比“while”循环更快的方法来查找 R 中的感染链



【中文标题】比“while”循环更快的方法来查找 R 中的感染链【英文标题】:Faster method than "while" loop to find chain of infection in R 【发布时间】:2018-02-02 13:12:22 【问题描述】:

我正在分析存储疾病模拟模型输出数据的大型表(300 000 - 500 000 行)。在该模型中,景观中的动物会感染其他动物。例如,在下图的示例中,动物 a1 会感染景观中的每一个动物,并且感染会从一个动物转移到另一个动物,形成感染“链”。

在下面的示例中,我想获取存储有关每个动物信息的表格(在下面的示例中,table = allanimals)并仅删除有关动物的信息 d2 的感染链(我已用绿色突出显示 d2 的感染链),因此我可以计算该感染链的平均栖息地价值。

虽然我的 while 循环有效,但当表存储数十万行并且链有 40-100 个成员时,它就像糖蜜一样慢。

关于如何加快速度的任何想法?希望有一个tidyverse 的解决方案。我知道我的示例数据集“看起来足够快”,但我的数据确实很慢......



   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
1        d2              d1       1
2        d1              c3       1
3        c3              c2       3
4        c2              c1       2
5        c1              b3       3
6        b3              b2       6
7        b2              b1       5
8        b1              a2       4
9        a2              a1       2
10       a1               x       1



# make some data
allanimals <- structure(list(AnimalID = c("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a8",
"b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "d1", "d2", "e1", "e2",
"e3", "e4", "e5", "e6", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7"),
InfectingAnimal = c("x", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a2", "b1",
"b2", "b3", "b4", "b3", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c3", "d1", "b1", "e1", "e2", "e3",
"e4", "e5", "e1", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6"), habitat = c(1L, 2L, 1L,
2L, 2L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 5L, 4L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 4L, 5L, 4L, 5L, 4L, 3L)), .Names = c("AnimalID",
"InfectingAnimal", "habitat"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -32L))

# check it out

# Start with animal I'm interested in - say, d2
Focal.Animal <- "d2"

# Make a 1-row data.frame with d2's information
Focal.Animal <- allanimals %>% 
  filter(AnimalID == Focal.Animal)

# This is the animal we start with

# Make a new data.frame to store our results of the while loop in
Chain <- Focal.Animal

# make a condition to help while loop
InfectingAnimalInTable <- TRUE

# time it 
ptm <- proc.time()

# Run loop until you find an animal that isn't in the table, then stop
while(InfectingAnimalInTable == TRUE)
    # Who is the next infecting animal?
    NextAnimal <- Chain %>% 
      slice(n()) %>% 
      select(InfectingAnimal) %>% 

    NextRow <- allanimals %>% 
      filter(AnimalID == NextAnimal)

    # If there is an infecting animal in the table, 
    if (nrow(NextRow) > 0) 
      # Add this to the Chain table
      Chain[(nrow(Chain)+1),] <- NextRow
      #Otherwise, if there is no infecting animal in the  table, 
      # define the Infecting animal follows, this will stop the loop.
     else InfectingAnimalInTable <- FALSE

proc.time() - ptm

# did it work? Check out the Chain data.frame


object 'InfectingAnimal' not found 谢谢,我修正了代码!它现在应该可以工作了。 只是为了确定,每只动物只能受到另一种动物的影响,这样NextRow 每次只有一行(或者如果结束则为零)? 是的,没错——每只动物在“allanimals”表中只有一行,并且只能被一种动物感染。然而,一只动物可以感染不止一个其他个体。感谢您为此工作! 查看data.treedata.tree::Transverse 函数。我现在没有时间玩它,但我认为这可能会让你到达那里。 【参考方案1】:


allanimals_ID <- unique(c(allanimals$AnimalID, allanimals$InfectingAnimal))

infected <- rep(NA_integer_, length(allanimals_ID))
infected[match(allanimals$AnimalID, allanimals_ID)] <-
  match(allanimals$InfectingAnimal, allanimals_ID)

path <- rep(NA_integer_, length(allanimals_ID))
curOne <- match("d2", allanimals_ID)
i <- 1
while (!is.na(nextOne <- infected[curOne])) 
  path[i] <- curOne
  i <- i + 1
  curOne <- nextOne

allanimals[path[seq_len(i - 1)], ]

