AWS Amplify GraphQL Schema 导致错误
【中文标题】AWS Amplify GraphQL Schema 导致错误【英文标题】:AWS Amplify GraphQL Schema is causing an error 【发布时间】:2022-01-02 12:12:09 【问题描述】:我是 Amplify 的新手,我正在尝试建立一个相当复杂的架构。当我运行放大推送时,我得到的唯一响应是......
An error occurred when pushing the resources to the cloud
type Article
@key(name: "bySource", fields: ["sourceId", "dateWritten"])
id: ID!
link: AWSURL!
title: String!
dateWritten: String!
createdAt: String!
data: AWSJSON!
approved: Boolean!
admin: Boolean!
creatorId: ID!
creator: User @connection(fields: ["creatorId"])
sourceId: ID!
source: Source @connection(fields: ["sourceId"])
tagArtCons: [TagArtCon]
@connection(keyName: "byArticle", fields: ["articleId"])
type Tag @model @key(name: "byFrontPage", fields: ["frontpage"])
id: ID!
name: String!
createdAt: String!
creatorId: ID!
data: AWSJSON!
frontpage: String
official: Boolean!
tagArtConns: [TagArtCon] @connection(keyName: "byTag", fields: ["tagId"])
type TagArtCon
@key(name: "byTag", fields: ["tagId"])
@key(name: "byArticle", fields: ["articleId"])
id: ID!
tagId: ID!
articleId: ID!
creatorId: ID!
createdAt: String!
article: Article @connection(fields: ["articleId"])
tag: Tag @connection(fields: ["tagId"])
parentRelations: [TagRelation]
@connection(keyName: "byParent", fields: ["tagId"])
childRelations: [TagRelation]
@connection(keyName: "byChild", fields: ["tagId"])
type TagRelation
@key(name: "byParent", fields: ["parentId"])
@key(name: "byChild", fields: ["childId"])
id: ID!
parentId: ID!
childId: ID!
creatorId: ID!
createdAt: String!
parentTag: Tag @connection(fields: ["parentId"])
childTag: Tag @connection(fields: ["childId"])
type Source @model
id: ID!
sourceName: String!
sourceUrl: String!
sourceImage: String!
creatorId: ID!
articles: [Article] @connection(keyName: "bySource", fields: ["id"])
type User @model
id: ID!
userName: String!
userImage: String!
admin: Boolean!
createdAt: String!
文章, 标签, 一个表,其中每个条目将一篇文章与一个标签联系起来 持有父/子关系的标签之间的关系表 仅包含文章来源数据的源表 一个用户表
以上是关于AWS Amplify GraphQL Schema 导致错误的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
如何在 aws amplify 中使用 graphQL 限制
@connection 上的 AWS Amplify Graphql 查询
通过 GraphQL 键检索 AWS Amplify DataStore 记录