.verify 命令未赋予角色(discord.py 1.7.3)



【中文标题】.verify 命令未赋予角色(discord.py 1.7.3)【英文标题】:.verify command not giving role (discord.py 1.7.3) 【发布时间】:2022-01-10 14:59:14 【问题描述】:

我正在创建一个不和谐的机器人,我想用这个机器人创建一个验证命令。我开始研究它,一切正常到给出反应的地步(发送带有“是”和“否”反应的消息),当我运行代码时,它不会抛出任何错误。如果你帮助我,我还想解释一下为什么我的代码不起作用,如果可以的话,为什么你的代码会起作用,这样我就可以学习了。 谢谢! -JJ


async def verify(ctx):
  verifier = ctx.author
  jj = await client.fetch_user(270397954773352469)
  validReactions = ['✅', '????']
  role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Verified")
  await ctx.send(f'verifier... Awaiting Verification, you will recieve a dm when you are verified')
  dm = await jj.send(f'verifier.mention is trying to be verified, do you know him/her?')
  await dm.add_reaction("✅")
  await dm.add_reaction("????")

  def check(reaction, user):
    return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in validReactions
  reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=float('inf') , check=check) #float('inf') for no timeout on when I can add the reaction for yes or no

  if str(reaction.emoji) == "✅":
    await verifier.send("You have been verified")
    await client.add_roles(verifier, role)
  elif str(reaction.emoji) == "????":
    await verifier.send("You have not been verified, please try again if you think this was a mistake, or contact the owner")



您在check 函数中向名为jjuser == ctx.author 的人发送消息始终为True。 (因为ctx.author 看不到该消息)。所以,尝试替换

def check(reaction, user):
    return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in validReactions

def check(reaction, user):
    return user == jj and str(reaction.emoji) in validReactions


以上是关于.verify 命令未赋予角色(discord.py 1.7.3)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

为用户添加角色 discord.js


discord.js - 机器人不会添加角色:TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“添加”

oracle 中如何创建一个角色并把角色赋予指定账户

oracle 中如何创建一个角色并把角色赋予指定账户
