闪亮的 ui.R - 标签中的错误(“div”,列表(...)) - 不确定错误在哪里
【中文标题】闪亮的 ui.R - 标签中的错误(“div”,列表(...)) - 不确定错误在哪里【英文标题】:Shiny ui.R - Error in tag("div", list(...)) - not sure where error is 【发布时间】:2012-12-03 21:51:18 【问题描述】:更新 - 2012 年 12 月 17 日上午 9 点 CDT:示例已更新,包含演示数据和完整代码。 [/update]。
示例数据: https://gist.github.com/4318774
我一直在玩新的 Shiny 包(喜欢它!)但还不明白我在runApp("")
时遇到的错误。错误是Error in tag("div", list(...)): argument is missing
我正在尝试创建一个交互式网络应用程序,用于对人口统计数据进行图形探索。我使用以下内容作为指南:https://gist.github.com/4026749 http://rstudio.github.com/shiny/tutorial/
使用options(error= recover)
Listening on port 8100
Error in tag("div", list(...)) : argument is missing, with no default
Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1: runApp("//~~my app~~")
2: tryCatch(while (TRUE)
, finally =
3: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
4: serviceApp(ws_env)
5: service(server = ws_env, timeout = timeout)
6: server$static(j, J$wsinfo)
7: handler(ws, header)
8: handler(ws, header)
9: local(
source(filePath, local = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv))
10: eval.parent(substitute(eval(quote(expr), envir)))
11: eval(expr, p)
12: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
13: eval(quote(
source(filePath, local = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv))
14: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
15: cacheContext$with(function()
source(filePath, local = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv))
16: func()
17: source(filePath, local = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv))
18: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
19: eval(ei, envir)
20: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
21: ui.R#6: shinyUI(pageWithSidebar(headerPanel("Demographics Web Demo - Eglin Data"), sidebarPanel(textInput("plot.ti
22: force(ui)
23: pageWithSidebar(headerPanel("Demographics Web Demo - Eglin Data"), sidebarPanel(textInput("plot.title", "Title:",
24: bootstrapPage(div(class = "container-fluid", div(class = "row-fluid", headerPanel), div(class = "row-fluid", sideb
25: tagList(importBootstrap(), list(...))
26: div(class = "container-fluid", div(class = "row-fluid", headerPanel), div(class = "row-fluid", sidebarPanel, mainP
27: tags$div(...)
28: tag("div", list(...))
29: div(class = "row-fluid", sidebarPanel, mainPanel)
30: tags$div(...)
31: tag("div", list(...))
32: sidebarPanel(textInput("plot.title", "Title:", "Population Pyramid of Members"), wellPanel(p(strong("Demographic o
33: div(class = "span4", tags$form(class = "well", ...))
34: tags$div(...)
35: tag("div", list(...))
36: tags$form(class = "well", ...)
37: tag("form", list(...))
38: wellPanel(p(strong("Demographic of Interest")), checkboxInput(inputId = "age_dist", label = "Age Distribution", va
39: div(class = "well", ...)
40: tags$div(...)
41: tag("div", list(...))
我尝试调查发生了什么,但 ?checkboxInput 使代码看起来准确无误。它也几乎是 RStudio 中“股票”示例的直接副本(上面链接的 github)
/ Server.R
代码: ui.R
# application title
headerPanel("Demographics Web Demo - Eglin Data"),
# sidebar with controls to allow user to define graphical elements and how
# they want them displayed.
# allow the user to write a plot Title
textInput("plot.title", "Title:", "Population Pyramid of Members"),
# allow the user to determine which demographic they want to plot
p(strong("Demographic of Interest")),
checkboxInput(inputId = "age_dist", label = "Age Distribution", value = TRUE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "wealth_dist", label = "Household Wealth", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "home_val", label = "Home Value", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "ed_level", label = "Members' Education", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "inc_level", label = "Members' Est. Income", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "h_own", label = "Homeownership", value = FALSE),
# allow the user to determine age-bracket size. Input used in plotting
sliderInput("age_cut", "Select Size of Age Brackets:",
min= 3, max= 20, value= 5),
# allow the user to subset their demographics by age range
#sliderInput("age_sub", "Please select the age range you would like to 'zoom-in' on:",
