Chrome 扩展清单版本:2 xml



【中文标题】Chrome 扩展清单版本:2 xml【英文标题】:Chrome extension manifest version:2 xml 【发布时间】:2012-08-02 05:39:02 【问题描述】:

我正在使用 javascript rss 搜索脚本作为可搜索的工作电话/地址列表。我将它作为带有清单版本:1 的工具栏上的 Chrome 弹出扩展程序,但我无法让它与版本:2 一起使用。在版本:1 中,xml 数据库文件不需要在清单中命名,但似乎在版本:2 中确实如此,但对于我的生活,我无法弄清楚它应该去哪里。我不希望它被上传到服务器或任何东西,因为我们只需要它在本地工作,它在 version:1 上做得很好。

我尝试搜索要复制的清单文件,但大多数答案都引用了较旧的清单版本,例如Chrome Extension Manifest 'Matches'


这是我的清单代码: 修改后的代码如下:

  "name": "Telephone Search",
  "version": "2.0",
  "description": "Tel Test.",

    "default_icon": "icon.png",
    "default_title": "Addresses",
    "default_popup": "index.html"
  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": [
      "js": [
  "permissions": [
  "manifest_version": 2

xml 文件tipue_data.xml 位于我一直试图让它工作的几个地方!!

@罗伯·W 如果您的意思是 .js 脚本,我在下面添加了它们: (很抱歉,如果它们应该放在“cmets”而不是“answers”中,但有字符限制)

tipue.js combineTipue.js

    function setFocus()

// Tipue JS 4.2
// Tipue JS Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Tri-State Consultants
// Tipue JS is open source and released under the GNU General Public License
// Start tipue_set code
// Tipue JS 4.2
// Tipue JS Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Tri-State Consultants
// Tipue JS is open source and released under the GNU General Public License
// Tipue JS Set
// General
data = 'tipue_data.xml';
data_source = 1;
results_location = 'results.html';

// Results 

per_page = 10;
context = 1;
context_seed = 100;
descriptive_length = 25;
rank_seed = 3;
include_num = 0;
include_url = 1;
header_links = 1;
bold_query = 1;
bold_title = 1;
bold_footer = 1;

// Search

common_words = 'a about an are as at be by do for from how I in is it of on that the this to was what when where who will with';
stemming = 'javascript^js checkboxes^checkbox';
spell = 'tipu^Tipue endshet^Endsheet';

// Text

tl_1 = 'Your search - ';
tl_2 = ' - did not match any documents.<p>Suggestions:<p>Make sure all keywords are spelled correctly.<br>Try different or more general keywords.';
tl_3 = 'Previous';
tl_4 = 'Next';
tl_5 = 'to';
tl_6 = 'of';
tl_7 = 'for';
tl_8 = 'Did you mean:';
tl_9 = 'The following common words have been excluded from your search:';
tl_10 = 'Blank search.';
tl_11 = '<p>Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Tipue</a>';
tl_12 = 'Results';

// XML

xml_pages = 'page';
xml_title = 'title';
xml_url = 'url';
xml_content = 'content';

// End tipue_set code
tid =;
rd = tid.indexOf('?d=');
rn = tid.indexOf('&n=');
if (rn == -1) 
    dit = tid.substring(rd + 3);
    tn = 0;
    dit = tid.substring(rd + 3, rn);
    tn = parseInt(tid.substring(rn + 3));

dit = dit.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
dit = decodeURIComponent(dit);

dit = dit.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
od = dit;
hd = dit;

dit = dit.replace(/ and /gi, ' ');
dit = dit.replace(/- /gi, '-');
dit = dit.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

nr = per_page;
r_l = results_location;
b_q = bold_query;
b_t = bold_title;
b_f = bold_footer;
ct = context;
c_s = context_seed;
seed = rank_seed;
ct_l = descriptive_length;
c_w = common_words;

tr = new Array();
co = 0;
nd = 0;
nc = 0;
sp_l = '';
cw_l = '';

if (data_source < 2) 
    s = new Array();
    if (window.ActiveXObject) 
        xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        xmldoc.async = false;
        xmldoc.onreadystatechange = function () 
            if (xmldoc.readyState == 4) get_xml();
     else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) 
        client = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", data, false);
        xmldoc = client.responseXML;

