


【中文标题】如何使用一个存储过程保存对象图【英文标题】:How to save Object Graphs with one stored procedure 【发布时间】:2016-11-02 17:00:01 【问题描述】:

请注意:这是我的“share your knowledge”问题!

我有一个 Web 客户端,它以 JSON 格式向我的 ASP.NET 应用程序发送数据。数据是对象图或对象图的集合。

使用 Web Api 控制器将数据反序列化为 C# 对象图。我想用 ADO.NET 和 one 存储过程保存那个 C# 对象图。

我想在没有 GUIDEF 的情况下执行此操作! :)

假设 Web 客户端发送由三个对象组成的对象图:

GrandRecord Record ChildRecord

让它成为GrandRecords 的集合,其中:

每个GrandRecord 都有一个Records 的集合 并且每个Record 都有一个ChildRecords 的集合 Id 值是整数,由数据库自动生成 虽然对象未保存在数据库中,但 Id 的值 = 0


                      Id, Name
GrandRecord           1,  (A)
    Record            |-- 2, (A)A
        ChildRecord       |-- 3, (A)Aa
        ChildRecord       |-- 0, (A)Ab
    Record            |-- 0, (A)B
        ChildRecord       |-- 0, (A)Ba
        ChildRecord       |-- 0, (A)Bb
GrandRecord           0,  (B)
    Record            |-- 0, (B)A


grandRecords: [
        id: 1,
        name: "(A)",
        records: [
                id: 2,
                name: "(A)A",
                childRecords: [
                        id: 3,
                        name: "(A)Aa",
                        id: 0,
                        name: "(A)b",
                id: 0,
                name: "(A)B",
                childRecords: [
                        id: 0,
                        name: "(A)Ba",
                        id: 0,
                        name: "(A)Bb",
        id: 0,
        name: "(B)",
        records: [
                id: 0,
                name: "(B)A",
                childRecords: []

在 ASP.NET 控制器的 Web 服务器上,上述 JSON 字符串被反序列化为三个类的对象图:

public class GrandRecord

    public  Int32          Id        get; set; 
    public  String         Name      get; set; 
    public  IList<Record>  Records   get; set; 

public class Record

    public  Int32               Id              get; set; 
    public  Int32               GrandRecordId   get; set;         
    public  String              Name            get; set; 
    public  IList<ChildRecord>  ChildRecords    get; set; 

public class ChildRecord

    public  Int32   Id         get; set; 
    public  Int32   RecordId   get; set; 
    public  String  Name       get; set; 


create table dbo.GrandRecords
    Id    int          not null  identity  primary key clustered,
    Name  varchar(30)  not null

create table dbo.Records
    Id             int          not null  identity  primary key clustered,
    GrandRecordId  int          not null  foreign key (GrandRecordId) references dbo.GrandRecords (Id) on delete cascade,
    Name           varchar(30)  not null

create table dbo.ChildRecords
    Id        int          not null  identity  primary key clustered,
    RecordId  int          not null  foreign key (RecordId) references dbo.Records (Id) on delete cascade,
    Name      varchar(30)  not null






create type dbo.GrandRecordTableType as table
    Id    int          not null   primary key clustered,
    Name  varchar(30)  not null    

create type dbo.RecordTableType as table
    Id             int          not null   primary key clustered,
    GrandRecordId  int          not null   ,
    Name           varchar(30)  not null


create type dbo.ChildRecordTableType as table
    Id        int          not null   primary key clustered,
    RecordId  int          not null   ,
    Name      varchar(30)  not null    


create procedure dbo.SaveGrandRecords
    @GrandRecords  dbo.GrandRecordTableType  readonly,
    @Records       dbo.RecordTableType       readonly,
    @ChildRecords  dbo.ChildRecordTableType  readonly

所以我们必须按类型(GrandRecordRecordChildRecord)收集所有数据,创建 ADO.NET 数据表并将它们传递给存储过程。

但是!因为我们在数据库中的表是通过外键 GrandRecordIdRecordId 链接的,所以我们必须在将对象图转换为单独的 DataTable 时以某种方式保持该链接。

更重要的是,新对象的身份必须是唯一的!否则,我们无法区分 GrandRecord (A) 记录和 GrandRecord (B) 记录。

但是,正如我们从问题中所记得的那样,新对象的 Id = 0!

