【中文标题】在反应器内存储事件处理程序的最佳方式是啥【英文标题】:What is the most optimal way to store eventHandlers inside reactor在反应器内存储事件处理程序的最佳方式是什么 【发布时间】:2020-07-08 01:28:35 【问题描述】:伙计们,在反应器类中存储事件处理程序的最佳数据结构是什么。 关于事件处理程序的一些细节。 每个事件处理程序都可以注册以侦听特定的事件类型。 Event 是一个具有 int32_t 类型和虚拟方法 OnMessage(const Message*) 的类。像这样的
class IEventHandler
int32_t type;
virtual ~eventHandler() ;
virtual void OnMessage(const Message *msg) = 0;
我是否可以将事件处理程序存储在向量中并按消息类型对其进行排序以优化接收到事件时的搜索过程,或者我需要将它们存储在地图中。我正在寻找最快的方法 查找事件并调用事件处理程序。当我插入一个事件时,我可以使用 std::lower_bound 来查找 事件处理程序在向量中的正确位置。
我认为std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IEventHandler>>>
感谢你,cdhowie。我认为 std::unordered_map我根据此处描述的原始模式实现了经典反应器方法:Reactor Pattern
My GitHub project 在这里特别是“reactor.cpp”和“reactor.hpp”。顺便一提。我还开发了一个“Proactor”。
我会将“reactor.hpp”和“reactor.cpp”粘贴到这个帖子中,但请查看我的 GitHub 项目。
// This module implements the “Reactor” design pattern intended for synchronous event handling. The basis
// for the implementation is the work from Douglas C Schmidt already published 1995 in the course of
// developing high performance web servers. For a description of Schmidt’s work, please refer to
// https://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/PDF/Reactor.pdf .
// Please note: There is a second design pattern for high load web servers using asynchronous operations:
// The so called “Proactor” pattern.
// The implementation is close to the description of Schmidt. The main elements are:
// 1.Handle
// The “Handle” is simply an already open file descriptor. The “SynchronousEventDemultiplexor” checks, if an
// “Event” on that descriptor occurred.
// 2. EventHandler
// Owner of a “Handle”. If there is an “Event” for the associated “Handle”, then the “EventHandler” is
// invoked and deals with that event. The “EventHandler” is implemented as an abstract base class. The
// main interface consists of:
// Handle getHandle(void) = 0;
// EventProcessing::Action handleEvent(const EventType eventType) = 0;
// The “handleEvent” function is called by the “InitiationDispatcher” through the “SyncronousEventDemultiplexor”.
// This is implemented using a call back mechanism.
// 3. ConcreteEventHandler
// The “ConcreteEventHandler” is derived from the abstract “EventHandler”. It finally provides the
// functionality needed. An example is the “CommunicationEndPoint” class which is itself an abstract
// base class for specific communication instances using serial ports or sockets. All of them have to
// implemented the “handleEvent” function and do the appropriate things for the “Event”.
// 4. InitiationDispatcher
// The “InitiationDispatcher” is a container for “EventHandler”s. “EventHandler”s can be registered and
// unregistered with the “InitiationDispatcher”. The “InitiationDispatcher” will handle the events through
// the “SyncronousEventDemultiplexor”. It is providing the call back functionality. The main interface is:
// void registerHandler(EventHandler *ev, EventType et);
// void unregisterHandler(EventHandler *ev);
// EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(void);
// Interested components will register their “EventHandler”s. The “InitiationDispatcher” will then take care
// for handling all upcoming “Events”. Eventually the call back function along with the found “Events” will
// be called. Of course “EventHandlers” that are not needed any longer can be unregistered.
// 5. SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// The “SynchronousEventDemultiplexor” uses operation system support to detect activities on “Handle”s.
// It is a blocking entity and waits for something to happen. Then the Event is de-multiplexed and assigned
// to the corresponding “EventHandler”.
