如何从不同的会话中获取 Windows 环境变量的当前值
【中文标题】如何从不同的会话中获取 Windows 环境变量的当前值【英文标题】:How can I get current value of a Windows environment variable from a different session 【发布时间】:2021-05-07 06:43:14 【问题描述】:使用带有 .Net 4+ 或 Standard 2.0 或 Windows API 的 C#,我想获取所有登录用户的环境变量的值,我们将变量称为“标识符”。这些会话的变量是在他们登录后以编程方式(通过我无法控制的代码)设置的。每次他们登录时,“标识符”都可能不同。
您的意思是要从不同的 Windows 登录会话中获取本地环境变量? 是的,我相信它会被认为是一个本地环境变量。 我认为this ServerFault answer 可能是一个起点(基本上你会看HKEY_USERS\Environment\Identifier
用户环境变量可在 HKEY_USERS[SID]\Environment 下访问。您可以使用以下内容来搜索特定的环境变量:
(注意:机器级变量位于 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment 中。不会查找那些。这些应该在您的进程正在运行的同一会话下可用,因此它与原始的无关关于会话特定变量的问题。)
static class WinApis
[DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern NtStatus LsaEnumerateLogonSessions(out UInt64 LogonSessionCount, out IntPtr LogonSessionList);
[DllImport("secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern NtStatus LsaFreeReturnBuffer([In] IntPtr buffer);
[DllImport("Secur32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern uint LsaGetLogonSessionData(IntPtr luid, out IntPtr ppLogonSessionData);
private enum NtStatus : uint
// Success
Success = 0x00000000,
Wait0 = 0x00000000,
Wait1 = 0x00000001,
Wait2 = 0x00000002,
Wait3 = 0x00000003,
Wait63 = 0x0000003f,
Abandoned = 0x00000080,
AbandonedWait0 = 0x00000080,
AbandonedWait1 = 0x00000081,
AbandonedWait2 = 0x00000082,
AbandonedWait3 = 0x00000083,
AbandonedWait63 = 0x000000bf,
UserApc = 0x000000c0,
KernelApc = 0x00000100,
Alerted = 0x00000101,
Timeout = 0x00000102,
Pending = 0x00000103,
Reparse = 0x00000104,
MoreEntries = 0x00000105,
NotAllAssigned = 0x00000106,
SomeNotMapped = 0x00000107,
OpLockBreakInProgress = 0x00000108,
VolumeMounted = 0x00000109,
RxActCommitted = 0x0000010a,
NotifyCleanup = 0x0000010b,
NotifyEnumDir = 0x0000010c,
NoQuotasForAccount = 0x0000010d,
PrimaryTransportConnectFailed = 0x0000010e,
PageFaultTransition = 0x00000110,
PageFaultDemandZero = 0x00000111,
PageFaultCopyOnWrite = 0x00000112,
PageFaultGuardPage = 0x00000113,
PageFaultPagingFile = 0x00000114,
CrashDump = 0x00000116,
ReparseObject = 0x00000118,
NothingToTerminate = 0x00000122,
ProcessNotInJob = 0x00000123,
ProcessInJob = 0x00000124,
ProcessCloned = 0x00000129,
FileLockedWithOnlyReaders = 0x0000012a,
FileLockedWithWriters = 0x0000012b,
// Informational
Informational = 0x40000000,
ObjectNameExists = 0x40000000,
ThreadWasSuspended = 0x40000001,
WorkingSetLimitRange = 0x40000002,
ImageNotAtBase = 0x40000003,
RegistryRecovered = 0x40000009,
// Warning
Warning = 0x80000000,
GuardPageViolation = 0x80000001,
DatatypeMisalignment = 0x80000002,
Breakpoint = 0x80000003,
SingleStep = 0x80000004,
BufferOverflow = 0x80000005,
NoMoreFiles = 0x80000006,
HandlesClosed = 0x8000000a,
PartialCopy = 0x8000000d,
DeviceBusy = 0x80000011,
InvalidEaName = 0x80000013,
EaListInconsistent = 0x80000014,
NoMoreEntries = 0x8000001a,
LongJump = 0x80000026,
DllMightBeInsecure = 0x8000002b,
// Error
Error = 0xc0000000,
Unsuccessful = 0xc0000001,
NotImplemented = 0xc0000002,
InvalidInfoClass = 0xc0000003,
InfoLengthMismatch = 0xc0000004,
AccessViolation = 0xc0000005,
