将多个情节图下载到 PDF Shiny



【中文标题】将多个情节图下载到 PDF Shiny【英文标题】:Download multiple plotly plots to PDF Shiny 【发布时间】:2019-02-03 14:20:39 【问题描述】:

My Shiny App 为用户选择的任何输入显示一个情节图。我想要一个下载按钮,将所有绘图保存在用户系统上的 PDF 文件中。我正在使用 R markdown 编写 PDF 报告,然后使用 Shiny 中的 downloadHandler 下载它。到目前为止,我可以在我的 Shiny 代码中单独创建每个图,然后将它们作为参数列表传递给我的 r markdown 文件。由于我的实际项目中有大量地块(> 25),因此我想循环进行。这是迄今为止我所拥有的一个可重复的示例:


dummy.df <- structure(list(
  Tid = structure(
    1:24, .Label = c("20180321-032-000001", 
                     "20180321-032-000003", "20180321-032-000004", "20180321-032-000005", 
                     "20180321-032-000006", "20180321-032-000007", "20180321-032-000008", 
                     "20180321-032-000009", "20180321-032-000010", "20180321-032-000011", 
                     "20180321-032-000012", "20180321-032-000013", "20180321-032-000014", 
                     "20180321-032-000015", "20180321-032-000016", "20180321-032-000017", 
                     "20180321-032-000018", "20180321-032-000020", "20180321-032-000021", 
                     "20180321-032-000022", "20180321-032-000024", "20180321-032-000025", 
                     "20180321-032-000026", "20180321-032-000027"), class = "factor"), 
  Measurand1 = c(4.1938661428, 4.2866076398, 4.2527368322, 
                 4.1653403962, 4.27242291066667, 4.16539040846667, 4.34047710253333, 
                 4.22442363773333, 4.19234076866667, 4.2468291332, 3.9844897884, 
                 4.22141039866667, 4.20227445513333, 4.33310654473333, 4.1927596214, 
                 4.15925140273333, 4.11148968806667, 4.08674611913333, 4.18821475666667, 
                 4.2206477116, 3.48470470453333, 4.2483107466, 4.209376197, 
  Measurand2 = c(240.457556634854, 248.218468503733, 
                 251.064523520989, 255.454918894609, 250.780599536337, 258.342398843477, 
                 252.343710644105, 249.881670507113, 254.937548700795, 257.252509533017, 
                 258.10699153634, 252.191362744656, 246.944795528771, 247.527116069484, 
                 261.060987461132, 257.770850218767, 259.844790397474, 243.046373553637, 
                 247.026385356368, 254.288899315579, 233.51454714355, 250.556819253509, 
                 255.8242909112, 254.938735944406), 
  Measurand3 = c(70.0613216684803, 
                 70.5004961457819, 70.8382322052776, 69.9282599322167, 68.3045749634227, 
                 71.5636835352475, 69.1173532716941, 71.3604764318073, 69.5045949393461, 
                 71.2211656142532, 72.5716638087178, 69.2085312787522, 70.7872214372161, 
                 70.7247180047809, 69.9466984209057, 71.8433220247599, 72.2055956743742, 
                 71.0348320947071, 69.3848050049961, 69.9884660785462, 73.160638501285, 
                 69.7524898841488, 71.1958302879424, 72.6060886025082)), 
  class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 24L)

# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
   titlePanel("Download Demo"),
        selectInput(inputId = "variable",
                    label = "Plot Measurand",
                    choices = colnames(dummy.df)[2:11]
        downloadButton("downloadplot1", label = "Download plots")

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) 

  # Output graph
  output$myplot1 <- renderPlotly(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~get(input$variable), type = 'scatter',
            mode = 'markers') %>%
      layout(title = 'Values',
             xaxis = list(title = "Points", showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE),
             yaxis = list(title = input$variable, showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE))

  # Creating plots individually and passing them as a list of parameters to RMD
  # Example for the first two measurands
  test.plot1 <- reactive(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand1, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

  test.plot2 <- reactive(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand2, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

  output$downloadplot1 <-  downloadHandler(
    filename = "plots.pdf",
    content = function(file)

      tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "report1.Rmd")
      file.copy("download_content.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)