// Since operating systems have different mechanism to implement such functionality we use a static Strategy
// Pattern to define and use the most fitting solution. Many operating systems have the function “select”
// for that purpose. Windows uses “WaitForMultipleObjects” and I selected the Linux compatible “poll” function.
// If some other implementation is wished then you should derive a class from
// “SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation” and do your own implementation.
// 6. Reactor
// All needed and before defined functionalities are wrapped in one class. The Reactor.
// This class serves as the main interface to the outer world.
// The reactor will be used to listen on raw sockets for network connections, to get data from serial ports or
// other data sources, like pipes or fifos.
#include "mytypes.hpp"
#include "singleton.hpp"
#include "eventhandler.hpp"
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace ReactorInternal
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. General
// The "Reactor" pattern registers information about "EventHandler"s and corresponding events.
// Here we define a data structure as a helper class for more convenient functionality
// Definition of ContainerType that will be used to store/register the EventHandler Data
typedef std::map<EventHandler *,EventType> RegistrationDataContainer;
typedef std::map<EventHandler *,EventType>::iterator RdcIterator;
// The InitiationDispatcher initiates the dispatching of the "EventHandler" and "Events".
// So here we will register / unregister the list of "EventHandler"s that shall be monitored
// for certain Events. This is a container class for "EventHandler"s
// The main function is of course "handleEvents" function which will be implemented by the
// SynchronousEventDemultiplexor.
// As defined by the Reactor pattern their is a strong cooperation
// between the InitiationDispatcher and the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor. Therefore this class holds
// a pointer to the SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation (which is a abstract base class)
// Meaning: This class will work with all different kinds of implementations for the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor.
// We are using the "Bridge"-design pattern to realize that
class SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation; // Forward Declaration
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Initiation Dispatcher
class InitiationDispatcher
// Ctor needs concrete implementation of SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
explicit InitiationDispatcher(SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation *sedi);
//lint --e1551,1540
//1540 pointer member 'Symbol' (Location) neither freed nor zero'ed by destructor
//1551 function 'Symbol' may throw an exception in destructor 'Symbol'
~InitiationDispatcher(void) synchronousEventDemultiplexor = null<SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation *>();
// Register an EventHandler. So add it to this class' container
void registerHandler( EventHandler *const ev, const EventType et);
// Remove EventHandler From container
void unregisterHandler( EventHandler *const ev);
// Handle events using the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// According to the standard reactor pattern the initiation dispatcher has to dispatch the events
// Since we want to dcouple functionalities und increase the independence from the OS, we ask
// the Synchronous Event Demultiplexor and here the specific OS dependent implementation
// to additionally do the dispatching task. So the Synchronous Event Demultiplexor waits
// for events to happen, demultiplexs them AND dispatches the event (Call the event handlers)
EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(void);
// The container for the EventHandler. Container can be implemented as a vector or a list
RegistrationDataContainer registrationDataContainer;
// After a new "EventHandler" has been added or removed, the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// must be informed about that so that it can build a new "Handle" (descriptor) list
boolean updateHandler;
// Pointer to the implementation of the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// Bridge Pattern
SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation *synchronousEventDemultiplexor;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. Synchronous Event Demultiplexor
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// 3.1 General Base Class for Synchronous Event Demultiplexors
// Abstract base class for any kind of implementation of the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// As explained above. Different operating systems offer different system calls for a synchronous
// wait. Since we want to decouple OS specific operations from this function we use the
// bridge pattern to be able to select appropriate or preferred specific implementations.
// This base class describes the main public interface for the class
class SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation
SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation(void) // Empty ctor
virtual ~SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation(void) // Empty dtor
// pure virtual interface function to the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor
// Inform on registered "EventHandler"s and if the container has been updated.
