如何在 TailwindCSS 和 Alpine.js 中构建没有重复标签内容的响应式手风琴标签?
【中文标题】如何在 TailwindCSS 和 Alpine.js 中构建没有重复标签内容的响应式手风琴标签?【英文标题】:How to build responsive Accordion Tabs without duplicated tab content in TailwindCSS & Alpine.js? 【发布时间】:2021-12-08 09:37:40 【问题描述】:我正在尝试在 TailwindCSS 和 Alpine.js 中构建 Accordion Tabs 组件,类似于 A11y Accordion Tabs。
在移动视口中,组件的行为应该像手风琴一样。 在桌面上,它的行为应该类似于选项卡。
但是如何避免在页面中重复相同的内容呢?理想情况下,选项卡/手风琴内的内容应该只在页面中出现一次,这样 html 就不会臃肿。
Here's a codepen 这是我目前所拥有的:
<div class="m-1.5" x-data=" tab : 'tab-a' ">
<div class="sm:flex">
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-a'">
<div :class="tab === 'tab-a' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="sm:rounded-t-sm sm:mr-2 cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-1.5 pb-3 pt-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0 w-full sm:w-max">
Tab A
<div class="sm:hidden relative overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300" x-ref="containerA" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-a' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerA.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab A content
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-b'">
<div :class="tab === 'tab-b' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="sm:rounded-t-sm sm:mr-2 cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-1.5 pb-3 pt-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0 w-full sm:w-max">
Tab B
<div class="sm:hidden relative overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300" x-ref="containerB" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-b' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerB.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab B content
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-c'">
<div :class="tab === 'tab-c' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="sm:rounded-t-sm sm:mr-2 cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-1.5 pb-3 pt-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0 w-full sm:w-max">
Tab C
<div class="sm:hidden relative overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300" x-ref="containerC" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-c' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerC.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab C content
<div class="hidden sm:block">
<div x-show="tab === 'tab-a'">
Tab A content should not be duplicated here
<div x-show="tab === 'tab-b'">
Tab B content should not be duplicated here
<div x-show="tab === 'tab-c'">
Tab C content should not be duplicated here
<div class="m-1.5" x-data=" tab : 'tab-a' ">
<div class="flex">
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-a'">
<h3 :class="tab === 'tab-a' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="hidden sm:block cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs w-16 border-2 border-b-0">
Tab A
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-b'">
<h3 :class="tab === 'tab-b' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="hidden sm:block cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs w-16 border-2 border-b-0">
Tab B
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-c'">
<h3 :class="tab === 'tab-c' ? 'sm:bg-white' : 'sm:bg-gray-200'" class="hidden sm:block cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs w-16 border-2 border-b-0">
Tab C
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-a'">
<h3 class="sm:hidden cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0">
Tab A
<div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300 sm:transition-none" x-ref="containerA" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-a' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerA.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab A content
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-b'">
<h3 class="sm:hidden cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0">
Tab B
<div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300 sm:transition-none" x-ref="containerB" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-b' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerB.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab B content
<a x-on:click="tab = 'tab-c'">
<h3 class="sm:hidden cursor-pointer bg-gray-200 font-bold p-3 text-gray-700 text-xs my-px sm:mb-0">
Tab C
<div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 duration-300 sm:transition-none" x-ref="containerC" x-bind:style="tab === 'tab-c' ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.containerC.scrollHeight + 'px' : ''">
Tab C content
以上是关于如何在 TailwindCSS 和 Alpine.js 中构建没有重复标签内容的响应式手风琴标签?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
TailwindCSS + Alpine 移动导航栏不起作用
无 Jank 的 Tailwind / Alpine.js 手风琴