Master DetailView 中的数据访问与多个 Xib for Detail



【中文标题】Master DetailView 中的数据访问与多个 Xib for Detail【英文标题】:Data Access in Master DetailView with multiple Xib for Detail 【发布时间】:2012-03-16 05:55:26 【问题描述】:

我有一个类似 userName,DOB,Registation No: 和 Address 的数据,我为它创建了 10 个 XIB 文件 对于打开的详细视图当单击 MasterView 表单元格时,在详细视图的第二个 XIB 文件中,当我在第二个 Xib 中选择用户时,我有一个用户信息,我如何在我的第 3 到第 10 个 XIB 中访问该数据??我不知道 iphone bcoz m new in iphone development 中的数据委托??




    您从 MasterViewController(第一个控制器)开始 选择或单击行/单元格后,另一个控制器加载,其中包含 用户列表? (我不太确定)其中每个用户都有信息(包含用户名、出生日期等)。因此,这意味着在此控制器中 - 您将这些信息分配给相应的用户。 (第二控制器) 然后,当您选择特定用户时,另一个控制器会加载到您想要使用来自该控制器的数据的位置 - 可能是您想要显示从第二个控制器分配的那些信息的位置。 (第三控制器)


(假设你已经完成了 MainView (FirstController) 并且你已经在 SecondViewController 中了)


    在 ThirdViewController 中创建一个全局变量,该变量将保存 SecondViewController 传递的信息。在这种情况下,

////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~///////// ////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ThirdViewController.h~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~///////// ////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////////

@interface ThirdViewController:UIViewController
    NSDictionary *dictInformation;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDictionary *dictInformation;

@implementation ThirdViewController
@synthesize dictInformation;

   // some codes here...
   // you can use the information passed from the SecondViewController

- (void)dealloc
     [dictInformation release], dictInformation = nil;
     [super dealloc];


////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~///////// ////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SecondViewController.h~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~///////// ////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////////

@implementation SecondViewController

    // This is the assignment of data. You can put this in viewDidload
    // user 1
     NSMutableDictionary *aUser1 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [aUser1 setObject:@"josh123" forKey:@"userName"];
    [aUser1 setObject:@"01-01-1987" forKey:@"dateOfBirth"];
    [aUser1 setObject:@"12345678" forKey:@"regNumber"];
    [aUser1 setObject:@"24-H 1st St. New York" forKey:@"address"];
    // user 2
    NSMutableDictionary *aUser2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [aUser2 setObject:@"josh321" forKey:@"userName"];
    [aUser2 setObject:@"01-02-1988" forKey:@"dateOfBirth"];
    [aUser2 setObject:@"87654321" forKey:@"regNumber"];
    [aUser2 setObject:@"42-H 1st St. New York" forKey:@"address"];

   // I assigned all users to an array
    NSArray *arrayOfUsers = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:aUser1, aUser2, nil];
    [aUser1 release];
    [aUser2 release];

   // Pass the value of arrayOfUsers somewhere to that it can be accessed
   // or it can be a 

   /* At this point, the following has values:
   arrayOfUsers[0] = aUser1 -> 'josh123', '01-01-1987', '12345678', '24-H 1st St. New York'
   arrayOfUsers[1] = aUser2 -> 'josh321', '01-02-1988', '87654321', '42-H 1st St. New York'

    // You can actually add the following codes anywhere, depending on your implementation. It can be when you clicked a cell or a button, etc.

      ThirdViewController *thirdViewController = [[ThirdViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ThirdViewController" bundle:nil];
    // assign a dictionary value to dictInformation which is found in ThirdViewController
    // If you are using UITableView, then, this should be done when you are selecting a cell in the tableView and the value of the index should be indexPath.row
      [thirdViewController setDictInformation:[arrayOfUsers objectAtIndex:0]]; 
      // This pushes to the ThirdViewController
      [self.navigationController pushViewController:thirdViewController animated:YES];
      [thirdViewController release];


注意:这只是代码片段...我只是想告诉你如何去做。不过,希望这会有所帮助。祝你好运! :)


以上是关于Master DetailView 中的数据访问与多个 Xib for Detail的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Django 3:将数据添加到 DetailView



django DetailView 没有从 ManyToMany 字段中捕获数据

UISplitViewController:在 detailView 中导航

Django - DetailView 中的 DateTimeField