function get_xml() 
    if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) xmldoc.normalize();
    if (data_source == 0) 
        pages = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("item");
        for (c = 0; c < pages.length; c++) 
            rs = pages[c];
            es_0 = rs.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
            es_0 = es_0.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            es_1 = rs.getElementsByTagName("link")[0];
            es_1 = es_1.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            es_2 = rs.getElementsByTagName("description")[0];
            es_2 = es_2.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            s[c] = es_0 + '^' + es_1 + '^' + es_2 + '^0^0';
    if (data_source == 1) 
        pages = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(xml_pages);
        for (c = 0; c < pages.length; c++) 
            rs = pages[c];
            es_0 = rs.getElementsByTagName(xml_title)[0];
            es_0 = es_0.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            es_1 = rs.getElementsByTagName(xml_url)[0];
            es_1 = es_1.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            es_2 = rs.getElementsByTagName(xml_content)[0];
            es_2 = es_2.replace(/\^|\~/g, '');
            if (rs.getElementsByTagName("open").length > 0) es_3 = rs.getElementsByTagName("open")[0];
            else es_3 = '0';
            if (rs.getElementsByTagName("rank").length > 0) es_4 = rs.getElementsByTagName("rank")[0];
            else es_4 = '0';
            s[c] = es_0 + '^' + es_1 + '^' + es_2 + '^' + es_3 + '^' + es_4;

dit = dit.replace(/\^/g, '');
dit = dit.replace(/^\s+/, '');
dit = dit.replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (seed < 1) seed = 1;
if (seed > 9) seed = 10;

v_d = false;
if (dit == '' || dit == ' ') v_d = true;

t_m = 0;
if (dit.charAt(0) == '"' && dit.charAt(dit.length - 1) == '"') t_m = 1;

if (t_m == 0 && !v_d) 
    if (c_w.length > 0) 
        cw = c_w.split(' ');
        for (i = 0; i < cw.length; i++) 
            pat = new RegExp("\\b" + cw[i] + "\\b", 'gi');
            rn =;
            if (rn != -1) 
                pat_1 = new RegExp("\\+" + cw[i] + "\\b", 'gi');
                pat_2 = new RegExp("\\-" + cw[i] + "\\b", 'gi');
                rn_1 =;
                rn_2 =;
                if (rn_1 == -1 && rn_2 == -1) 
                    cw_l += '<b>' + cw[i] + '</b>, ';
                    dit = dit.replace(pat, '');
        if (cw_l.length > 0) 
            cw_l = cw_l.replace(/\s+$/, '');
            if (cw_l.charAt(cw_l.length - 1) == ',') cw_l = cw_l.substr(0, cw_l.length - 1);
            dit = dit.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
            dit = dit.replace(/^\s+/, '');
            dit = dit.replace(/\s+$/, '');
            if (dit == '' || dit == ' ') v_d = true;
            hd = dit;

    if (spell.length > 0) 
        cw = spell.split(' ');
        for (i = 0; i < cw.length; i++) 
            wt = cw[i].split('^');
            pat = new RegExp("\\b" + wt[0] + "\\b", 'i');
            rn =;
            if (rn != -1) 
                if (sp_l.length < 1) sp_l = dit;
                pat = new RegExp(wt[0], 'i');
                sp_l = sp_l.replace(pat, wt[1]);

    if (stemming.length > 0) 
        cw = stemming.split(' ');
        for (i = 0; i < cw.length; i++) 
            wt = cw[i].split('^');
            pat = new RegExp("\\b" + wt[0] + "\\b", 'i');
            rn =;
            if (rn != -1) 
                dit = dit.replace(pat, wt[0] + '~' + wt[1]);

    dit = dit.replace(/ or /gi, '~');
    dit = dit.replace(/\"/gi, '');
    ct_d = 0;
    w_in = new Array();
    wt = dit.split(' ');
    for (i = 0; i < wt.length; i++) 
        w_in[i] = 0;
        if (wt[i].charAt(0) == '-') w_in[i] = 1;
        pat = new RegExp("\\~", 'i');
        rn = wt[i].search(pat);
        if (rn != -1) w_in[i] = 2;
        wt[i] = wt[i].replace(/^\-|^\+/gi, '');