InPageError = 0xc0000006,
PagefileQuota = 0xc0000007,
InvalidHandle = 0xc0000008,
BadInitialStack = 0xc0000009,
BadInitialPc = 0xc000000a,
InvalidCid = 0xc000000b,
TimerNotCanceled = 0xc000000c,
InvalidParameter = 0xc000000d,
NoSuchDevice = 0xc000000e,
NoSuchFile = 0xc000000f,
InvalidDeviceRequest = 0xc0000010,
EndOfFile = 0xc0000011,
WrongVolume = 0xc0000012,
NoMediaInDevice = 0xc0000013,
NoMemory = 0xc0000017,
NotMappedView = 0xc0000019,
UnableToFreeVm = 0xc000001a,
UnableToDeleteSection = 0xc000001b,
IllegalInstruction = 0xc000001d,
AlreadyCommitted = 0xc0000021,
AccessDenied = 0xc0000022,
BufferTooSmall = 0xc0000023,
ObjectTypeMismatch = 0xc0000024,
NonContinuableException = 0xc0000025,
BadStack = 0xc0000028,
NotLocked = 0xc000002a,
NotCommitted = 0xc000002d,
InvalidParameterMix = 0xc0000030,
ObjectNameInvalid = 0xc0000033,
ObjectNameNotFound = 0xc0000034,
ObjectNameCollision = 0xc0000035,
ObjectPathInvalid = 0xc0000039,
ObjectPathNotFound = 0xc000003a,
ObjectPathSyntaxBad = 0xc000003b,
DataOverrun = 0xc000003c,
DataLate = 0xc000003d,
DataError = 0xc000003e,
CrcError = 0xc000003f,
SectionTooBig = 0xc0000040,
PortConnectionRefused = 0xc0000041,
InvalidPortHandle = 0xc0000042,
SharingViolation = 0xc0000043,
QuotaExceeded = 0xc0000044,
InvalidPageProtection = 0xc0000045,
MutantNotOwned = 0xc0000046,
SemaphoreLimitExceeded = 0xc0000047,
PortAlreadySet = 0xc0000048,
SectionNotImage = 0xc0000049,
SuspendCountExceeded = 0xc000004a,
ThreadIsTerminating = 0xc000004b,
BadWorkingSetLimit = 0xc000004c,
IncompatibleFileMap = 0xc000004d,
SectionProtection = 0xc000004e,
EasNotSupported = 0xc000004f,
EaTooLarge = 0xc0000050,
NonExistentEaEntry = 0xc0000051,
NoEasOnFile = 0xc0000052,
EaCorruptError = 0xc0000053,
FileLockConflict = 0xc0000054,
LockNotGranted = 0xc0000055,
DeletePending = 0xc0000056,
CtlFileNotSupported = 0xc0000057,
UnknownRevision = 0xc0000058,
RevisionMismatch = 0xc0000059,
InvalidOwner = 0xc000005a,
InvalidPrimaryGroup = 0xc000005b,
NoImpersonationToken = 0xc000005c,
CantDisableMandatory = 0xc000005d,
NoLogonServers = 0xc000005e,
NoSuchLogonSession = 0xc000005f,
NoSuchPrivilege = 0xc0000060,
PrivilegeNotHeld = 0xc0000061,
InvalidAccountName = 0xc0000062,
UserExists = 0xc0000063,
NoSuchUser = 0xc0000064,
GroupExists = 0xc0000065,
NoSuchGroup = 0xc0000066,
MemberInGroup = 0xc0000067,
MemberNotInGroup = 0xc0000068,
LastAdmin = 0xc0000069,
WrongPassword = 0xc000006a,
IllFormedPassword = 0xc000006b,
PasswordRestriction = 0xc000006c,
LogonFailure = 0xc000006d,
AccountRestriction = 0xc000006e,
InvalidLogonHours = 0xc000006f,
InvalidWorkstation = 0xc0000070,
PasswordExpired = 0xc0000071,
AccountDisabled = 0xc0000072,
NoneMapped = 0xc0000073,
TooManyLuidsRequested = 0xc0000074,
LuidsExhausted = 0xc0000075,
InvalidSubAuthority = 0xc0000076,
InvalidAcl = 0xc0000077,
InvalidSid = 0xc0000078,
InvalidSecurityDescr = 0xc0000079,
ProcedureNotFound = 0xc000007a,
InvalidImageFormat = 0xc000007b,
NoToken = 0xc000007c,
BadInheritanceAcl = 0xc000007d,
RangeNotLocked = 0xc000007e,
DiskFull = 0xc000007f,
ServerDisabled = 0xc0000080,