# min= 0, max= 120, value= c(15,65)),
# display the appropriate graphics based on the user selections defined
# above.
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.age_dist",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_age")),
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.wealth_dist",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_wealth")),
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.home_val",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_home_value")),
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.ed_level",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_edu")),
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.inc_level",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_inc")),
conditionalPanel(condition= "input.h_own",
plotOutput(outputId= "plot_h_own"))
# require packages
if (!require(ggplot2))
stop("This application requires ggplot2. To install it, please run 'install.packages(\"ggplot2\")'.\n")
if (!require(plotrix))
stop("This application requires plotrix. To install it, please run 'install.packages(\"plotrix\")'.\n")
# load example demo data
load("~~you'll need to load the test data here")
shinyServer(function(input, output)
# reactive function based on user input for plot title
# This function is automatically called to update the display
output$caption <- reactiveText(function()
updateAge_f <- reactive(function()
# re-define age brackets based on user input
demos$age_f <- ordered(cut(demos$age, breaks= c(seq(0, max(demos$age), input$age_cut)),
include.lowest= T))
# Generate a plot of the Members' age distribution
output$plot_age <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
# develop input vectors
male <- as.vector(table(demos$age_f, demos$female_flag)[,1]/summary(demos$female_flag)[1] * 100)
women <- as.vector(table(demos$age_f, demos$female_flag)[,2]/summary(demos$female_flag)[2] * 100)
# create plot
pyramid.plot(lx= male, rx= women,
labels= levels(demos$age_f),
lxcol= "blue", rxcol= "pink",
main= "Population Pyramid of Members",
gap= 2, labelcex= .75)
# generate a plot of members' wealth codes
output$plot_wealth <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
if (input$factor_age == TRUE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(wealth)) + geom_bar() +
facet_wrap(~ age_f, ncol= 3) + theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Wealth of Members by Age Bracket",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Decile of Wealth (by State)") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
else if (input$factor_age == FALSE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(wealth)) + geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Wealth of Members of your Members",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Decile of Wealth (by State)") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
# generate a plot of home value of members' properties
output$plot_home_value <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
if (input$factor_age == TRUE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(home_value)) + geom_bar() +
facet_wrap(~ age_f, ncol= 3) + theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Home Value by Age Bracket",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Home Value") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
else if (input$factor_age == FALSE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(home_value)) + geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Home Value of your Members",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Home Value") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
# generate a plot of education distribution
output$plot_edu <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
if (input$factor_age == TRUE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(ed_code)) + geom_bar() +
facet_wrap(~ age_f, ncol= 3) + theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Education Level by Age Bracket",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Education Level") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
else if (input$factor_age == FALSE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(ed_code)) + geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Education Level of your Members",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Education Level") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
# generate a plot of members' estimated income levels
output$plot_inc <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
if (input$factor_age == TRUE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(inc)) + geom_bar() +
facet_wrap(~ age_f, ncol= 3) + theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Estimated Income by Age Bracket",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Estimated Income Range") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
else if (input$factor_age == FALSE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(inc)) + geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Estimated Income of your Members",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Estimated Income Range") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
# generate a plot of members' homeownership
output$plot_h_own <- reactivePlot(function()
# call to update age factor if needed
if (input$factor_age == TRUE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(homeOwner)) + geom_bar() +
facet_wrap(~ age_f, ncol= 3) + theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Home Ownership by Age Bracket",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Home Owner / Renter") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
else if (input$factor_age == FALSE)
ggplot(demos2, aes(homeOwner)) + geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title= "Home Ownership of your Members",
y= "Count of Individuals",
x= "Home Owner / Renter") +
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle= 90))
“# ... more to follow...”是否意味着您没有向我们展示更多代码? 不,这意味着我打算写更多的代码 我看到的唯一一件令人怀疑的事情是您将单个数字传递给sliderInput()中的值,当,特别是如果它是一个范围时,您应该使用c(底部,顶部) @BrandonBertelsen - 您可以执行单个值或 c(top, bottom)。http://rstudio.github.com/shiny/tutorial/#sliders
在 ui.R 中,此行的末尾不应有逗号:
sliderInput("age_cut", "Select Size of Age Brackets:",
min= 3, max= 20, value= 5),
checkboxInput(inputId = "h_own", label = "Homeownership", value = FALSE),
一般来说,一个部分的最后一个组成部分后不应有逗号。就像任何 R 函数一样,您通常不会以逗号结束函数调用。例如sum(5,)
这些错误令人痛苦、烦人且无法追踪。实际上很令人沮丧,因为 traceback() 没有引用您实际使用的代码。 在 RStudio 本地开发期间应用程序运行良好时也很难追踪,但通过 Shiny Server 运行时会引发错误。 :facepalm:以上是关于闪亮的 ui.R - 标签中的错误(“div”,列表(...)) - 不确定错误在哪里的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章