CSS 环绕内容流



【中文标题】CSS 环绕内容流【英文标题】:CSS going-around content flow 【发布时间】:2019-05-30 03:49:04 【问题描述】:

有没有办法使用 flex 或其他技术在 CSS 中定义内容流,例如内容“之字形”或以这种方式循环:

|A > B > C > D > E|
|J < I < H < G < F|

|A H|
|B G|
|C F|
|D E|

假设总是有 2 列或 2 行。我可以将项目分成 2 个并在它们周围创建 2 个包装项目,但我希望它更具动态性。



是的,使用 CSS 网格布局,看看这里:gridbyexample.com/examples @Armel 这就是答案。把它写成答案,并举个例子:) 也许我遗漏了一些东西,但网格流不会自动转换为“来回”类型的布局。 我想你没有注意到我想要的是第一行从左到右,第二行从右到左...... 不,没有任何东西可以通过简单的属性来流动。一个需要使用例如order 或类似的,如果内容是动态的,则需要脚本。好吧,Flexbox 有 *-reverse 属性,但是如何使用它取决于标记的外观 【参考方案1】:

很明显,实际上并不存在纯粹的可扩展 CSS 解决方案来实现这样的目标,因此您需要编写一些脚本来动态调整某些属性以获得所需的布局。



//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full width of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerWidth(true);
//width of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').width();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w),n_t);

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event)
   //only the width of container will change
   w_c = $('.grid').width();
   nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w),n_t);
  background-color: #ddd;
  padding: 10px 0 0 10px;

  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>

这个例子不是一个完美的例子,因为我们有对齐问题,但想法是通过交替行将浮动属性应用于行。我只考虑了 4 行,但我们可以使用如下循环轻松使其动态化:

//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full width of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerWidth(true);
//width of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').width();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w),n_t);
for(var i=1;i<n_t;i++) 

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event)
   //only the width of container will change
   w_c = $('.grid').width();
   nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w),n_t);
  for(var i=1;i<n_t;i++) 
  background-color: #ddd;
  padding: 10px 0 0 10px;

  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>

为了更好的对齐,我们可以考虑使用 CSS 网格或 flexbox,但是在这种情况下我们需要调整元素的 order 属性。

使用 CSS 网格:

//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full width of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerWidth(true);
//width of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').width();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
//nb rows
var nr = n_t / nb;
//order of element
var or = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
  if (i % 2 == 0)
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) 
  //only the width of container will change
  w_c = $('.grid').width();
  nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
  nr = n_t / nb;
  or = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
    if (i % 2 == 0)
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
  background-color: #ddd;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fit, 80px);
  padding: 10px 0 0 10px;

  height: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

  margin: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>


我们可以通过使用grid-column 调整最后一个元素来更正最后一行,如下所示:

//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full width of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerWidth(true);
//width of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').width();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
//nb rows
var nr = Math.ceil(n_t / nb);
//order of element
var or = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
  if (i % 2 == 0)
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
      /*fix the last row*/
      if (i == (nr - 1)) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('grid-column', " " + (nb - j));

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) 
  //only the width of container will change
  w_c = $('.grid').width();
  nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
  nr = Math.ceil(n_t / nb);
  $('.item').css('grid-column', 'auto');
  or = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
    if (i % 2 == 0)
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
        /*fix the last row*/
        if (i == nr - 1) 
          $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('grid-column', " " + (nb - j));
  background-color: #ddd;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fit, 80px);
  grid-auto-flow: dense;
  padding: 10px 0 0 10px;

  height: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

  margin: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>

Flexbox 可以更适合第二种情况(列方向)。我们只需做与之前考虑列而不是行相同的事情:

//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full height of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerHeight(true);
//height of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').height();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
//nb rows
var nr = n_t / nb;
//order of element
var or = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
  if (i % 2 == 0)
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) 
  //only the width of container will change
  w_c = $('.grid').height();
  nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
  nr = n_t / nb;
  or = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
    if (i % 2 == 0)
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
  display: flex;
  padding-top: 10px;

  height: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

  margin: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>


//total number of element
var n_t = $('.item').length;
//full height of element with margin
var w = $('.item').outerHeight(true);
//height of container without padding
var w_c = $('.grid').height();
//nb element per row
var nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
//nb rows
var nr = Math.ceil(n_t / nb);
//order of element
var or = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
  if (i % 2 == 0)
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
    for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
      $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
    if (i == (nr - 1)) 
      /*we add margin+height of non-existing element*/
      $('.item:last').css('margin-top', ((nb * nr - n_t) * (80 + 10)) + "px")