要获得额外的性能增益,请使用 Rcpp 重新编码此循环:')


我正准备在我的“大”数据上尝试这个,但我不明白 while 语句的条件......我以前从未在条件点做过分配。 凡事都有第一次 :')。对你来说是不是很奇怪,还是你根本不明白? @Nova 虽然infected[curOne] 不适用,请执行循环。换句话说,只要你当前的节点被另一个节点感染,就执行循环。如果当前节点没有被任何人感染,则停止。 好的,是的,这对 @Mako212 有帮助。这很酷!它适用于我的大数据集......时间从 3 秒到 0.11 秒!!!我将花更多时间研究代码以确保我理解。 F. Privé,您度过了这个女士的一天! @F.Privé 你可以将第 3 行简化为infected &lt;- match(allanimals$InfectingAnimal, allanimals_ID) 我不知道你为什么在那里有第一个匹配语句,它没有任何作用。【参考方案2】:


path= function(animals,dat)

    d = paste(d,do.call(paste,dat[k,]),sep="\n ")

  n = .path(animals)
  regmatches(n,gregexpr("(?<=\\n)",n,perl = T)) = animals

  tab = na.omit(read.table(text=n,col.names = c("grp",names(dat))))
  split(tab[-1],tab$grp)# This is not necessary. You can decide to return the tab

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
1        d2              d1       1
2        d1              c3       1
3        c3              c2       3
4        c2              c1       2
5        c1              b3       3
6        b3              b2       6
7        b2              b1       5
8        b1              a2       4
9        a2              a1       2
10       a1               x       1

这个函数还可以在 4 毫秒内给出所有其他动物的路径:

allanimals_ID <- unique(c(allanimals$AnimalID, allanimals$InfectingAnimal)
  AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
1       a1               x       1

  AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
3       a2              a1       2
4       a1               x       1

  AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
6       a3              a2       1
7       a2              a1       2
8       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
10       a4              a3       2
11       a3              a2       1
12       a2              a1       2
13       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
15       a5              a4       2
16       a4              a3       2
17       a3              a2       1
18       a2              a1       2
19       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
21       a6              a5       1
22       a5              a4       2
23       a4              a3       2
24       a3              a2       1
25       a2              a1       2
26       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
28       a7              a6       3
29       a6              a5       1
30       a5              a4       2
31       a4              a3       2
32       a3              a2       1
33       a2              a1       2
34       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
36       a8              a7       2
37       a7              a6       3
38       a6              a5       1
39       a5              a4       2
40       a4              a3       2
41       a3              a2       1
42       a2              a1       2
43       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
45       b1              a2       4
46       a2              a1       2
47       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
49       b2              b1       5
50       b1              a2       4
51       a2              a1       2
52       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
54       b3              b2       6
55       b2              b1       5
56       b1              a2       4
57       a2              a1       2
58       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
60       b4              b3       1
61       b3              b2       6
62       b2              b1       5
63       b1              a2       4
64       a2              a1       2
65       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
67       b5              b4       2
68       b4              b3       1
69       b3              b2       6
70       b2              b1       5
71       b1              a2       4
72       a2              a1       2
73       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
75       c1              b3       3
76       b3              b2       6
77       b2              b1       5
78       b1              a2       4
79       a2              a1       2
80       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
82       c2              c1       2
83       c1              b3       3
84       b3              b2       6
85       b2              b1       5
86       b1              a2       4
87       a2              a1       2
88       a1               x       1

   AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
90       c3              c2       3
91       c2              c1       2
92       c1              b3       3
93       b3              b2       6
94       b2              b1       5
95       b1              a2       4
96       a2              a1       2
97       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
99        c4              c3       2
100       c3              c2       3
101       c2              c1       2
102       c1              b3       3
103       b3              b2       6
104       b2              b1       5
105       b1              a2       4
106       a2              a1       2
107       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
109       d1              c3       1
110       c3              c2       3
111       c2              c1       2
112       c1              b3       3
113       b3              b2       6
114       b2              b1       5
115       b1              a2       4
116       a2              a1       2
117       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
119       d2              d1       1
120       d1              c3       1
121       c3              c2       3
122       c2              c1       2
123       c1              b3       3
124       b3              b2       6
125       b2              b1       5
126       b1              a2       4
127       a2              a1       2
128       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
130       e1              b1       2
131       b1              a2       4
132       a2              a1       2
133       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
135       e2              e1       5
136       e1              b1       2
137       b1              a2       4
138       a2              a1       2
139       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
141       e3              e2       4
142       e2              e1       5
143       e1              b1       2
144       b1              a2       4
145       a2              a1       2
146       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
148       e4              e3       1
149       e3              e2       4
150       e2              e1       5
151       e1              b1       2
152       b1              a2       4
153       a2              a1       2
154       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
156       e5              e4       1
157       e4              e3       1
158       e3              e2       4
159       e2              e1       5
160       e1              b1       2
161       b1              a2       4
162       a2              a1       2
163       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
165       e6              e5       1
166       e5              e4       1
167       e4              e3       1
168       e3              e2       4
169       e2              e1       5
170       e1              b1       2
171       b1              a2       4
172       a2              a1       2
173       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
175       f1              e1       1
176       e1              b1       2
177       b1              a2       4
178       a2              a1       2
179       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
181       f2              f1       4
182       f1              e1       1
183       e1              b1       2
184       b1              a2       4
185       a2              a1       2
186       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
188       f3              f2       5
189       f2              f1       4
190       f1              e1       1
191       e1              b1       2
192       b1              a2       4
193       a2              a1       2
194       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
196       f4              f3       4
197       f3              f2       5
198       f2              f1       4
199       f1              e1       1
200       e1              b1       2
201       b1              a2       4
202       a2              a1       2
203       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
205       f5              f4       5
206       f4              f3       4
207       f3              f2       5
208       f2              f1       4
209       f1              e1       1
210       e1              b1       2
211       b1              a2       4
212       a2              a1       2
213       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
215       f6              f5       4
216       f5              f4       5
217       f4              f3       4
218       f3              f2       5
219       f2              f1       4
220       f1              e1       1
221       e1              b1       2
222       b1              a2       4
223       a2              a1       2
224       a1               x       1

    AnimalID InfectingAnimal habitat
226       f7              f6       3
227       f6              f5       4
228       f5              f4       5
229       f4              f3       4
230       f3              f2       5
231       f2              f1       4
232       f1              e1       1
233       e1              b1       2
234       b1              a2       4
235       a2              a1       2
236       a1               x       1

[1] AnimalID        InfectingAnimal habitat        
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

当使用microbenchmark, this function is twice as fast as thewhile 循环将其与上面的while 循环进行比较时。

  path_= path= function(animals,dat)

      d = paste(d,do.call(paste,dat[k,]),sep="\n ")

    n = .path(animals)
    regmatches(n,gregexpr("(?<=\\n)",n,perl = T)) = animals

    tab = na.omit(read.table(text=n,col.names = c("grp",names(dat))))
    split(tab[-1],tab$grp)# This is not necessary. You can decide to return the tab


  answer_above= allanimals_ID <- unique(c(allanimals$AnimalID, allanimals$InfectingAnimal))

  infected <- rep(NA_integer_, length(allanimals_ID))
  infected[match(allanimals$AnimalID, allanimals_ID)] <-
    match(allanimals$InfectingAnimal, allanimals_ID)

  path <- rep(NA_integer_, length(allanimals_ID))
  curOne <- match("d2", allanimals_ID)
  i <- 1
  while (!is.na(nextOne <- infected[curOne])) 
    path[i] <- curOne
    i <- i + 1
    curOne <- nextOne

  allanimals[path[seq_len(i - 1)], ]
Unit: milliseconds
         expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq       max neval
        path_ 1.347699 1.394348 1.606106 1.448677 1.526331 11.800467   100
 answer_above 2.655575 2.734935 2.897814 2.800926 2.882846  6.433567   100


以上是关于比“while”循环更快的方法来查找 R 中的感染链的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


Python:为啥弹出队列比 for-in 块更快?




有啥方法可以比 for 循环更快地遍历数组吗?