    a = 0;
    for (c = 0; c < s.length; c++) 
        es = s[c].split('^');
        rk = 1000;
        if (es[3] == null) es[3] = '0';
        if (es[4] == null) es[4] = '0';
        if (parseInt(es[4]) > 10) es[4] = '10';
        pa = 0;
        nh = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < w_in.length; i++) 
            if (w_in[i] == 0) 
                nt = 0;
                pat = new RegExp("\\b" + wt[i] + "\\b", 'i');
                rn = es[0].search(pat);
                if (rn != -1) 
                    rk -= seed * 3;
                    rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
                    nt = 1;
                    if (ct == 1) ct_d = 1;
                rn = es[2].search(pat);
                if (rn != -1) 
                    rk -= seed;
                    rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
                    nt = 1;
                if (nt == 1) pa++;
            if (w_in[i] == 1) 
                pat = new RegExp("\\b" + wt[i] + "\\b", 'i');
                rn = es[0].search(pat);
                if (rn != -1) pa = 0;
                rn = es[2].search(pat);
                if (rn != -1) pa = 0;
            if (w_in[i] == 2) 
                nt = 0;
                w_o = wt[i].split('~');
                pat = new RegExp("\\b" + w_o[0] + "\\b", 'i');
                pat_2 = new RegExp("\\b" + w_o[1] + "\\b", 'i');
                rn = es[0].search(pat);
                rn_2 = es[0].search(pat_2);
                if (rn != -1 || rn_2 != -1) 
                    rk -= seed / 2;
                    rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
                    nt = 1;
                    if (ct == 1) ct_d = 1;
                rn = es[2].search(pat);
                rn_2 = es[2].search(pat_2);
                if (rn != -1 || rn_2 != -1) 
                    rk -= seed / 2;
                    rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
                    nt = 1;
                if (nt == 1) pa++;

        if (pa == nh && nh != 0) 
            es_c = '';
            ci_e = es[2].split(' ');
            if (ci_e.length < ct_l) 
                es_c = es[2];
                for (i = 0; i < ct_l; i++) 
                    es_c += ci_e[i] + ' ';
            es_c = es_c.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
            if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
            es_c += ' ...';

            if (ct == 1 && ct_d == 0) 
                ct_f = true;
                pat = new RegExp("\\b" + wt[0] + "\\b", 'i');
                rn = es[2].search(pat);
                if (rn > c_s) 
                    t_1 = es[2].substr(rn - (c_s - 1));
                    rn = t_1.indexOf('. ');
                    if (rn != -1 && rn < (c_s / 2)) 
                        t_1 = t_1.substr(rn + 1);
                        t_2 = t_1.split(' ');
                        if (t_2.length > ct_l) 
                            es_c = '';
                            for (i = 1; i < ct_l + 1; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                            if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
                            es_c += ' ...';
                            ct_f = false;
                if (ct_f) 
                    rn = es[2].search(pat);
                    t_1 = es[2].substr(rn - (c_s / 5));
                    rn = t_1.indexOf(' ');
                    if (rn != -1) 
                        t_1 = t_1.substr(rn + 1);
                        t_2 = t_1.split(' ');
                        es_c = '';
                        if (t_2.length > ct_l) 
                            for (i = 1; i < ct_l + 1; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                            for (i = 1; i < t_2.length; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                        if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
                        es_c += ' ...';

            tr[a] = rk + '^' + es[0] + '^' + es[1] + '^' + es_c + '^' + es[2] + '^' + es[3] + '^' + es[4];
    co = a;

if (t_m == 1 && !v_d) 
    dit = dit.replace(/"/gi, '');
    a = 0;
    ct_d = 0;
    pat = new RegExp(dit, 'i');
    for (c = 0; c < s.length; c++) 
        es = s[c].split('^');
        rk = 1000;
        if (es[3] == null) es[3] = '0';
        if (es[4] == null) es[4] = '0';
        if (parseInt(es[4]) > 10) es[4] = '10';
        rn = es[0].search(pat);
        if (rn != -1) 
            rk -= seed * 3;
            rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
            ct_d = 1;
        rn = es[2].search(pat);
        if (rn != -1) 
            rk -= seed;
            rk -= parseInt(es[4]);
        if (rk < 1000) 
            es_c = '';
            ci_e = es[2].split(' ');
            if (ci_e.length < ct_l) 
                es_c = es[2];
                for (i = 0; i < ct_l; i++) 
                    es_c += ci_e[i] + ' ';
            es_c = es_c.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
            if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
            es_c += ' ...';

