让它变得不那么优雅。它确实使其不太适合单线,但作为单线并不会自动将某物视为“优雅”。 请注意,使用 try/except 通常会更好,因为它不涉及检查密钥有效性的额外计算负担。因此,如果大多数情况下密钥都存在,那么我建议使用 try/except 范式来提高效率。【参考方案3】:


def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)


>>> from functools import reduce
>>> def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
...     return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)
>>> person = 'person':'name':'first':'John'
>>> print (deep_get(person, "person.name.first"))
>>> print (deep_get(person, "person.name.lastname"))
>>> print (deep_get(person, "person.name.lastname", default="No lastname"))
No lastname


非常适合 Jinja2 模板 这是一个很好的解决方案,但也有一个缺点:即使第一个键不可用,或者作为字典参数传递给函数的值不是字典,函数也会从第一个元素到最后一个元素。基本上,它在所有情况下都会这样做。 deep_get('a': 1, "a.b") 给出了None,但我希望有一个像KeyError 这样的异常。 @edityouprofile。那么你只需要做一些小的修改,将返回值从None 更改为Raise KeyError 这是最好的答案!【参考方案4】:

以 Yoav 的回答为基础,一种更安全的方法:

def deep_get(dictionary, *keys):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, None) if isinstance(d, dict) else None, keys, dictionary)



递归解决方案。它不是最有效的,但我发现它比其他示例更具可读性,并且它不依赖于 functools。

def deep_get(d, keys):
    if not keys or d is None:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:])


d = 'meta': 'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200
deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])     # => 200
deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])  # => None


def deep_get(d, keys, default=None):
        d = 'meta': 'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])          # => 200
        deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])       # => None
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'garbage'], default='-') # => '-'
    assert type(keys) is list
    if d is None:
        return default
    if not keys:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:], default)



虽然 reduce 方法简洁而简洁,但我认为简单的循环更容易理解。我还包含了一个默认参数。

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):
    for key in keys:
        if isinstance(_dict, dict):
            _dict = _dict.get(key, default)
            return default
    return _dict

作为了解 reduce 单行如何工作的练习,我做了以下操作。但最终循环方法对我来说似乎更直观。

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):

    def _reducer(d, key):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            return d.get(key, default)
        return default

    return reduce(_reducer, keys, _dict)


nested = 'a': 'b': 'c': 42

print deep_get(nested, ['a', 'b'])
print deep_get(nested, ['a', 'b', 'z', 'z'], default='missing')


我喜欢循环,因为它更灵活。例如,可以使用它在嵌套字段上应用一些 lambda,而不是获取它。【参考方案7】:


它是一个dict 子类,提供键路径支持等等。

安装:pip install python-benedict

from benedict import benedict

example_dict = benedict(example_dict, keypath_separator='.')

现在您可以使用 keypath 访问嵌套值:

val = example_dict['key1.key2']

# using 'get' method to avoid a possible KeyError:
val = example_dict.get('key1.key2')


val = example_dict['key1', 'key2']

# using get to avoid a possible KeyError:
val = example_dict.get(['key1', 'key2'])

它在 GitHub 上经过良好测试和开源:




@perfecto25 谢谢!我会尽快发布新功能,敬请期待? @perfecto25 我添加了对列表索引的支持,例如。 d.get('a.b[0].c[-1]') from_toml 函数好像没有实现。而且可能很难导入 BeneDict。 @DLyons 你错了,在任何情况下都可以在 GitHub 上打开一个问题。 是的,没问题。可惜我错过了 - 可以节省我一些时间。 Benedict 似乎有一些非常有用的功能。【参考方案8】:

glom 是一个不错的库,也可以插入点查询:

In [1]: from glom import glom

In [2]: data = 'a': 'b': 'c': 'd'

In [3]: glom(data, "a.b.c")
Out[3]: 'd'


In [4]: glom(data, "a.b.foo")
PathAccessError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-2a3467493ac4> in <module>
----> 1 glom(data, "a.b.foo")

~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/neural-knapsack-dE7ihQtM-py3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/glom/core.py in glom(target, spec, **kwargs)
   2180     if err:
-> 2181         raise err
   2182     return ret

PathAccessError: error raised while processing, details below.
 Target-spec trace (most recent last):
 - Target: 'a': 'b': 'c': 'd'
 - Spec: 'a.b.foo'
glom.core.PathAccessError: could not access 'foo', part 2 of Path('a', 'b', 'foo'), got error: KeyError('foo')


In [5]: glom(data, "a.b.foo", default="spam")
Out[5]: 'spam'

glom 的美妙之处在于通用的规格参数。例如,可以轻松地从以下data 中提取所有名字:

