Python for 循环在第一次迭代后停止



【中文标题】Python for 循环在第一次迭代后停止【英文标题】:Python for loops stops after first iteration 【发布时间】:2017-09-16 07:05:29 【问题描述】:

我在调试下面的get_secondary_connections 函数时遇到问题。出于某种原因,我的 for friend in network[user][‘connections’] 循环总是在列表中的第一个值处停止,而不是遍历整个列表。我不明白为什么会这样。有人可以给我一些指导吗?非常感谢!


network =  

'Freda': 'connections': ['Olive', 'John', 'Debra'], 'favorite games': ['Starfleet Commander', 'Ninja Hamsters', 'Seahorse Adventures'], 

'Ollie': 'connections': ['Mercedes', 'Freda', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['Call of Arms', 'Dwarves and Swords', 'The Movie: The Game'], 

'Debra': 'connections': ['Walter', 'Levi', 'Jennie', 'Robin'], 'favorite games': ['Seven Schemers', 'Pirates in Java Island', 'Dwarves and Swords'], 

'Olive': 'connections': ['John', 'Ollie'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Starfleet Commander'], 

'Levi': 'connections': ['Ollie', 'John', 'Walter'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Seven Schemers', 'City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma'], 

'Jennie': 'connections': ['Levi', 'John', 'Freda', 'Robin'], 'favorite games': ['Super Mushroom Man', 'Dinosaur Diner', 'Call of Arms'], 

'Mercedes': 'connections': ['Walter', 'Robin', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Pirates in Java Island', 'Seahorse Adventures'], 

'John': 'connections': ['Bryant', 'Debra', 'Walter'], 'favorite games': ['The Movie: The Game', 'The Legend of Corgi', 'Dinosaur Diner'], 

'Robin': 'connections': ['Ollie'], 'favorite games': ['Call of Arms', 'Dwarves and Swords'], 

'Bryant': 'connections': ['Olive', 'Ollie', 'Freda', 'Mercedes'], 'favorite games': ['City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma', 'Super Mushroom Man'],

'Walter': 'connections': ['John', 'Levi', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['Seahorse Adventures', 'Ninja Hamsters', 'Super Mushroom Man'] 


def get_secondary_connections(network, user):
    if user not in network:
        return None
    sec_connections = []
    for friend in network[user]['connections']:
        for connection in network[friend]['connections']:
            if connection not in sec_connections:
    return sec_connections

当我运行 get_secondary_connections(network, “Mercedes”) 时,我得到以下输出:

[‘John’, ‘Levi’, ‘Bryant’]

如果您查看我的网络,这只是 Walter 的连接列表。我应该得到梅赛德斯二级连接的完整列表,即:

[‘John’, ‘Levi’, ‘Bryant’, ‘Ollie’, ‘Olive’, Freda’, ‘Mercedes’]



无法复制。运行您的代码显示的结果与您想要的输出完全相同。 您的代码看起来正确。你确定输入正确吗? 谢谢大家,我意识到我的编辑器出了点问题,它没有正确运行我的代码。 【参考方案1】:


['John', 'Levi', 'Bryant', 'Ollie', 'Olive', 'Freda', 'Mercedes']


network = 
'Freda': 'connections': ['Olive', 'John', 'Debra'], 'favorite games': ['Starfleet Commander', 'Ninja Hamsters', 'Seahorse Adventures'],

'Ollie': 'connections': ['Mercedes', 'Freda', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['Call of Arms', 'Dwarves and Swords', 'The Movie: The Game'],

'Debra': 'connections': ['Walter', 'Levi', 'Jennie', 'Robin'], 'favorite games': ['Seven Schemers', 'Pirates in Java Island', 'Dwarves and Swords'],

'Olive': 'connections': ['John', 'Ollie'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Starfleet Commander'],

'Levi': 'connections': ['Ollie', 'John', 'Walter'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Seven Schemers', 'City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma'],

'Jennie': 'connections': ['Levi', 'John', 'Freda', 'Robin'], 'favorite games': ['Super Mushroom Man', 'Dinosaur Diner', 'Call of Arms'],

'Mercedes': 'connections': ['Walter', 'Robin', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['The Legend of Corgi', 'Pirates in Java Island', 'Seahorse Adventures'],

'John': 'connections': ['Bryant', 'Debra', 'Walter'], 'favorite games': ['The Movie: The Game', 'The Legend of Corgi', 'Dinosaur Diner'],

'Robin': 'connections': ['Ollie'], 'favorite games': ['Call of Arms', 'Dwarves and Swords'],

'Bryant': 'connections': ['Olive', 'Ollie', 'Freda', 'Mercedes'], 'favorite games': ['City Comptroller: The Fiscal Dilemma', 'Super Mushroom Man'],

'Walter': 'connections': ['John', 'Levi', 'Bryant'], 'favorite games': ['Seahorse Adventures', 'Ninja Hamsters', 'Super Mushroom Man'] 

def get_secondary_connections(network, user):
    if user not in network:
        return None
    sec_connections = []
    for friend in network[user]['connections']:
        for connection in network[friend]['connections']:
            if connection not in sec_connections:
    return sec_connections

print get_secondary_connections(network, "Mercedes")


除了问题中所说的之外,您没有提供解决方案。一条评论就足够了。 真的很抱歉。但是这里的按钮说“发布你的答案”,我发布了我的答案。 你错了。答案应添加一些原始问题中未包含的新解决方案或功能。 我真的很抱歉。我不是故意侮辱你的。你看,我是 Stack Overflow 的新手。我只是在学习做这些事情:) 此外,评论用于要求澄清或指出帖子中的问题,您也不应该将评论部分用于辅助讨论。也就是说,我们现在做的事情是错误的。

以上是关于Python for 循环在第一次迭代后停止的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章




我的 do while 循环在一次迭代后停止。我该如何继续下去?


如何强制结束 for 循环的迭代(不停止 for 循环)?