            if (ct == 1 && ct_d == 0) 
                ct_f = true;
                rn = es[2].search(pat);
                if (rn > c_s) 
                    t_1 = es[2].substr(rn - (c_s - 1));
                    rn = t_1.indexOf('. ');
                    if (rn != -1 && rn < (c_s / 2)) 
                        t_1 = t_1.substr(rn + 1);
                        t_2 = t_1.split(' ');
                        if (t_2.length > ct_l) 
                            es_c = '';
                            for (i = 1; i < ct_l + 1; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                            if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
                            es_c += ' ...';
                            ct_f = false;
                if (ct_f) 
                    rn = es[2].search(pat);
                    t_1 = es[2].substr(rn - (c_s / 5));
                    rn = t_1.indexOf(' ');
                    if (rn != -1) 
                        t_1 = t_1.substr(rn + 1);
                        t_2 = t_1.split(' ');
                        es_c = '';
                        if (t_2.length > ct_l) 
                            for (i = 1; i < ct_l + 1; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                            for (i = 1; i < t_2.length; i++) 
                                es_c += ' ' + t_2[i];
                        if (es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == '.' || es_c.charAt(es_c.length - 1) == ',') es_c = es_c.substr(0, es_c.length - 1);
                        es_c += ' ...';

            tr[a] = rk + '^' + es[0] + '^' + es[1] + '^' + es_c + '^' + es[2] + '^' + es[3] + '^' + es[4];
    co = a;

if (v_d) co = 0;

function tip_query() 
    if (od != 'undefined' && od != null) document.forms.tipue.d.value = od;

function tip_header()  // this writes the line with the search word
    if (co > 0) 
        ne = nr + tn;
        if (ne > co) ne = co;
        document.write(tl_12, ' ', tn + 1, ' ', tl_5, ' ', ne, ' ', tl_6, ' ', co, ' ', tl_7, ' ');
        if (header_links == 1) 
            if (t_m == 0) 
                hd = hd.replace(/\"/gi, '');
                wt_h = hd.split(' ');
                for (i = 0; i < wt_h.length; i++) 
                    if (wt_h[i].toLowerCase() != 'or' && wt_h[i].toLowerCase() != 'and' && wt_h[i].toLowerCase() != 'not' && wt_h[i] != '+' && wt_h[i] != '-') 
                        if (wt_h[i].charAt(0) == '+' || wt_h[i].charAt(0) == '-' || wt_h[i].charAt(0) == '~') 
                            wt_h[i] = wt_h[i].slice(1, wt_h[i].length);
                        document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', wt_h[i], '">', wt_h[i], '</a><p> ');
                     else document.write(wt_h[i] + ' ');
             else document.write(hd);
         else document.write(hd);

function tip_out() 
    if (cw_l.length > 0) 
        document.write(tl_9, ' ', cw_l, '<p>');

    if (sp_l.length > 0) 
        sp_e = encodeURIComponent(sp_l);
        document.write(tl_8, ' <a href="', r_l, '?d=', sp_e, '">', sp_l, '</a><p>');
    if (co == 0) 
        if (v_d) 
            if (b_q == 1) document.write('<b>', od, '</b>');
            else document.write(od);
    if (tn + nr > co) nd = co;
    else nd = tn + nr;
    for (a = tn; a < nd; a++) 
        os = tr[a].split('^');
        if (b_q == 1 && t_m == 0) 
            for (i = 0; i < wt.length; i++) 
                pat = new RegExp("\\~", 'i');
                rn = wt[i].search(pat);
                if (rn != -1) 
                    tw = wt[i].split('~');
                    for (c = 0; c < tw.length; c++) 
                        lw = tw[c].length;
                        pat = new RegExp(tw[c], 'i');
                        rn = os[3].search(pat);
                        if (rn != -1) 
                            o1 = os[3].slice(0, rn);
                            o2 = os[3].slice(rn, rn + lw);
                            o3 = os[3].slice(rn + lw);
                            os[3] = o1 + '<b>' + o2 + '</b>' + o3;
                    lw = wt[i].length;
                    pat = new RegExp(wt[i], 'i');
                    rn = os[3].search(pat);
                    if (rn != -1) 
                        o1 = os[3].slice(0, rn);
                        o2 = os[3].slice(rn, rn + lw);
                        o3 = os[3].slice(rn + lw);
                        os[3] = o1 + '<b>' + o2 + '</b>' + o3;

