使用 C# 在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用多个参数过滤数据
【中文标题】使用 C# 在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用多个参数过滤数据【英文标题】:Using multiple parameters for filtering data in ASP.NET MVC using C# 【发布时间】:2022-01-13 18:30:55 【问题描述】:我正在做一个图书馆项目,您应该能够按出版商、类别、星级、网站等过滤图书。
我想出了一个解决方案,但是它由多个 if 语句组成,如果我想在将来添加更多过滤器,我认为它的可扩展性不高。
public IActionResult Index(int? id, string title, string forlag, int rating)
//Search by title given by category id
var list = (from ep in _db.Books
join e in _db.BookCategories
on ep.BookID equals e.BookID
where e.CategoryID == id && ep.Title.Contains($"title")
select new Book
BookID = ep.BookID,
Title = ep.Title,
Author = ep.Author,
Isbn = ep.Isbn,
Publisher = ep.Publisher,
Sites = ep.Sites,
ReleaseDate = ep.ReleaseDate,
Summary = ep.Summary,
Picture = ep.Picture,
AddedDate = ep.AddedDate,
Stars = ep.Stars,
var queryID = (from u in _db.Books
join e in _db.BookCategories
on u.BookID equals e.BookID
where e.CategoryID == id
select new Book
BookID = u.BookID,
Title = u.Title,
Author = u.Author,
Isbn = u.Isbn,
Publisher = u.Publisher,
Sites = u.Sites,
ReleaseDate = u.ReleaseDate,
Summary = u.Summary,
Picture = u.Picture,
AddedDate = u.AddedDate,
Stars = (from c in _db.bookComments where c.BookID == u.BookID && c.IsApproved == true select c.Stars).Average(),
var queryID2 = (from u in _db.Books
select new Book
BookID = u.BookID,
Title = u.Title,
Author = u.Author,
Isbn = u.Isbn,
Publisher = u.Publisher,
Sites = u.Sites,
ReleaseDate = u.ReleaseDate,
Summary = u.Summary,
Picture = u.Picture,
AddedDate = u.AddedDate,
Stars = (from c in _db.bookComments where c.BookID == u.BookID && c.IsApproved == true select c.Stars).Average(),
var sortedID = queryID.Where(o => o.Stars >= rating);
var sortedID2 = queryID2.Where(o => o.Stars >= rating);
//Search by title if category id equals 0
var bookList = _db.Books.Where(o => o.Title.Contains($"title"));
//Sort by category, publisher & star rating
if (id > 0 && forlag != null && rating > 0)
var newListus = sortedID.Where(o => o.Publisher == forlag);
return View(newListus);
//Sort by publisher & star rating
if (id == 0 && forlag != null && rating > 0)
var peter = sortedID2.Where(o => o.Publisher == forlag);
return View(peter);
//Sort by category & publisher
if (id > 0 && forlag != null)
var newList = list.Where(o => o.Publisher == forlag);
return View(newList);
//Sort by category & star rating
if (id > 0 && rating > 0)
return View(sortedID);
//Sort by star rating
if (id == 0 && rating > 0)
return View(sortedID2);
//Sort by publisher
if (id == 0 && forlag != null)
var bookListSorted = _db.Books.Where(o => o.Publisher == forlag);
return View(bookListSorted);
if (id == 0)
return View(bookList);
return View(list);
这个查询可以简化。你能翻译你的cmets吗?我丹麦语不好,这里的人很多。谢谢。 嘿@SvyatoslavDanyliv cmets 现在应该翻译了!感谢您的关注! 【参考方案1】:您可以使用 LINQ 的功能查询组合。
public IActionResult Index(int? id, string title, string forlag, int rating)
// filterout by title and set stars to default value
var books = _db.Books
.Where(b => b.Title.Contains(title))
.Select(b => new Book = b, Stars = 0.0 );
var isStarsDefined = false;
if (id.HasValue)
//Search by title given by category id and assign category's Starts
books =
from b in books
join c in _db.BookCategories on b.Book.BookID equals c.BookID
where c.CategoryID == id
select new Book = b.Book, Stars = c.Starts ;
isStarsDefined = true;
// additional filter by publisher
if (forlag != null)
books = books.Where(b => b.Book.Publisher == forlag);
// well probably for result we need stars
if (!isStarsDefined)
books = books.Select(b => new
Book = b.Book,
Stars = _db.bookComments
.Where(c => c.BookID == b.Book.BookID && c.IsApproved == true)
.Select(c => c.Stars)
// filter by rating
if (rating > 0)
books = books.Where(b => b.Stars >= rating);
// make final projection to DTO
var result = books
.Select(b => new Book
BookID = b.Book.BookID,
Title = b.Book.Title,
Author = b.Book.Author,
Isbn = b.Book.Isbn,
Publisher = b.Book.Publisher,
Sites = b.Book.Sites,
ReleaseDate = b.Book.ReleaseDate,
Summary = b.Book.Summary,
Picture = b.Book.Picture,
AddedDate = b.Book.AddedDate,
Stars = b.Stars
result View(result);
嘿!这看起来很棒,但是“e.bookID”是什么。我收到此错误:错误 CS1938 名称“e”不在“等于”右侧的范围内。考虑交换 'equals' 两边的表达式。 已修复,我不是编译器 ;)以上是关于使用 C# 在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用多个参数过滤数据的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
如何使用 C# 在 ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC 中使用会话变量