In [8]: data = 
   ...:     "people": [
   ...:         "first_name": "Alice", "last_name": "Adams",
   ...:         "first_name": "Bob", "last_name": "Barker"
   ...:     ]

In [9]: glom(data, ("people", ["first_name"]))
Out[9]: ['Alice', 'Bob']

阅读glom docs 了解更多示例。



在第一阶段,您可以 .get 一个空字典。





class FindKey(dict):
    def get(self, path, default=None):
        keys = path.split(".")
        val = None

        for key in keys:
            if val:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    val = [v.get(key, default) if v else None for v in val]
                    val = val.get(key, default)
                val = dict.get(self, key, default)

            if not val:

        return val


person = 'person':'name':'first':'John'
FindDict(person).get('person.name.first') # == 'John'

如果key不存在,默认返回None。您可以使用 FindDict 包装器中的 default= 键覆盖它——例如`:

FindDict(person, default='').get('person.name.last') # == doesn't exist, so ''



我用这个非常简单的方式改编了 GenesRus 和 unutbu 的答案:

class new_dict(dict):
    def deep_get(self, *args, default=None):
        _empty_dict = 
        out = self
        for key in args:
            out = out.get(key, _empty_dict)
        return out if out else default

它适用于: d = new_dict(some_data) d.deep_get("key1", "key2", "key3", ..., default=some_value)




key2_value = (example_dict.get('key1') or ).get('key2')



你可以使用 pydash:

import pydash as _  #NOTE require `pip install pydash`

_.get(example_dict, 'key1.key2', default='Default')




在看到this 深入获取属性后,我做了以下操作以使用点符号安全地获取嵌套的dict 值。这对我有用,因为我的 dicts 是反序列化的 MongoDB 对象,所以我知道键名不包含 .s。此外,在我的上下文中,我可以指定一个我的数据中没有的虚假回退值 (None),因此我可以在调用函数时避免 try/except 模式。

from functools import reduce # Python 3
def deepgetitem(obj, item, fallback=None):
    """Steps through an item chain to get the ultimate value.

    If ultimate value or path to value does not exist, does not raise
    an exception and instead returns `fallback`.

    >>> d = 'snl_final': 'about': '_icsd': 'icsd_id': 1
    >>> deepgetitem(d, 'snl_final.about._icsd.icsd_id')
    >>> deepgetitem(d, 'snl_final.about._sandbox.sbx_id')
    def getitem(obj, name):
            return obj[name]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            return fallback
    return reduce(getitem, item.split('.'), obj)


fallback 实际上并没有在函数中使用。 请注意,这不适用于包含 . 的键 当我们调用 obj[name] 为什么不调用 obj.get(name, fallback) 并避免 try-catch(如果你确实想要 try-catch,则返回 fallback,而不是 None)跨度> 谢谢@153957。我修好了它。是的@JW,这适用于我的用例。您可以添加 sep=',' 关键字 arg 以概括给定(sep,后备)条件。而@denvar,如果obj 在一系列reduce 之后是int 类型,那么obj[name] 会引发一个TypeError,我会抓住它。如果我改用 obj.get(name) 或 obj.get(name, fallback),它会引发 AttributeError,所以无论哪种方式我都需要捕获。【参考方案15】:

从 Python 3.4 开始,您可以使用 with suppress (KeyError) 访问嵌套的 json 对象而不必担心 Keyerror

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(KeyError):
    a1 = json_obj['key1']['key2']['key3']
    a2 = json_obj['key4']['key5']['key6']
    a3 = json_obj['key7']['key8']['key9']

由 Techdragon 提供。看看他的回答了解更多详情:https://***.com/a/45874251/1189659




json : json to extract value from if exists
path : details.detail.first_name
            empty path represents root

returns a tuple (boolean, object)
        boolean : True if path exists, otherwise False
        object : the object if path exists otherwise None

def get_json_value_at_path(json, path=None, default=None):

    if not bool(path):
        return True, json
    if type(json) is not dict :
        raise ValueError(f'json=json, path=path not supported, json must be a dict')
    if type(path) is not str and type(path) is not list:
        raise ValueError(f'path format path not supported, path can be a list of strings like [x,y,z] or a string like x.y.z')

    if type(path) is str:
        path = path.strip('.').split('.')
    key = path[0]
    if key in json.keys():
        return get_json_value_at_path(json[key], path[1:], default)
        return False, default


my_json = 'details' : 'first_name' : 'holla', 'last_name' : 'holla'
print(get_json_value_at_path(my_json, 'details.first_name', ''))
print(get_json_value_at_path(my_json, 'details.phone', ''))