        if (b_q == 1 && t_m == 1) 
            lw = dit.length;
            tw = new RegExp(dit, 'i');
            rn = os[3].search(tw);
            if (rn != -1) 
                o1 = os[3].slice(0, rn);
                o2 = os[3].slice(rn, rn + lw);
                o3 = os[3].slice(rn + lw);
                os[3] = o1 + '<b>' + o2 + '</b>' + o3;

        if (include_num == 1) document.write(a + 1, '. ');
        if (os[5] == '0') t_b = '';
        if (os[5] == '1') t_b = 'target="_blank"';
        if (os[5] != '0' && os[5] != '1') t_b = 'target="' + os[5] + '"';
        if (b_t == 0) document.write('<a href="', os[2], '" ', t_b, '>', os[1], '</a>');
        if (b_t == 1) 
            lw = dit.length;
            tw = new RegExp(dit, 'i');
            rn = os[1].search(tw);
            if (rn != -1) 
                o1 = os[1].slice(0, rn);
                o2 = os[1].slice(rn, rn + lw);
                o3 = os[1].slice(rn + lw);
                os[1] = o1 + '<b>' + o2 + '</b>' + o3;
            document.write('<a href="', os[2], '" ', t_b, '>', os[1], '</a>');
        if (b_t == 2) document.write('<a href="', os[2], '" ', t_b, '><b>', os[1], '</b></a>');

        if (os[3].length > 1) document.write('<br>', os[3]);
        if (include_url == 1) document.write('<br><a href="', os[2], '" ', t_b, 'target="_blank">', os[2], '</a>');

function tip_footer() 
    if (co > nr) 
        od = encodeURIComponent(od);
        var np = Math.ceil(co / nr);
        nc = co - (tn + nr);
        if (tn > 0) var na = Math.ceil(tn / nr) + 1;
        else var na = 1;
        if (tn > 1) document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', od, '&n=', tn - nr, '">', tl_3, '</a> &nbsp;');
        if (np < 10) 
            for (var i = 0; i < np; i++) 
                var nb = nr * i;
                if (nb == tn) 
                    if (b_f == 1) document.write('<b>', i + 1, '</b> &nbsp;');
                    else document.write(i + 1, ' &nbsp;');
                 else document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', od, '&n=', nb, '">', i + 1, '</a> &nbsp;');
        if (np > 9) 
            if (na < 8) 
                for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
                    var nb = nr * i;
                    if (nb == tn) 
                        if (b_f == 1) document.write('<b>', i + 1, '</b> &nbsp;');
                        else document.write(i + 1, ' &nbsp;');
                     else document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', od, '&n=', nb, '">', i + 1, '</a> &nbsp;');
                var ng = na - 5;
                if (np > ng + 9) var nf = ng + 9;
                else nf = np;
                for (var i = ng; i < nf; i++) 
                    var nb = nr * i;
                    if (nb == tn) 
                        if (b_f == 1) document.write('<b>', i + 1, '</b> &nbsp;');
                        else document.write(i + 1, ' &nbsp;');
                     else document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', od, '&n=', nb, '">', i + 1, '</a> &nbsp;');
        if (nc > 0) document.write('<a href="', r_l, '?d=', od, '&n=', tn + nr, '">', tl_4, '</a>');

function tipqueryTask() 
    document.getElementById('myform').addEventListener('submit', tipqueryTask());
     // event.preventDefault(); Prevent default behaviour (submitting form)
    var outputElement = document.getElementById('outputHeader');
    outputElement.innerHTML = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" >tip_out()></script>';
    var outputElement = document.getElementById('outputQuery');
    outputElement.innerHTML = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">tip_query()></script>';
    var outputElement = document.getElementById('outputOut');
    outputElement.innerHTML = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">tip_out()</script>';
    var outputElement = document.getElementById('outputFooter');
    outputElement.innerHTML = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">tip_footer()></script>';

