如何将 A 类与 B 类关联,并从 A 类中的方法返回对 B 类的引用?
【中文标题】如何将 A 类与 B 类关联,并从 A 类中的方法返回对 B 类的引用?【英文标题】:How can I associate Class A with Class B, and the return a reference to class B from a method located in class A? 【发布时间】:2020-02-06 20:52:41 【问题描述】:A类
public class Customer
// Add instance varables
private String lName;
private String fName;
private String address;
private String zip;
// A constructor that initializes the last name, first name, address, and zip code.
public Customer(String lN, String fN, String addr, String zi)
lName = lN;
fName = fN;
address = addr;
zip = zi;
// setAccount(Account a) - Sets the Account for this customer
// getAccount() - Returns a reference to the Account object associated with this customer
public Account getAccount()
public class Account
// Add instance variables
private String accountNumber;
private double balance;
private Customer customer;
// A constructor that initializes the account number and Customer, and sets the blance to zero.
public Account(String aN, Customer c)
accountNumber = aN;
balance = 0.00;
customer = c;
所以我不明白如何在A类中创建set account和get account方法
class Customer
private final Account account;
public Customer()
account = new Account(this);
public Account getAccount()
return account;
class Account
private final Customer customer;
public Account(Customer customer)
this.customer = customer;
public Customer getCustomer()
return customer;
private Account account;
public void setAccount( Account account ) this.account = account;
public Account getAccount( ) return account;
并从帐户中删除与客户相关的所有内容。然后您可以使用来自 A(客户)的 getAccount() 来返回对 B(帐户)的引用
public class Account
// Add instance variables
private String accountNumber;
private double balance;
private Customer customer;
public Account(String aN)
accountNumber = aN;
balance = 0.00;
public Customer getCustomer() return customer;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer) this.customer = customer;
...然后您可以使用 A(帐户)中的 getCustomer() 来获取对 B(客户)的引用
以上是关于如何将 A 类与 B 类关联,并从 A 类中的方法返回对 B 类的引用?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章