SQL 查询以显示表中包含数据的最新行,或为空



【中文标题】SQL 查询以显示表中包含数据的最新行,或为空【英文标题】:SQL query to show most recent row in table with data, or null 【发布时间】:2017-08-25 03:22:56 【问题描述】:

我有一个 Oracle DB 表结构,其中包含通过面试过程填充的行,每个“客户”都可以多次完成面试过程,甚至在同一天。表结构如下所示:

Table: Customers

Table: Questions
QuestionId | QuestionText
0          | Last Location?
1          | Last Color?
2          | Last Food?
3          | Last Drink?

Table: Answers
Id | CustomerId | QuestionId | AnswerText | Created_On
1    0            0            Chicago      08/15/2017 7:56:34 AM
2    0            0            Laramie      08/16/2017 9:27:23 AM
3    0            0            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
4    0            1            Null         08/15/2017 7:56:34 AM
5    0            1            Green        08/16/2017 9:27:23 AM
6    0            1            Blue         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
7    0            2            Pizza        08/15/2017 7:56:34 AM
8    0            2            Null         08/16/2017 9:27:23 AM
9    0            2            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
10   0            3            Null         08/15/2017 7:56:34 AM
11   0            3            Null         08/16/2017 9:27:23 AM
12   0            3            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM


Id | CustomerId | QuestionId | AnswerText | Created_On
3    0            0            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
6    0            1            Blue         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
9    0            2            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
12   0            3            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM

新的要求是为每个问题显示一个值的最新答案,如果该问题从未被回答,则为 null。如果我能正确查询,上面示例数据的结果将如下所示:

Id | CustomerId | QuestionId | AnswerText | Created_On
2    0            0            Laramie      08/16/2017 9:27:23 AM
6    0            1            Blue         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM
7    0            2            Pizza        08/15/2017 7:56:34 AM
12   0            3            Null         08/17/2017 6:34:56 AM




分析函数助你一臂之力!按customeridquestionid 进行分区,并为每个分区中的行分配row_number()。如果我们不必担心answertext is null,我们只需通过created_on desc 订购即可。

为了处理null,我们首先根据answertext 是否不为空与是否为空来排序。这可以通过 case 表达式轻松完成(见下文)。

然后在外部查询中,我们选择row_number 为1 的行(在customeridquestionid 的每个组合中)。

select id, customerid, questionid, answertext, ts
from   (
         select id, customerid, questionid, answertext, ts,
                row_number() over ( partition by customerid, questionid
                                        order by case when answertext is not null
                                                      then 0 end,
                                                 created_on desc
                                  ) as rn
         from   answers
where  rn = 1


感谢有关“时间戳”的注释 - 我不得不混淆实际的列名并忘记它是保留字。已在示例中修复。【参考方案2】:


select MAX(a.id) ID, a.CustomerId , q.QuestionId,LISTAGG(AnswerText,' * ')  WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ID) AnswerText, max(a.Created_On) Created_On
    from Questions q
    left join Answers a
    on a.QuestionId = q.QuestionId
    where a.AnswerText is not null
    group by a.CustomerId , q.QuestionId 
    select MAX(a.id) ID, a.CustomerId , q.QuestionId ,LISTAGG(AnswerText,' *')  WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ID) AnswerText, max(a.Created_On) Created_On
     from Questions q
    left join Answers a
    on a.QuestionId = q.QuestionId
    where a.AnswerText is  null AND
    Q.QuestionId NOT IN(
         select q.QuestionId
         from Questions q
      left join Answers a
      on a.QuestionId = q.QuestionId
      where a.AnswerText is not null
      group by a.CustomerId , q.QuestionId
    group by a.CustomerId , q.QuestionId 
    ORDER BY QuestionId



以上是关于SQL 查询以显示表中包含数据的最新行,或为空的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



pentaho cde在sql查询中包含/排除where子句


在 C# 代码中的 DB 中的 Linq 查询中包含空单元格