进一步研究,我认为这可能与必须将 XML 文件列入白名单和对 js 文件进行修改有关,但如果是这样,那对我来说太复杂了。我自己不会写javascript,我只是一个业余爱好者,只能调整其他人的脚本以满足我的需要。



    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<!-- saved from url=(0020) -->

<title>Address % Telephone Search</title>
<form id="myform" method="get" name="tipue" action="results.html">
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="form_table"><tr>
<td class="form_td_left">
<input type="text" name="d" id="searchBox" class="field">
<td class="form_td_right">
<input type="submit" value="Go" class="button">
<br />
<!-- End of form section -->
Enter Tipue or other search terms in the example above.
This example uses an <a href="">XML</a> data file. For more information see <a href="">Getting Started</a>.


结果.html (以下修改代码)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<!-- saved from url=(0020) -->
<title>Tipue JS XML Example Search Results</title>
<form id="myform" method="get" name="tipue" action="results.html">
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="form_table"><tr>
<td class="form_td_left">
<input type="text" name="d" class="field" id="searchBox">
<td class="form_td_right">
<input type="submit" value="Go" class="button">
<!-- End of form section -->
<div id="outputQuery"></div>
<div id="outputHeader"></div>
<div id="outputOut"></div>
<div id="outputFooter"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="combinedTipue.js"></script> 


添加 popup.js 删除


报错信息是什么,相关的脚本是什么?顺便说一句,您的清单包含很多垃圾。例如,background_page 不是browser_action 中的可识别键。在权限中,tipue.jstipue_set.jstipue_data.xml可以去掉。 错误消息是:尝试安装此扩展时出现警告:权限“tipue.js”未知或 URL 模式格式错误。权限“tipue_set.js”未知或 URL 模式格式错误。权限“tipue_data.xml”未知或 URL 模式格式错误。我按照您的建议删除了它们,警告消失了,但搜索功能仍然不起作用。 XML 代码是:</url> Blah,Blah 10 有什么想法吗? 浏览您的代码,我看到构建了一种用户界面。但是背景页面没有可见视图!。将其移至视图,例如options page(仅用于测试)。顺便说一下,您的脚本包括特定于 Internet Explorer 的方法。这在 Chrome 扩展程序中非常很有用..(不是)。 我按照您的建议移动了背景页面,但没有任何区别。关于 IE 特定的方法,正如我所说,我没有写这个 - 我没那么聪明!因此我遇到的问题是让它与清单版本 2 一起工作。(正如我所说,它在版本中完美运行1) 将函数调用移至外部脚本文件。此问题与Communication between ContentScript.js and Chrome Extension 和Module Load Progress Events in NaCl with manifest_version = 2 and no inline javascript 重复。 【参考方案1】:

我已经可以使用 popup.js 脚下的这段代码了:

function tipqueryTask() get_xml(); tip_header(); tip_query(); tip_out(); tip_footer();
function clickHandler() 
  setTimeout(tipqueryTask, 5000);
  var alreadyrunflag=0 //flag to indicate whether target function has already been run
if (document.addEventListener)
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function()alreadyrunflag=1; clickHandler(), false)
else if (document.all && !window.opera)
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" id="contentloadtag" defer="defer" src="javascript:void(0)"><\/script>')
  var contentloadtag=document.getElementById("contentloadtag")
    if (this.readyState=="complete")

注意 setTimeout 是 5 秒。似乎正在发生的事情是当我点击扩展时,index.html 打开并且我有 5 秒的时间输入搜索查询(否则它会显示“空白搜索”(这是属性/变量之一??在tipue_set .js)) 在我按 Enter 键后,会出现 results.html 页面,但其中没有结果,然后一旦 5 秒结束,就会出现另一个页面,上面有实际结果。 SetTimeout 正在从 popup.js 运行点击处理,但我无法弄清楚如何让它从结果页面运行,该结果页面应该具有用于​​ tipqueryTask 中所有功能的内联 js。我尝试将它们放在单独的脚本中,但没有奏效。有任何想法吗?如果没有,我将不得不像这样离开它。这并不理想,但总比没有好。


以上是关于Chrome 扩展清单版本:2 xml的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

带有清单版本 3 的 CORS Chrome 扩展程序





web_accessible_resources 的 Chrome 扩展清单问题(已阻止)