ServerNotDisabled = 0xc0000081,
TooManyGuidsRequested = 0xc0000082,
GuidsExhausted = 0xc0000083,
InvalidIdAuthority = 0xc0000084,
AgentsExhausted = 0xc0000085,
InvalidVolumeLabel = 0xc0000086,
SectionNotExtended = 0xc0000087,
NotMappedData = 0xc0000088,
ResourceDataNotFound = 0xc0000089,
ResourceTypeNotFound = 0xc000008a,
ResourceNameNotFound = 0xc000008b,
ArrayBoundsExceeded = 0xc000008c,
FloatDenormalOperand = 0xc000008d,
FloatDivideByZero = 0xc000008e,
FloatInexactResult = 0xc000008f,
FloatInvalidOperation = 0xc0000090,
FloatOverflow = 0xc0000091,
FloatStackCheck = 0xc0000092,
FloatUnderflow = 0xc0000093,
IntegerDivideByZero = 0xc0000094,
IntegerOverflow = 0xc0000095,
PrivilegedInstruction = 0xc0000096,
TooManyPagingFiles = 0xc0000097,
FileInvalid = 0xc0000098,
InstanceNotAvailable = 0xc00000ab,
PipeNotAvailable = 0xc00000ac,
InvalidPipeState = 0xc00000ad,
PipeBusy = 0xc00000ae,
IllegalFunction = 0xc00000af,
PipeDisconnected = 0xc00000b0,
PipeClosing = 0xc00000b1,
PipeConnected = 0xc00000b2,
PipeListening = 0xc00000b3,
InvalidReadMode = 0xc00000b4,
IoTimeout = 0xc00000b5,
FileForcedClosed = 0xc00000b6,
ProfilingNotStarted = 0xc00000b7,
ProfilingNotStopped = 0xc00000b8,
NotSameDevice = 0xc00000d4,
FileRenamed = 0xc00000d5,
CantWait = 0xc00000d8,
PipeEmpty = 0xc00000d9,
CantTerminateSelf = 0xc00000db,
InternalError = 0xc00000e5,
InvalidParameter1 = 0xc00000ef,
InvalidParameter2 = 0xc00000f0,
InvalidParameter3 = 0xc00000f1,
InvalidParameter4 = 0xc00000f2,
InvalidParameter5 = 0xc00000f3,
InvalidParameter6 = 0xc00000f4,
InvalidParameter7 = 0xc00000f5,
InvalidParameter8 = 0xc00000f6,
InvalidParameter9 = 0xc00000f7,
InvalidParameter10 = 0xc00000f8,
InvalidParameter11 = 0xc00000f9,
InvalidParameter12 = 0xc00000fa,
MappedFileSizeZero = 0xc000011e,
TooManyOpenedFiles = 0xc000011f,
Cancelled = 0xc0000120,
CannotDelete = 0xc0000121,
InvalidComputerName = 0xc0000122,
FileDeleted = 0xc0000123,
SpecialAccount = 0xc0000124,
SpecialGroup = 0xc0000125,
SpecialUser = 0xc0000126,
MembersPrimaryGroup = 0xc0000127,
FileClosed = 0xc0000128,
TooManyThreads = 0xc0000129,
ThreadNotInProcess = 0xc000012a,
TokenAlreadyInUse = 0xc000012b,
PagefileQuotaExceeded = 0xc000012c,
CommitmentLimit = 0xc000012d,
InvalidImageLeFormat = 0xc000012e,
InvalidImageNotMz = 0xc000012f,
InvalidImageProtect = 0xc0000130,
InvalidImageWin16 = 0xc0000131,
LogonServer = 0xc0000132,
DifferenceAtDc = 0xc0000133,
SynchronizationRequired = 0xc0000134,
DllNotFound = 0xc0000135,
IoPrivilegeFailed = 0xc0000137,
OrdinalNotFound = 0xc0000138,
EntryPointNotFound = 0xc0000139,
ControlCExit = 0xc000013a,
PortNotSet = 0xc0000353,
DebuggerInactive = 0xc0000354,
CallbackBypass = 0xc0000503,
PortClosed = 0xc0000700,
MessageLost = 0xc0000701,
InvalidMessage = 0xc0000702,
RequestCanceled = 0xc0000703,
RecursiveDispatch = 0xc0000704,
LpcReceiveBufferExpected = 0xc0000705,
LpcInvalidConnectionUsage = 0xc0000706,
LpcRequestsNotAllowed = 0xc0000707,
ResourceInUse = 0xc0000708,
ProcessIsProtected = 0xc0000712,
VolumeDirty = 0xc0000806,
FileCheckedOut = 0xc0000901,
CheckOutRequired = 0xc0000902,
