


【中文标题】从各个距离创建距离矩阵【英文标题】:Create a distance matrix from individual distances 【发布时间】:2020-09-11 01:05:22 【问题描述】:


    |    Departure Station    |     Arrival Station     | distance in m |
    |                         | San Francisco           |           0.0 |
    | San Francisco           | 22nd Street             |   2521.949349 |
    | 22nd Street             | Bayshore                |     5875.8986 |
    | Bayshore                | South San Francisco     |   6690.161279 |
    | South San Francisco     | San Bruno               |   2964.853585 |
    | San Bruno               | Millbrae Transit Center |   4154.792069 |
    | Millbrae Transit Center | Broadway                |   2549.171972 |
    | Broadway                | Burlingame              |   1762.653178 |
    | Burlingame              | San Mateo               |   2307.847611 |
    | San Mateo               | Hayward Park            |   2148.992125 |
    | Hayward Park            | Hillsdale               |   2597.932334 |
    | Hillsdale               | Belmont                 |       2092.15 |
    | Belmont                 | San Carlos              |   1990.239598 |
    | San Carlos              | Redwood City            |   3492.618122 |
    | Redwood City            | Atherton                |   3847.644532 |
    | Atherton                | Menlo Park              |    1752.92218 |
    | Menlo Park              | Palo Alto               |   2011.382315 |
    | Palo Alto               | Stanford                |   1582.663905 |
    | Stanford                | California Ave.         |       965.606 |
    | California Ave.         | San Antonio             |   3939.685111 |
    | San Antonio             | Mountain View           |   3108.414275 |
    | Mountain View           | Sunnyvale               |    4312.51742 |
    | Sunnyvale               | Lawrence                |   3189.943773 |
    | Lawrence                | Santa Clara             |   5889.680131 |
    | Santa Clara             | College Park            |    2252.43061 |
    | College Park            | San Jose Diridon        |   1872.857195 |
    | San Jose Diridon        | Tamien                  |   2887.967478 |
    | Tamien                  | Capitol                 |    4999.21158 |
    | Capitol                 | Blossom Hill            |   5304.202424 |
    | Blossom Hill            | Morgan Hill             |   19050.76536 |
    | Morgan Hill             | San Martin              |     5917.5495 |
    | San Martin              | Gilroy                  |   10061.59472 |
    | Gilroy                  | Gilroy                  |           0.0 |


import pandas as pd
file = open('/Users/miss_evgenia/Downloads/Caltrain Metrics - Sheet4.csv')
dist = pd.read_csv(file)
distances = list(dist['distance in m'])
names = list(dist['Departure Station'])
names= dict(zip(names, range(len(names))))
def sumRange(L,a,b):
    sum = 0
    for i in range(a,b+1,1):
        sum += L[i]
    return sum


'San Francisco': 0, '22nd Street': 1, 'Bayshore': 2, 'South San Francisco': 3, 'San Bruno': 4, 'Millbrae Transit Center': 5, 'Broadway': 6, 'Burlingame': 7, 'San Mateo': 8, 'Hayward Park': 9, 'Hillsdale': 10, 'Belmont': 11, 'San Carlos': 12, 'Redwood City': 13, 'Atherton': 14, 'Menlo Park': 15, 'Palo Alto': 16, 'Stanford': 17, 'California Ave.': 18, 'San Antonio': 19, 'Mountain View': 20, 'Sunnyvale': 21, 'Lawrence': 22, 'Santa Clara': 23, 'College Park': 24, 'San Jose Diridon': 25, 'Tamien': 26, 'Capitol': 27, 'Blossom Hill': 28, 'Morgan Hill': 29, 'San Martin': 30, 'Gilroy': 31

[0.0, 2521.949349, 5875.8986, 6690.161279, 2964.8535850000003, 4154.792069, 2549.171972, 1762.653178, 2307.847611, 2148.992125, 2597.932334, 2092.15, 1990.2395980000001, 3492.618122, 3847.6445320000003, 1752.92218, 2011.3823149999998, 1582.663905, 965.6060000000001, 3939.685111, 3108.414275, 4312.51742, 3189.943773, 5889.680131, 2252.4306100000003, 1872.8571949999998, 2887.967478, 4999.21158, 5304.202424, 19050.765359999998, 5917.5495, 10061.594720000001, 0.0]



我会转换列表以获得每个站点到旧金山的累积距离,然后你知道任何两个站点之间的距离是它们到旧金山的距离之间的差。我现在会试着为你写下来。 【参考方案1】:


cities = np.unique(distance_table["Departure Station"])
matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns = cities, index = cities)
for j in distance_table:
    matrix.at[distance_matrix.iloc[j,0],distance_matrix.iloc[j,1]] = distance_matrix.iloc[j,2]

其中 distance_table 是您在问题中显示的那个。也许你甚至可以用 .apply()



您可以将站点的“位置”计算为距离的cumsum,然后使用scipy.spatial.distance.pdist 计算距离:

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

positions = data['distance in m'].cumsum()
matrix = squareform(pdist(positions.to_numpy()[:, None], 'euclidean'))



除了 a_guest 您还可以尝试以下操作以将结果作为带有标签的 pandas 数据框返回

def transform_dataframe():
    with open("test_data.csv", "r") as input_data:
        station_distances = pd.read_csv(input_data)
        # to stop gilroy appearing twice
    cumulative_distances = station_distances['distance in m'].cumsum()

    distance_matrix = cumulative_distances.values - cumulative_distances.values[:, None]
    distance_matrix = pd.DataFrame(distance_matrix, index=station_distances["Arrival Station"], columns=station_distances["Arrival Station"])
    return distance_matrix



使用带有 pdist 和 squareform 的 nparray 创建距离矩阵




R语言层次聚类(hierarchical clustering):使用scale函数进行特征缩放hclust包层次聚类(创建距离矩阵聚类绘制树状图dendrogram,在树状图上绘制红色矩形框)

如何以正确的方式在 IOS SWIFT 3 中解析 Google 距离矩阵 API JSON