为啥此电子邮件在 Lotus Notes 中不能正确显示?



【中文标题】为啥此电子邮件在 Lotus Notes 中不能正确显示?【英文标题】:Why doesn't this e-mail display correctly in Lotus Notes?为什么此电子邮件在 Lotus Notes 中不能正确显示? 【发布时间】:2011-03-25 13:05:40 【问题描述】:

我正在使用 php 构建电子邮件,尽可能地遵循 RFC,这似乎适用于其他客户端(gmail、outlook),但不适用于 Lotus Notes。



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Development FiLMS The name of this FiLMS install (Development FiLMS)=0D=0Ah=
ttp://Internal-IP The URL of this FiLMS install (http://Internal-IP/dev_r=
yan)=0D=0Atest1 The Username for the user=0D=0A Test 1 T=
he text used to describe this User throughout the system=0D=0AEnglish This =
user's primary language.=0D=0ASandbox (Test Organization) The Name of the O=
rganization this User belongs to.=0D=0ALearner The Name of the Role this Us=
er has been assigned.=0D=0A The Hint that is shown to this user if they do =
not enter their password correctly=0D=0ATrue If the User is able to log int=
o the system, and if they appear in reports.=0D=0ANone The time (if any) wh=
en this User will automatically become inactive.=0D=0Ato-address E-Mail=
=0D=0A[Department] Department=0D=0A[GEO] GEO=0D=0A[Position] Position=0D=0A=
[Access Type] Access Type=0D=0A[Direct Manager] Direct Manager=0D=0A The us=
er's Company Name=0D=0A[temp_password] The field where a user's temp passwo=
rd is stored=0D=0A[Job Family] Job Family is required by Nexen Integrity to=
 direct the SOC survey=0D=0A[Contractor User Id] This User's Id in the cont=
ractor portal.=0D=0Afalse If this user should change their password after t=
heir next login.=0D=0A[Employee ID] This User's Employee ID=0D=0A[Bank] Thi=
s User's Bank=0D=0A[Country] This User's country=0D=0A

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<ul id=3D"c16">=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">Development FiLMS</s=
pan> The name of this FiLMS install (Development FiLMS) </li>=0D=0A<li><spa=
n class=3D"inlineHeading">http://Internal-IP</span> The URL of this FiLMS =
install (http://Internal-IP/dev) </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inline=
Heading">test1</span> The Username for the user </li>=0D=0A<li><spa=
n class=3D"inlineHeading">Ryan Peters Test 1</span> The text used to descri=
be this User throughout the system </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHead=
ing">English</span> This user's primary language. </li>=0D=0A<li><span clas=
s=3D"inlineHeading">Sandbox (Test Organization)</span> The Name of the Orga=
nization this User belongs to. </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading"=
>Learner</span> The Name of the Role this User has been assigned. </li>=0D=
=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading"></span> The Hint that is shown to this=
 user if they do not enter their password correctly </li>=0D=0A<li><span cl=
ass=3D"inlineHeading">True</span> If the User is able to log into the syste=
m, and if they appear in reports. </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeadi=
ng">None</span> The time (if any) when this User will automatically become =
inactive. </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">to-address</span=
> E-Mail </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Department]</span> D=
epartment </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[GEO]</span> GEO </l=
i>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Position]</span> Position </li>=
=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Access Type]</span> Access Type </=
li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Direct Manager]</span> Direct M=
anager </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading"></span> The user's Comp=
any Name </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[temp_password]</span=
> The field where a user's temp password is stored </li>=0D=0A<li><span cla=
ss=3D"inlineHeading">[Job Family]</span> Job Family is required by Nexen In=
tegrity to direct the SOC survey </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeadin=
g">[Contractor User Id]</span> This User's Id in the contractor portal. </l=
i>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D"inlineHeading">false</span> If this user should =
change their password after their next login. </li>=0D=0A<li><span class=3D=
"inlineHeading">[Employee ID]</span> This User's Employee ID </li>=0D=0A<li=
><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Bank]</span> This User's Bank </li>=0D=0A<l=
i><span class=3D"inlineHeading">[Country]</span> This User's country</li>=




我会在 Lotus Notes 中检查收件人的个人文档,并尝试将“传入邮件的格式首选项”选项更改为“首选 MIME”,看看是否有帮助。

还要在 Domino 日志中查找错误。它可能会更多地解释转换问题。


我认为我们无法访问 domino 日志,并且我相信该选项已设置为 Prefers MIME。我们创建电子邮件的方式有什么问题吗?他们能够正确接收使用 Outlook 生成的 HTML 电子邮件,但我看不出它们的编码方式有什么不同。

以上是关于为啥此电子邮件在 Lotus Notes 中不能正确显示?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Lotus Notes 富文本中的 AX 2009 附件

lotus notes 信头不能显示,别人收到时能看到我的信头,但是我收到的邮件可发出的邮件,自己都看不到信头

C#操作Lotus Notes邮件

使用 Powershell 查找 Lotus Notes 互联网电子邮件地址

Lotus Notes电子邮件作为另一封电子邮件的附件

如何在 Lotus Notes 中创建一个按钮以查看收件箱中的最新电子邮件?