BadFileType = 0xc0000903,
FileTooLarge = 0xc0000904,
FormsAuthRequired = 0xc0000905,
VirusInfected = 0xc0000906,
VirusDeleted = 0xc0000907,
TransactionalConflict = 0xc0190001,
InvalidTransaction = 0xc0190002,
TransactionNotActive = 0xc0190003,
TmInitializationFailed = 0xc0190004,
RmNotActive = 0xc0190005,
RmMetadataCorrupt = 0xc0190006,
TransactionNotJoined = 0xc0190007,
DirectoryNotRm = 0xc0190008,
CouldNotResizeLog = 0xc0190009,
TransactionsUnsupportedRemote = 0xc019000a,
LogResizeInvalidSize = 0xc019000b,
RemoteFileVersionMismatch = 0xc019000c,
CrmProtocolAlreadyExists = 0xc019000f,
TransactionPropagationFailed = 0xc0190010,
CrmProtocolNotFound = 0xc0190011,
TransactionSuperiorExists = 0xc0190012,
TransactionRequestNotValid = 0xc0190013,
TransactionNotRequested = 0xc0190014,
TransactionAlreadyAborted = 0xc0190015,
TransactionAlreadyCommitted = 0xc0190016,
TransactionInvalidMarshallBuffer = 0xc0190017,
CurrentTransactionNotValid = 0xc0190018,
LogGrowthFailed = 0xc0190019,
ObjectNoLongerExists = 0xc0190021,
StreamMiniversionNotFound = 0xc0190022,
StreamMiniversionNotValid = 0xc0190023,
MiniversionInaccessibleFromSpecifiedTransaction = 0xc0190024,
CantOpenMiniversionWithModifyIntent = 0xc0190025,
CantCreateMoreStreamMiniversions = 0xc0190026,
HandleNoLongerValid = 0xc0190028,
NoTxfMetadata = 0xc0190029,
LogCorruptionDetected = 0xc0190030,
CantRecoverWithHandleOpen = 0xc0190031,
RmDisconnected = 0xc0190032,
EnlistmentNotSuperior = 0xc0190033,
RecoveryNotNeeded = 0xc0190034,
RmAlreadyStarted = 0xc0190035,
FileIdentityNotPersistent = 0xc0190036,
CantBreakTransactionalDependency = 0xc0190037,
CantCrossRmBoundary = 0xc0190038,
TxfDirNotEmpty = 0xc0190039,
IndoubtTransactionsExist = 0xc019003a,
TmVolatile = 0xc019003b,
RollbackTimerExpired = 0xc019003c,
TxfAttributeCorrupt = 0xc019003d,
EfsNotAllowedInTransaction = 0xc019003e,
TransactionalOpenNotAllowed = 0xc019003f,
TransactedMappingUnsupportedRemote = 0xc0190040,
TxfMetadataAlreadyPresent = 0xc0190041,
TransactionScopeCallbacksNotSet = 0xc0190042,
TransactionRequiredPromotion = 0xc0190043,
CannotExecuteFileInTransaction = 0xc0190044,
TransactionsNotFrozen = 0xc0190045,
MaximumNtStatus = 0xffffffff
private struct LSA_UNICODE_STRING
public UInt16 Length;
public UInt16 MaximumLength;
public IntPtr buffer;
private struct LUID
public UInt32 LowPart;
public UInt32 HighPart;
public UInt32 Size;
public LUID LoginID;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING Username;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LoginDomain;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage;
public UInt32 LogonType;
public UInt32 Session;
public IntPtr PSiD;
public UInt64 LoginTime;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING LogonServer;
public LSA_UNICODE_STRING DnsDomainName;
private enum SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE : uint
Interactive = 2, //The security principal is logging on interactively.
Network, //The security principal is logging using a network.
Batch, //The logon is for a batch process.
Service, //The logon is for a service account.