// Then run the main event loop
virtual EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(RegistrationDataContainer &rdc, boolean &updateHandler) = 0;
// In case that the SynchronousEventDemultiplexor is interested in these activities
//lint --e1961 //1961 virtual member function 'Symbol' could be made const
virtual void registerHandlerInfo(EventHandler *const, const EventType)
virtual void unregisterHandlerInfo( EventHandler *const)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.2 Synchronous Event Demultiplexors using Linux function epoll
class SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingEPoll : public SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation
typedef struct epoll_event EpollEventData;
// Initialization
virtual ~SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingEPoll(void);
// Register / Unregister Eventhandlers
virtual void registerHandlerInfo(EventHandler *const eh, const EventType et) ;
virtual void unregisterHandlerInfo( EventHandler *const eh);
// Event handler
virtual EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(RegistrationDataContainer &rdc, boolean &updateHandler);
// Handle to the EPOLL functionality itself
Handle ePollHandle;
// Persistent data
EpollEventData epollEventData;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.3 Synchronous Event Demultiplexors using Linux function ppoll
// Concrete implementation of a SynchronousEventDemultiplexor using the Linux ppoll function
// Decision to use ppoll because ease of use and some advantages over the classical approach with select
class SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingPoll : public SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementation
//lint -e1740,1551
//1740 pointer member 'Symbol' (Location) not directly freed or zero'ed by destructor
//1551 function 'Symbol' may throw an exception in destructor 'Symbol'
virtual ~SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingPoll(void) delete [] pollHandleProperty; pollHandleProperty = null<PollHandleProperty *>();
// Concrete Implementation of the main "handleEvent" functions
virtual EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(RegistrationDataContainer &rdc, boolean &updateHandler);
typedef struct pollfd PollHandleProperty; // struct of file descriptors and event
typedef struct timespec PollTimeSpeccification; // Time-out definition (ppoll specific)
PollHandleProperty *pollHandleProperty; // Container of descriptors and events
PollTimeSpeccification pollTimeSpeccification; // specific time out
// Helper function. After (un)registration of EventHandlers the container of descriptors and events
// needs to be rebuild
// updateHandler is an indicator, that the list has to be updated
void updatePollHandlerPropertyList(RegistrationDataContainer &rdc, boolean &updateHandler);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Reactor
// The Reactor
// The Reactor class is implemented as an Template. The template Parameter is the implementation method
// of the "SynchronousEventDemultiplexor".
// The "Reactor" contains the InitiationDispatcher and the "SynchronousEventDemultiplexor" as well as the
// handleEvents, registerHandler, unregisterHandler
// We use the Facade Pattern here to wrap every other functionality just in one class.
// Additionally: The Reactor is implemented using a Singleton
template <class SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingMethod>
class ReactorBase
ReactorBase<SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingMethod>(void) :
// Wrapper functions for initiationDispatcher
EventProcessing::Action handleEvents(void) return initiationDispatcher.handleEvents();
void registerHandler( EventHandler *const ev, const EventType et) initiationDispatcher.registerHandler(ev, et);
void unregisterHandler( EventHandler *const ev) initiationDispatcher.unregisterHandler(ev);
// Singleton, generates one and only pointer to this class
SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingMethod synchronousEventDemultiplexor;
InitiationDispatcher initiationDispatcher;
// Select implementation and create a short name
//typedef ReactorInternal::ReactorBase<ReactorInternal::SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingPoll> Reactor;
typedef ReactorInternal::ReactorBase<ReactorInternal::SynchronousEventDemultiplexorImplementationUsingEPoll> Reactor;
// Shortcut functions
inline void reactorRegisterEventHandler(EventHandler *const eh, const EventType et) Reactor::getInstance()->registerHandler(eh,et);
inline void reactorUnRegisterEventHandler(EventHandler *const eh) Reactor::getInstance()->unregisterHandler(eh);
我无法粘贴 CPP。 SO不允许长文本
谢谢,阿明。我一定会看看你的proactor。这是我将尝试实施的下一件事。你为什么决定使用 std::map。您可以使用 multimap 而不是使用地址作为键,而是使用类型作为键以上是关于在反应器内存储事件处理程序的最佳方式是啥的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章