      # Set up parameters to pass to Rmd document
      params <- list(n = test.plot1(), k = test.plot2())

      rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
                        params = params,
                        envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

还有我的 RMD 文件:

title: "Report"
output: pdf_document
always_allow_html: yes
  n: NA
  k: NA

tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(params$n, file = tmpFile)
export(params$k, file = tmpFile)

我想要做的是将所有图作为参数化列表传递给 rmd,其中每个图都将绘制在针织 PDF 文档中,然后下载。


  # IN server
  # Generate plots in a loop
  list.of.measurands <- c("Measurand1", "Measurand2") #....all my measurands

  plots.gen <- lapply(list.of.measurands, function(msrnd)
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~msrnd, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

将此列表作为参数传递给 Rmd:

# Inside downloadHandler
params <- list(n = plots.gen)

并在 rmd 文件中循环绘制所有图:

title: "Report"
output: pdf_document
always_allow_html: yes
  n: NA
  k: NA

tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

for (item in params$n)
  export(item, file = tmpFile)  




根据 Gregor de Cillia 的评论,我将 plot_ly 函数更改为 y = dummy.df[[msrnd]]。我也尝试过 as_widget() 但没有成功在我的报告中获取图表。

plots.gen <- lapply(list.of.measurands, function(msrnd)

as_widget(plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = dummy.df[[msrnd]], 
                  type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers'))


我的猜测是plot_ly的公式接口不能处理字符串所以y = ~msrndlapply中不起作用。 确实如此。我将其更改为y = dummy.df[[msrnd]]。还在 lapply 中围绕我的 plot_ly() 函数尝试了as_widget()。仍然得到一个空白报告。 如果问题出在字符串上,您可以尝试通过eval(parse(text = ...)) 运行它? 【参考方案1】:


好的,所以在花了相当多的时间玩plotly 和 knitr 之后,我很确定在 knitr 报告中循环打印 plotly 图表存在问题。我将在 plotly 存储库中提出问题,因为肯定存在某种错误。即使将图表导出为 .png,然后再次导入并在knitr 报告中显示,一次也只能显示一个图表。很奇怪。


无论如何,我找到了一个解决方案,无需使用knitr 来获取在您的 Shiny 应用程序中生成的所有图形的 pdf。它依赖staplr 包来组合PDF 文件,因此您必须安装该包并安装pdftk 工具包。

之后,使用我在改编您的 Shiny 应用时编写的以下代码:


dummy.df <- structure(list(
  Tid = structure(
    1:24, .Label = c("20180321-032-000001", 
                     "20180321-032-000003", "20180321-032-000004", "20180321-032-000005", 
                     "20180321-032-000006", "20180321-032-000007", "20180321-032-000008", 
                     "20180321-032-000009", "20180321-032-000010", "20180321-032-000011", 
                     "20180321-032-000012", "20180321-032-000013", "20180321-032-000014", 
                     "20180321-032-000015", "20180321-032-000016", "20180321-032-000017", 
                     "20180321-032-000018", "20180321-032-000020", "20180321-032-000021", 
                     "20180321-032-000022", "20180321-032-000024", "20180321-032-000025", 
                     "20180321-032-000026", "20180321-032-000027"), class = "factor"), 
  Measurand1 = c(4.1938661428, 4.2866076398, 4.2527368322, 
                 4.1653403962, 4.27242291066667, 4.16539040846667, 4.34047710253333, 
                 4.22442363773333, 4.19234076866667, 4.2468291332, 3.9844897884, 
                 4.22141039866667, 4.20227445513333, 4.33310654473333, 4.1927596214, 
                 4.15925140273333, 4.11148968806667, 4.08674611913333, 4.18821475666667, 
                 4.2206477116, 3.48470470453333, 4.2483107466, 4.209376197, 
  Measurand2 = c(240.457556634854, 248.218468503733, 
                 251.064523520989, 255.454918894609, 250.780599536337, 258.342398843477, 
                 252.343710644105, 249.881670507113, 254.937548700795, 257.252509533017, 
                 258.10699153634, 252.191362744656, 246.944795528771, 247.527116069484, 
                 261.060987461132, 257.770850218767, 259.844790397474, 243.046373553637, 
                 247.026385356368, 254.288899315579, 233.51454714355, 250.556819253509, 
                 255.8242909112, 254.938735944406), 
  Measurand3 = c(70.0613216684803, 
                 70.5004961457819, 70.8382322052776, 69.9282599322167, 68.3045749634227, 
                 71.5636835352475, 69.1173532716941, 71.3604764318073, 69.5045949393461, 
                 71.2211656142532, 72.5716638087178, 69.2085312787522, 70.7872214372161, 
                 70.7247180047809, 69.9466984209057, 71.8433220247599, 72.2055956743742, 
                 71.0348320947071, 69.3848050049961, 69.9884660785462, 73.160638501285, 
                 69.7524898841488, 71.1958302879424, 72.6060886025082)), 
  class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 24L)

# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Download Demo"),
      selectInput(inputId = "variable",
                  label = "Plot Measurand",
                  choices = colnames(dummy.df)[2:11]
      downloadButton("downloadplot1", label = "Download plots")

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) 

  # Output graph
  output$myplot1 <- renderPlotly(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~get(input$variable), type = 'scatter',
            mode = 'markers') %>%
      layout(title = 'Values',
             xaxis = list(title = "Points", showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE),
             yaxis = list(title = input$variable, showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE))

  # Creating plots individually and passing them as a list of parameters to RMD
  # Example for the first two measurands
  test.plot1 <- reactive(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand1, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

  test.plot2 <- reactive(
    plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand2, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

  output$downloadplot1 <-  downloadHandler(
    filename = "plots.pdf",
    content = function(file)

      # Set up parameters to pass to Rmd document
      plots <- list(test.plot1(), test.plot2())

      # Plot indices
      ind_vec <- seq_along(plots)

      # Create tempfiles for all plots
      tfiles <- sapply(ind_vec, FUN = function(x)
        return(tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")))

      # create tempfiles for the plots with the second page deleted
      tfiles_repl <- sapply(ind_vec, FUN = function(x)
        return(tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")))

      # Save the objects as .pdf files
      for (i in ind_vec) 
        # Export files
        export(plots[[i]], tfiles[[i]])

        # Remove second page bc for some reason it is whitespace
        staplr::remove_pages(2, input_filepath = tfiles[[i]], 
                             output_filepath = tfiles_repl[[i]])

      # Combine the plots into one pdf
      staplr::staple_pdf(input_files = tfiles_repl, output_filepath = file)

      # Remove .pdf files
      lapply(tfiles, FUN = file.remove)
      lapply(tfiles_repl, FUN = file.remove)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

我只修改了downloadHandler() 函数内的代码。这段代码基本上会生成plots 列表中所有图的.pdf 文件(稍后您必须指定所有 25 个图,我会在循环中执行此操作)。然后,它将所有绘图合并到一个.pdf 中,然后删除每个 .pdf 的第二页,这是必要的,因为出于某种原因,export() 会生成第二页完全空白的 PDF。


如果我是你,我想完全摆脱 plotly,并用 ggplot2 图表替换它。完全按照您的意愿去做会更容易(包括knitr 解决方案)。使用plotly 创建的图表增加了一层复杂性,因为它们是首先必须转换为静态文件的 Web 对象。



我认为@Stanislaus Stadlmann 是正确的。出于某种原因,plotly::export 在 rmarkdown 文件的循环中不起作用。我怀疑这是出于同样的原因knitr::include_graphic does not work inside a loop。一种解决方法是使用 markdown 语法插入图像。这是有效的 rmarkdown 文件:

title: "Report"
output: pdf_document
always_allow_html: yes
  n: NA

```r,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE, results="asis"

for (item in params$n) 
  tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  export(item, file = tmpFile)


这是我的downloadplot1 函数:

  output$downloadplot1 <-  downloadHandler(
    filename = "plots.pdf",
    content = function(file)

      tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "report1.Rmd")
      file.copy("download_content.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)

      list.of.measurands <- c("Measurand1", "Measurand2") #....all my measurands

      plots.gen <- lapply(list.of.measurands, function(msrnd)
        plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~get(msrnd), type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')

      params <- list(n = plots.gen)

      rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
                        params = params,
                        envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())


以上是关于将多个情节图下载到 PDF Shiny的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

点击Shiny App中每次迭代中的多个图


Shiny R:无法显示情节


从 PDF 中提取绘图
