


【中文标题】前向填充多列可重用功能代码【英文标题】:Forward Filling Multiple Columns Reusable Function Code 【发布时间】:2019-05-10 16:08:51 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试将基于先前堆栈溢出帖子的前向填充估算过程转换为可重用函数(def(...)),因此我可以将其应用于多个列,而不是每个列都有一个代码 sn-p柱子。创建带参数的可重用函数对我来说一直是个挑战。


发帖 => Forward fill missing values in Spark/Python


# sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame([('2019-05-10 7:30:05', '10', '0.5'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:10', 'UNKNOWN', '0.24'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:15', '6', 'UNKNOWN'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:20', '7', 'UNKNOWN'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:25', '10', '1.1'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:30', 'UNKNOWN', '1.1'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:35', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:49', '50', 'UNKNOWN')], ["date", "v1", "v2"])

df = df.withColumn("date", F.col("date").cast("timestamp"))

# schema
 |-- date: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- v1: string (nullable = true)
 |-- v2: string (nullable = true)

# imputer process / all cols that need filled are strings
def stringReplaceFunc(x, y):
    this function replaces column values:
    ex: replace 'UNKNOWN' reading with nulls for forward filling function
    : x => source col
    : y => replace value
    return F.when(x != y, x).otherwise(F.lit(None)) # replace with NULL

# this windows function triggers forward filling for null values created from StringReplaceFunc
window = Window\
.rowsBetween(-sys.maxsize, 0)

# here is where I am trying to make a function so I don't have to code each col that needs filled individually
df = df\
.withColumn("v1", stringReplaceFunc(F.col("v1"), "UNKNOWN"))

fill_v1 = F.last(df['v1'], ignorenulls=True).over(window)
df = df.withColumn('v1',  fill_v1)

df = df\
.withColumn("v2", stringReplaceFunc(F.col("v2"), "UNKNOWN"))

fill_v1 = F.last(df['v2'], ignorenulls=True).over(window)
df = df.withColumn('v2',  fill_v1)

# imputing results of the output needed

|               date| v1|  v2|
|2019-05-10 07:30:05| 10| 0.5|
|2019-05-10 07:30:10| 10|0.24|
|2019-05-10 07:30:15|  6|0.24|
|2019-05-10 07:30:20|  7|0.24|
|2019-05-10 07:30:25| 10| 1.1|
|2019-05-10 07:30:30| 10| 1.1|
|2019-05-10 07:30:35| 10| 1.1|
|2019-05-10 07:30:49| 50| 1.1|



我不是 100% 正确理解了这个问题,但这是将您提到的代码包含在 python 函数中的一种方式:

def forward_fill(df, col_name):
    df = df.withColumn(col_name, stringReplaceFunc(F.col(col_name), "UNKNOWN"))

    last_func = F.last(df[col_name], ignorenulls=True).over(window)
    df = df.withColumn(col_name,  last_func)
    return df

那么你可以这样称呼它:df = forward_fill(df, 'v1')


谢谢!我能够通过带有嵌套函数的 for 循环找到解决方案。 那么完美:)【参考方案2】:


def stringReplaceFunc(x, y):
    return F.when(x != y, x).otherwise(F.lit(None)) # replace with NULL

def forwardFillImputer(df, cols=[], partitioner="date", value="UNKNOWN"):
  for i in cols:
    window = Window\
    .rowsBetween(-sys.maxsize, 0)
    df = df\
    .withColumn(i, stringReplacer(F.col(i), value))
    fill = F.last(df[i], ignorenulls=True).over(window)
    df = df.withColumn(i,  fill)
  return df
df = forwardFillImputer(df, cols=[i for i in df.columns])



代码质量第 2 层 - 可重用的代码



将 const/function 移入自定义钩子/可重用代码段


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