已经有很多好的答案,但我想出了a function called get,类似于 javascript 领域的 lodash get,它也支持按索引进入列表:

def get(value, keys, default_value = None):
    Useful for reaching into nested JSON like data
    Inspired by JavaScript lodash get and Clojure get-in etc.
  if value is None or keys is None:
      return None
  path = keys.split('.') if isinstance(keys, str) else keys
  result = value
  def valid_index(key):
      return re.match('^([1-9][0-9]*|[0-9])$', key) and int(key) >= 0
  def is_dict_like(v):
      return hasattr(v, '__getitem__') and hasattr(v, '__contains__')
  for key in path:
      if isinstance(result, list) and valid_index(key) and int(key) < len(result):
          result = result[int(key)] if int(key) < len(result) else None
      elif is_dict_like(result) and key in result:
          result = result[key]
          result = default_value
  return result

def test_get():
  assert get(None, ['foo']) == None
  assert get('foo': 1, None) == None
  assert get(None, None) == None
  assert get('foo': 1, []) == 'foo': 1
  assert get('foo': 1, ['foo']) == 1
  assert get('foo': 1, ['bar']) == None
  assert get('foo': 1, ['bar'], 'the default') == 'the default'
  assert get('foo': 'bar': 'hello', ['foo', 'bar']) == 'hello'
  assert get('foo': 'bar': 'hello', 'foo.bar') == 'hello'
  assert get('foo': ['bar': 'hello'], 'foo.0.bar') == 'hello'
  assert get('foo': ['bar': 'hello'], 'foo.1') == None
  assert get('foo': ['bar': 'hello'], 'foo.1.bar') == None
  assert get(['foo', 'bar'], '1') == 'bar'
  assert get(['foo', 'bar'], '2') == None





from dict-path import DictPath

data_dict = 
  "foo1": "bar1",
  "foo2": "bar2",
     "foo4": "bar4",
        "foo6": "bar6",
        "foo7": "bar7",

data_dict_path = DictPath(data_dict)



我发现在我自己的代码中有用的 unutbu 答案的改编:

example_dict.setdefaut('key1', ).get('key2')

如果它还没有 key1,它会为 key1 生成一个字典条目,这样你就可以避免 KeyError。如果您想像我一样最终得到一个包含该密钥对的嵌套字典,这似乎是最简单的解决方案。




def get_dict(d, kl):
  cur = d[kl[0]]
  return get_dict(cur, kl[1:]) if len(kl) > 1 else cur



reduce 方法的小改进使其与列表一起使用。也使用数据路径作为字符串除以点而不是数组。

def deep_get(dictionary, path):
    keys = path.split('.')
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d[int(key)] if isinstance(d, list) else d.get(key) if d else None, keys, dictionary)



我使用的解决方案类似于双重获取,但具有使用 if else 逻辑避免 TypeError 的额外能力:

    value = example_dict['key1']['key2'] if example_dict.get('key1') and example_dict['key1'].get('key2') else default_value




对于嵌套字典/JSON 查找,您可以使用 dictor

pip 安装字典


            "id": 55923,
            "role": "renegade",
            "items": [
                "space winnebago",
                "leather jacket"
            "id": 55924,
            "role": "mawg",
            "items": [
                "peanut butter jar",
                "waggy tail"
        "Dark Helmet": 
            "id": 99999,
            "role": "Good is dumb",
            "items": [
            "id": 12345,
            "role": "Spaceballs CEO",
            "items": [


import json
from dictor import dictor

with open('test.json') as data: 
    data = json.load(data)

print dictor(data, 'characters.Lonestar.items')

>> [u'space winnebago', u'leather jacket']


你可以做更多的选择,比如忽略字母大小写和使用除 '.' 之外的其他字符。作为路径分隔符,




this 答案我几乎没有改变。我添加了检查我们是否使用带有数字的列表。 所以现在我们可以以任何方式使用它。 deep_get(allTemp, [0], )deep_get(getMinimalTemp, [0, minimalTemperatureKey], 26)

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):
    def _reducer(d, key):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            return d.get(key, default)
        if isinstance(d, list):
            return d[key] if len(d) > 0 else default
        return default
    return reduce(_reducer, keys, _dict)


失败了:test_dict = "a":"b":["c":"value"] self.assertEqual(safeget(test_dict, ["a", "b", 1, "c"], 无)【参考方案25】:

递归方法(мб пригодится)


foo = ['feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Contract Details > Elements of the page',
  'scenarios': ['scenario_name': 'SC, CD, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'failed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': ['duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested',
                           'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested',
                           'duration': 7.78166389465332,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.985326051712036,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 2.9063704013824463,
                            'name': 'Enter value: '
                                    'X-2008-CON-007,X-2011-CON-016 in '
                                    'textarea: project_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 4.4447715282440186,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.1209557056427002,
                            'name': 'Verify the top table on Contract Details',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.8173601627349854,
                            'name': 'I export contract_details table by offset '
                                    'x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.032956600189209,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.04593634605407715,
                            'name': "Verify 'Number of Substances' column "
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.10199904441833496,
                            'name': 'Substance Sample Details bottom table '
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.0009999275207519531,
                            'name': 'Verify the Substance Sample Details '
                                    'bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.8558616638183594,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.0329277515411377,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.2879970073699951,
                            'name': 'Click on AG-13369',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.800830364227295,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.0169551372528076,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_3 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.7484464645385742,
                            'name': 'Select all cells, table: 2',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.812828779220581,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.0029594898223877,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.6729373931884766,
                            'name': 'Set window size x:800, y:600',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 30.145705699920654,
                            'name': 'All scrollers are placed on top 6 and far '
                                    'left 8',
                            'status': 'failed']],
  'feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Substance Sample History > Elements of the '
  'scenarios': ['scenario_name': 'SC, SSH, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'passed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': ['duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested',
                           'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested',
                           'duration': 7.305850505828857,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.500955104827881,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.0419492721557617,
                            'name': 'Enter value: NOA401800 SYN-NOA '
                                    'A,S4A482070C SYN-ISN-OLD '
                                    'O,S04A482167T,S04A482190Y,CSAA796564,CSCD106701 '
                                    'in textarea: id_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 49.567158460617065,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.13904356956481934,
                            'name': 'Open substance_sample_history',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.1039845943450928,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 3.881945848464966,
                            'name': 'I export export_parent_table table by '
                                    'offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.0334820747375488,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.0319981575012207,
                            'name': "Title is 'Additional Details for Marked "
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 0.08897256851196289,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed (the same as in top '
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 25.192569971084595,
                            'name': 'Verify the content of the bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 4.308935880661011,
                            'name': 'I export '
                                    'additional_details_for_marked_rows table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed',
                           'duration': 1.0089836120605469,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed']]]


def get_keys(_dict: dict, prefix: list):
    prefix += list(_dict.keys())
    return prefix

def _loop_elements(elems:list, prefix=None, limit=None):
    prefix = prefix or []
    limit = limit or 9
        if len(elems) != 0 and isinstance(elems, list):
            for _ in elems:
                if isinstance(_, dict):
                    get_keys(_, prefix)
                    for item in _.values():
                        _loop_elements(item, prefix, limit)
        return prefix[:limit]
    except TypeError:

>>>goo = _loop_elements(foo,limit=9)
['feature_name', 'scenarios', 'scenario_name', 'scenario_status', 'scenario_tags', 'steps', 'duration', 'name', 'status']


def safeget(_dct, *_keys):
    if not isinstance(_dct, dict): raise TypeError("Is not instance of dict")
    def foo(dct, *keys):
        if len(keys) == 0: return dct
        elif not isinstance(_dct, dict): return None
        else: return foo(dct.get(keys[0], None), *keys[1:])
    return foo(_dct, *_keys)

assert safeget(dict()) == dict()
assert safeget(dict(), "test") == None
assert safeget(dict([["a", 1],["b", 2]]),"a", "d") == None
assert safeget(dict([["a", 1],["b", 2]]),"a") == 1
assert safeget("a":"b":"c": 2,"d":1, "a", "b")["c"] == 2



我已经写了一个包 deepextract 完全符合你的要求:https://github.com/ya332/deepextract 你可以这样做

from deepextract import deepextract
# Demo: deepextract.extract_key(obj, key)
deeply_nested_dict = 
                                "my_target_key": "my_target_value"

print(deepextract.extract_key(deeply_nested_dict, "my_target_key") == "my_target_value")





我的实现下降到子字典,忽略 None 值,但如果发现任何其他内容,则会失败并返回 TypeError

def deep_get(d: dict, *keys, default=None):
    """ Safely get a nested value from a dict

        config = 'device': None
        deep_get(config, 'device', 'settings', 'light')
        # -> None
        config = 'device': True
        deep_get(config, 'device', 'settings', 'light')
        # -> TypeError

        config = 'device': 'settings': 'light': 'bright'
        deep_get(config, 'device', 'settings', 'light')
        # -> 'light'

    Note that it returns `default` is a key is missing or when it's None.
    It will raise a TypeError if a value is anything else but a dict or None.
        d: The dict to descend into
        keys: A sequence of keys to follow
        default: Custom default value
    # Descend while we can
        for k in keys:
            d = d[k]
    # If at any step a key is missing, return default
    except KeyError:
        return default
    # If at any step the value is not a dict...
    except TypeError:
        # ... if it's a None, return default. Assume it would be a dict.
        if d is None:
            return default
        # ... if it's something else, raise
    # If the value was found, return it
        return d







Python ❀ 字典

Python ❀ 字典