


【中文标题】如何优化图像像素化程序【英文标题】:How to optimise an image pixelation program 【发布时间】:2019-04-16 19:23:30 【问题描述】:

我已经编写了一些串行代码,我希望在使用 OpenMP 对其进行并行化之前尽可能地对其进行优化。程序通过遍历 4x4 单元格(变量c)中的像素数据读取 PPM 文件,然后找到每个 4x4 单元格的平均 RGB 值,最后通过输出平均颜色写入新文件值,再次为每个 4x4 单元格。这会产生一种马赛克/像素化效果。



循环阻塞:代码中有两个嵌套的 FOR 循环,它们具有完全相同的循环条件。但是,第二组嵌套 FOR 循环要求计算平均 RGB 值所需的函数保留在该特定组之外。然后需要在第三组嵌套 FOR 循环(与第二组具有相同的循环条件)中使用平均 RGB 值计算。因此,尽管第二组和第三组嵌套 FOR 循环很相似,但我一直在努力组合它们。




typedef struct                                 //struct holding RGB type int
    int r, g, b;    //12 bytes
typedef struct                                 //struct holding RGB type unsigned char
    unsigned char r, g, b;  //3 bytes

int c = 4;             // Variable of 4x4 grids
int width, height;    //image variable declarations

//Raw 1 dimensional store of pixel data - will contain all the data for each pixel in the image
pixel *data = (pixel *)calloc(width * height, sizeof(pixelInt));

//Loop through entire input image 
        for (int yy = 0; yy < height; yy += c)
            for (int xx = 0; xx < width; xx += c)
                //the total colour of cell of size 'c'
                pixelInt cell_tot =  0, 0, 0 ;        //zero initialize struct containing mosaic cell pixel totals.

                unsigned int counter = 0; //the counter for how many pixels are in a 4x4 cell

                int bx = xx + c;  //used in loop conditions
                int by = yy + c;

                // Store each color from the cell into cell_tot struct
                for (int y = yy; y < by; y++)
                    for (int x = xx; x < bx; x++)
                        unsigned int index_1d = x + y * width;      //calculate 1d index from x-index (x), y-index(y) and width;

                        unsigned char r, g, b; //maximum vales are 255, i.e. unsigned char data type                    

                        fscanf(f, "%hhu %hhu %hhu", &r, &g, &b); //%hhu is unsigned char specifier

                        //store the pixel value into data array
                        data[index_1d].r = r;
                        data[index_1d].g = g;
                        data[index_1d].b = b;

                        counter++; //increment counter

                        //average pixel color of cell
                        cell_tot.r += r;
                        cell_tot.g += g;
                        cell_tot.b += b;


                //average colour of cell found by dividing cell total by loop counter 
                pixel cell_average;
                cell_average.r = cell_tot.r / counter;
                cell_average.g = cell_tot.g / counter;
                cell_average.b = cell_tot.b / counter;

                //Loop through the new image in cells of size c 
                for (int y = yy; y < by; y++)
                    for (int x = xx; x < bx; x++)
                        unsigned int index_1d = x + y * width;      //calculate 1d index from x-index (x), y-index(y) and width;

                        //Assign average cell value to the pixels in the cell
                        data[index_1d].r = cell_average.r;
                        data[index_1d].g = cell_average.g;
                        data[index_1d].b = cell_average.b;

                        //Output the average colour value for the image  
                        fprintf(f_output, "%hhu %hhu %hhu \t", data[index_1d].r, data[index_1d].g, data[index_1d].b);
                    fprintf(f_output, "\n");    //Prints new line 


尝试将循环前的完整文件读取到缓冲区中并从缓冲区中读取sscanf,然后将结果写入单独的缓冲区并在最后将结果写入文件。 OT:关于:pixel *data = (pixel *)calloc(width * height, sizeof(pixelInt)) 1) 在 C 中,返回的类型是 void*,可以分配给任何指针。强制转换只会使代码混乱,使其更难以理解、调试,建议删除“强制转换” 发布的代码没有考虑到像素行必须包含 2 的倍数的像素数。所以总是必须将“宽度”四舍五入为 2 的倍数跨度> 当问一个关于运行时问题的问题时,就像这个问题一样,发布minimal reproducible example以便我们可以重现问题并帮助您调试它。 关于:typedef struct //struct holding RGB type unsigned char unsigned char r, g, b; //3 bytes pixel; 图像标题中的一个字段说明了每个像素中有多少位。根据具体的图像,可以是每像素 1 字节、2 字节、3 字节、4 字节 【参考方案1】:

在我机器上的 1024x1024 图像上,您的代码在 0.325s 中执行。以下代码在0.182s中执行:

unsigned w = width/c, h = height/c;
unsigned *accum = (unsigned*)malloc(3*sizeof(unsigned)*w);
char *line = (char*)malloc(12*w);
unsigned denom = c*c;

//Loop through entire input image 
for (int yy = 0; yy < h; ++yy)

    memset(accum, 0, 3*sizeof(unsigned)*w);

    // read and accumulate c lines
    for(int y = 0; y < c; ++y)
        for (int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx)
            for (int x = 0; x < c; ++x)
                unsigned char r, g, b;
                fscanf(f, "%hhu %hhu %hhu", &r, &g, &b);
                accum[3*xx+0] += r;
                accum[3*xx+1] += g;
                accum[3*xx+2] += b;

    // format a line
    for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx)
        char *cell = line + 12*c*xx; 
        snprintf(cell, 12, "%3u%4u%4u", accum[3*xx]/denom, accum[3*xx+1]/denom, accum[3*xx+2]/denom);
        cell[11] = '\t';
        for(int x = 1; x < c; ++x)
            memcpy(cell + 12*x, cell, 12);

    // write it out times c
    line[12*w-1] = '\n';
    for(int y = 0; y < c; ++y)
        fwrite(line, 12*w, 1, f_output);


要超越这一点,您需要重新实现 fscanf 以更快地解析整数。


感谢您发布优化的解决方案。请问您在代码中声明变量c 的数据类型是什么?如果我将其定义为 unsigned int c = 0 我得到这个异常:Unhandled exception at 0x008D1169 in Assignment.exe: 0xC0000094: Integer division by zero 在这一行:unsigned *accum = (unsigned*)malloc(6 * sizeof(unsigned)*w); @p.luck: c 是您代码中的变量,在您的示例中等于 4 当然——抱歉,我没有想清楚。然而,我在fwrite(line, 12 * w, 1, f_output); 线上得到了Assignment.exe has triggered a breakpoint.。知道是什么原因造成的吗? @p.luck:嗯,这真的很难说。确保wwidth 是正确的,并且width 可以被c 整除。仔细检查您是否正确复制了所有内容。


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