使用多线程代码防止 DOS 攻击
【中文标题】使用多线程代码防止 DOS 攻击【英文标题】:Prevent DOS attack with multithreaded code 【发布时间】:2021-02-20 06:12:00 【问题描述】:让我在这里概述一下我的问题:
每台服务器大约有 4000 台服务器和数百万个 URL。我的代码需要点击每个 URL 并将响应代码与 URL 一起写入 HDFS 文件系统。
在这里也添加了一些部分: Check the number of requests sent to a webpage
我在这里使用了一个有 400 个线程的生产者-消费者模型。该代码最近对少数 Web 服务器造成了 DOS 攻击,我很难弄清楚问题出在哪里:
public void readURLS(final Path inputPath, final Path outputPath)
LOG.info("Looking for files to download, queue size: , DOWNLOAD_THREADS: ", queueSize, producerThreads);
final List<Path> files = HdfsUtils.listDirectory(inputPath, hadoopConf);
final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(queueSize);
final UrlConsumerWriter consumerWriter =
new UrlConsumerWriter(queue, outputPath, hadoopConf);
LOG.info("Starting download of files from: ''", files.size(), inputPath);
final ExecutorService writerPool = DownloadUtils.createWriterPool();
CompletableFuture<Void> producer = downloadFilesToQueue(files, queue)
CompletableFuture<Void> consumer =
CompletableFuture.runAsync(consumerWriter, writerPool)// Cancel download workers if write worker fails
.whenComplete((result, err) ->
if (err != null)
LOG.error("Consumer Write worker failed!", err);
LOG.info("Url Validation Job Complete!!!");
private CompletableFuture<Void> downloadFilesToQueue(
final List<Path> files,
final BlockingQueue<String> downloadQueue
final ExecutorService pool = DownloadUtils.createDownloadPool(producerThreads);
final List<CompletableFuture<Void>> workers = files.stream()
.map(file -> new UrlDownloadWorker(clock, file, hadoopConf, downloadQueue,
utils, (validatorImpl.emptyTable())))
.map(worker -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(worker, pool))
final CompletableFuture<Void> allDownloads = CompletableFuture.allOf(workers.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));
// When one worker fails, cancel all the other immediately
for (final CompletableFuture<Void> worker : workers)
worker.whenComplete((v, err) ->
if (err != null)
LOG.error("Download worker failed!", err);
return allDownloads;
public void run()
LOG.info("Starting download worker for file: ''", file);
long numLines = 0;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
file.getFileSystem(hadoopConf).open(file), CHARSET)))
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
// LOG.info("Thread Reading file: ''",Thread.currentThread().getName(), file);
if (Thread.interrupted())
throw new InterruptedException();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
//write into database
final StatusCode statusCode = utils.validateURL(line);
if (statusCode != null)
throw new UrlValidationException(
"Failed to validate url :'" + line + "'");
catch (IOException e)
throw new DownloadException(file, e);
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new DownloadException("Interrupted while downloading", file, e);
LOG.info("Download of lines complete for file: ''", numLines, file);
UrlValidationUtils 类:
public final class UrlValidationUtils
private static final String WEBSITENOTCHECK = "uncheck.org";
private final Map<String, StatusCode> blockedHosts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final int MAX_REDIRECT = 4;
public StatusCode validateURL(String url) throws IOException
return validate(url, MAX_REDIRECT);
private StatusCode validate(String url, int maxRedirect) throws IOException
URL urlValue = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con;
if (url.contains(WEBSITENOTCHECK))
blockedHosts.put(urlValue.getHost(), StatusCode.SUCCESS);
//first check if the host is already marked as invalid
// if (blockedHosts.containsKey(urlValue.getHost()))
// return blockedHosts.get(urlValue.getHost());
StatusCode statusCode;
con = (HttpURLConnection) urlValue.openConnection();
int resCode;
con.setConnectTimeout(3000); //set timeout to 3 seconds
resCode = con.getResponseCode();
LOG.info("thread name connection id url ", Thread.currentThread().getName(), con.toString(), url);
if (resCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)
statusCode = StatusCode.SUCCESS;
else if (resCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER || resCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM
|| resCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP)
String location = con.getHeaderField("Location");
if (location.startsWith("/"))
location = urlValue.getProtocol() + "://" + urlValue.getHost() + location;
statusCode = validateRedirect(location, maxRedirect - 1, con);
blockedHosts.put(urlValue.getHost(), StatusCode.FAIL);
statusCode = StatusCode.FAIL;
catch (UnknownHostException e)
blockedHosts.put(urlValue.getHost(), StatusCode.UNKOWNHOST);
statusCode = StatusCode.UNKOWNHOST;
catch (ConnectException e)
blockedHosts.put(urlValue.getHost(), StatusCode.CONNECTION_ISSUE);
statusCode = StatusCode.CONNECTION_ISSUE;
catch (IOException e)
//if an IOException is caught possible reason is SOCKETTIMEOUT
blockedHosts.put(urlValue.getHost(), StatusCode.SOCKETTIMEOUT);
statusCode = StatusCode.SOCKETTIMEOUT;
LOG.info("thread name connection id url ", Thread.currentThread().getName(), con.toString(), url);
return statusCode;
private StatusCode validateRedirect(String location, int redirectCount, HttpURLConnection connection)
throws IOException
if (redirectCount >= 0)
return validate(location, redirectCount);
return StatusCode.FAIL;
【参考方案1】:为了不使服务器过载,我建议在访问一批 url 之前等待几毫秒。例如,在点击 N 个 url 后,您可以等待 20 毫秒,然后点击下一个 N.. 等等。批处理 (N) 的大小取决于您知道服务器在一秒钟内可以处理多少个请求。您是否与他们签订了绩效方面的服务水平协议?
在这种情况下,这项工作需要几天/几周才能完成,不是吗? 这取决于您的服务器每秒可以处理多少个请求。你有他们的 SLA 吗?如果他们每秒可以处理 1000 个请求,那么使用 1000 个批次。另一个想法:您是否拥有数百万个唯一 URL?您可以减少要点击的 URL 数量吗?以上是关于使用多线程代码防止 DOS 攻击的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章