Proxy, //Not supported.
Unlock, //The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.
NetworkCleartext, //The logon is a network logon with cleartext credentials.
NewCredentials, // Allows the caller to clone its current token and specify new credentials for outbound connections.
RemoteInteractive, // A terminal server session that is both remote and interactive.
CachedInteractive, // Attempt to use the cached credentials without going out across the network.
CachedRemoteInteractive, // Same as RemoteInteractive, except used internally for auditing purposes.
CachedUnlock // The logon is an attempt to unlock a workstation.
public static List<string> GetSessionEnvironmentValue(string variableName, string userFilter="")
// Based on: https://***.com/questions/27826595/wtsenumeratesessions-hangs-and-never-returns
// Which appears similar to PS script: https://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/secur32/LsaEnumerateLogonSessions.html
var outList = new List<string>();
System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity currentUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
DateTime systime = new DateTime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); //win32 systemdate
UInt64 count;
IntPtr luidPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
LsaEnumerateLogonSessions(out count, out luidPtr); //gets an array of pointers to LUIDs
IntPtr iter = luidPtr; //set the pointer to the start of the array
for (ulong i = 0; i < count; i++) //for each pointer in the array
IntPtr sessionData;
LsaGetLogonSessionData(iter, out sessionData);
//if we have a valid logon
if (data.PSiD != IntPtr.Zero)
//get the security identifier for further use
System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier sid = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(data.PSiD);
//extract some useful information from the session data struct
var ptrToStringUni = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data.Username.buffer);
if (ptrToStringUni != null)
string username = ptrToStringUni.Trim(); //get the account username
var toStringUni = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data.LoginDomain.buffer);
if (toStringUni != null)
string domain = toStringUni.Trim(); //domain for this account
var stringUni = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data.AuthenticationPackage.buffer);
if (stringUni != null)
string authpackage = stringUni.Trim(); //authentication package
string session = data.Session.ToString();
DateTime time = systime.AddTicks((long)data.LoginTime); //get the datetime the session was logged in
// get variable
var envVarVal = GetUserEnvironmentValue(sid.Value, variableName);
// Only add result to list if it meets username filter
if (envVarVal!="" && (userFilter=="" || username.ToLower().Contains(userFilter.ToLower())))
outList.Add($"User: username, EnvironVar(variableName): envVarVal, SID: sid.Value");
iter = (IntPtr)((int)iter + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LUID))); //move the pointer forward
LsaFreeReturnBuffer(sessionData); //free the SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA memory in the struct
LsaFreeReturnBuffer(luidPtr); //free the array of LUIDs
return outList;
private static string GetUserEnvironmentValue(string sid, string variableName)
var envKey = Registry.Users.OpenSubKey($@"sid\Environment");
if (envKey != null)
var envVarVal = envKey.GetValue(variableName);
if (envVarVal!=null)
return envVarVal.ToString();
return "";
您可以在 winforms 中单击按钮调用它,如下所示:
private void btnOthersEnvVars_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtEnvVar.Text == "")
throw new Exception("You didn't supply a variable name...");
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var sessionInfo in WinApis.GetSessionEnvironmentValue(txtEnvVar.Text)) // you can add a username param as well
我最终选择了不同的路线,因为我需要的环境变量是在脚本/批处理文件中设置的,或者直接传递给我的可执行文件,并且在不使用其他 API 的情况下无法检查...
如果其他人有类似的情况,我最终会通过 nuget 包使用 Gapotchenko.FX.Diagnostics.Process 并以管理员身份使用与此类似的内容进行搜索:
private void btnCurrentProcesses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var procToFind = "Launcher";
Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
StringDictionary env;
sb.AppendLine($"Session Countprocesslist.DistinctBy((x) => x.SessionId).Count()");
foreach (Process process in processlist
.ThenBy((x)=> x.ProcessName))
if (process!=null)
env = process.ReadEnvironmentVariables();
catch (Exception)
env = new StringDictionary();
env = new StringDictionary();
sb.AppendLine($"Session: process.SessionId, " +
$"ProcID: process.Id, " +
$"Process: process.ProcessName, " +
$"Env. Var: env[txtEnvVar.Text]");
以上是关于如何从不同的会话中获取 Windows 环境变量的当前值的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
python 从windows获取环境变量:os.environ
python 从windows获取环境变量:os.environ
如何从本地的 PHP session_start() 检查不同的变量? [复制]