为了解决这个问题,让我们将不断增加的负标识分配给对象 ID,如果它们等于 0:

var id = int.MinValue;

foreach (var grandRecord in grandRecords)

    if (grandRecord.Id == 0)
        grandRecord.Id = id++;

    foreach (var record in grandRecord.Records)
        if (record.Id == 0)
            record.Id = id++;

        record.GrandRecordId = grandRecord.Id;

        foreach (var childRecord in record.ChildRecords)
            if (childRecord.Id == 0)
                childRecord.Id = id++;

            childRecord.RecordId = record.Id;



var recordTable = new DataTable("RecordTableType");

recordTable.Columns.Add( "Id"            , typeof( Int32  ));
recordTable.Columns.Add( "GrandRecordId" , typeof( Int32  ));
recordTable.Columns.Add( "Name"          , typeof( String ));

var records = grandRecords.SelectMany(gr => gr.Records);

foreach(var record in records) 

    table.Rows.Add(new object[] record.Id, record.GrandRecordId, record.Name);



|     Id      | Name |
|           1 | (A)  |
| -2147483648 | (B)  |


|     Id      | GrandRecordId | Name |
|           2 |             1 | (A)A |
| -2147483647 |             1 | (A)B |
| -2147483646 |   -2147483648 | (B)A |


|     Id      |  RecordId   | Name  |
|           3 |           2 | (A)Aa |
| -2147483645 |           2 | (A)Ab |
| -2147483644 | -2147483647 | (A)Ba |
| -2147483643 | -2147483647 | (A)Bb |


为了更新现有数据、插入新数据和删除旧数据,SQL Server 使用 MERGE 语句。

MERGE 语句具有 OUTPUT 子句。 MERGE 语句中的 OUTPUT 可以收集刚刚插入的 Id 以及来自源(参数)表的 Id。

因此,“使用正确的外键保存所有三个表”的技术是从第一个表中收集 InsertedId - ParamId 对,然后为第二个表翻译这些值。然后对第二个和第三个表执行相同的操作。

如果表中存在记录,则 MERGE 执行 UPDATE,inserted.Idsource.Id 等于现有 Id。

如果表中不存在记录,则 MERGE 执行 INSERT,inserted.Id 等于新 ID,source.Id 等于否定标识。

如果源(参数)表中不存在记录,则 MERGE 执行 DELETE,inserted.Idsource.Id 等于 NULL,但 deleted.Id 具有已删除记录的 ID。


create procedure dbo.SaveGrandRecords
    @GrandRecords  dbo.GrandRecordTableType  readonly,
    @Records       dbo.RecordTableType       readonly,
    @ChildRecords  dbo.ChildRecordTableType  readonly
    set nocount on;

    declare @GrandRecordIds table (  -- translation table
        InsertedId  int  primary key, 
        ParamId     int  unique

    declare @RecordIds table (       -- translation table
        InsertedId  int     primary key, 
        ParamId     int     unique, 
        [Action]    nvarchar(10)

    -- save GrandRecords 

    merge into dbo.GrandRecords as target
            select Id, Name from @GrandRecords
        as source on source.Id = target.Id

    when matched then
        update set                
            Name = source.Name        

    when not matched by target then                                                         
        insert ( Name )
        values ( source.Name )

    output            -- collecting translation Ids
    into @GrandRecordIds ( 
        InsertedId , 
        ParamId    );

    -- save Records 

    merge into dbo.Records as target
            Id             , 
            GrandRecordId  =  ids.InsertedId,   -- Id translation target
            @Records r
            inner join @GrandRecordIds ids 
                on ids.ParamId = r.GrandRecordId -- Id translation source
    as source on source.Id = target.Id

    when matched then
        update set
            GrandRecordId  =  source.GrandRecordId, 
            Name           =  source.Name    

    when not matched by target then                                                         
        insert (    
            GrandRecordId , 
            Name          )
        values (
            source.GrandRecordId , 
            source.Name          )

    when not matched by source 
        and target.GrandRecordId in (select InsertedId from @GrandRecordIds) then

    output                 -- collecting translation Ids
        isnull(inserted.Id, deleted.Id),
        isnull(source.Id, deleted.Id), 
    into @RecordIds (
        InsertedId  , 
        ParamId     , 
        [Action]    );

    delete from @RecordIds where [Action] = 'DELETE';

    -- save ChildRecords

    merge into dbo.ChildRecords as target
                Id        ,
                RecordId  =  ids.InsertedId,    -- Id translation target
                @ChildRecords cr
                inner join @RecordIds ids 
                    on ids.ParamId = cr.RecordId -- Id translation source
        as source on source.Id = target.Id

    when matched then
        update set
            RecordId = source.RecordId , 
            Name     = source.Name

    when not matched by target then
        insert (    
            RecordId , 
            Name     )
        values (
            source.RecordId , 
            source.Name     )

    when not matched by source and target.RecordId in (select InsertedId from @RecordIds) then


在 MERGE 语句中,源表和目标表 必须在其连接列上有聚集索引! 这可以防止死锁并保证插入顺序。

连接列在 MERGE 语句的as source on source.Id = target.Id 行中。

这就是为什么上面的用户定义表类型在其定义中有primary key clustered

这就是为什么负恒等式不断增加并以 MinValue 开头的原因。

在www.codeproject.com 上查看我关于该技术的文章并从那里下载源代码以了解其工作原理。




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