window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) 
  //only the width of container will change
  w_c = $('.grid').height();
  nb = Math.min(parseInt(w_c / w), n_t);
  nr = Math.ceil(n_t / nb);
  or = 0;
  $('.item').css('margin-top', 0); /*reset the margin*/
  for (var i = 0; i < nr; i++) 
    if (i % 2 == 0)
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + j).css('order', or++);
      for (var j = 0; j < nb; j++) 
        $('.item').eq(nb * i + (nb - j - 1)).css('order', or++);
      if (i == (nr - 1)) 
        /*we add margin+height of non-existing element*/
        $('.item:last').css('margin-top', ((nb * nr - n_t) * (80 + 10)) + "px")
  display: flex;
  height: 100vh;
  flex-direction: column;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  align-items: flex-start;
  align-content: flex-start;
  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-left: 10px;
  box-sizing: border-box;

  height: 80px;
  width: 80px;
  background-color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

  margin: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>
  <div class="item">I</div>
  <div class="item">J</div>
  <div class="item">K</div>
  <div class="item">L</div>
  <div class="item">M</div>
  <div class="item">N</div>
  <div class="item">O</div>
  <div class="item">P</div>



以下解决方案不使用 javascript,并且具有一定的可扩展性。我使用display: flex 以便可以使用order 属性。

基本思想是将order: 1分配给最后一项,order: 2分配给倒数第二项,依此类推。项目的前半部分具有order: -1,并且具有order: 0 的伪元素用作分隔符。棘手的部分是您找出项目的“前半部分”:

  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  background: #EEE;

.demo > * 
  margin: .5em;
  width: 4em;
  height: 4em;
  background: #0CF;

 * the example work for a list of 20 elements
 * for additional elements extend the repeating selectors

/* all items ordered backwards */

.demo > :nth-last-child(1)   order: 1; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(2)   order: 2; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(3)   order: 3; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(4)   order: 4; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(5)   order: 5; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(6)   order: 6; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(7)   order: 7; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(8)   order: 8; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(9)   order: 9; 
.demo > :nth-last-child(10)  order: 10; 

/* first half items are source ordered */

.demo> :nth-child(-n+0):nth-last-child(n+1),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+1):nth-last-child(n+2),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+2):nth-last-child(n+3),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+3):nth-last-child(n+4),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+4):nth-last-child(n+5),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+5):nth-last-child(n+6),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+6):nth-last-child(n+7),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+7):nth-last-child(n+8),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+8):nth-last-child(n+9),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+9):nth-last-child(n+10),
.demo> :nth-child(-n+10):nth-last-child(n+11) 
  order: -1;

/* the separator uses flex-basis trick and ordered between the two halves */

  content: "";
  flex-basis: 100%;
  order: 0;
<div class="demo">

对于两列布局,在父级上指定flex-direction: column; height: 25em(高度必须固定)。



我可以使用 Flexbox 和一些 JavaScript 来做到这一点(我无法单独使用 CSS):

var reverseBoxes = function () 

  var flexItems = document.querySelectorAll(".child"),
      flexItemsCount = flexItems.length,
      reverseAt = flexItems.length / 2,
      breakPoint = 480;

  for (var i = reverseAt; i < flexItemsCount; i++) 
    flexItems[i].style.order = flexItemsCount - i;

  for (var j = 0; j < flexItemsCount; j++) 
    if (window.innerWidth > breakPoint) 
      flexItems[j].style.width = (100 / flexItemsCount) * 2 - 2 + "%";
      flexItems[j].style.height = "auto";
      flexItems[j].style.height = (100 / flexItemsCount) * 2 - 2 + "%";
      flexItems[j].style.width = "auto";

window.addEventListener("resize", reverseBoxes);
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 18px;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;
  height: 100vh;

  margin: 1%;
  text-align: center;
  background: #069;
  color: #fff;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) 
    flex-direction: column;
    width: 48%;
<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">A</div>
  <div class="child">B</div>
  <div class="child">C</div>
  <div class="child">D</div>
  <div class="child">E</div>
  <div class="child">F</div>
  <div class="child">G</div>
  <div class="child">H</div>
  <div class="child">I</div>
  <div class="child">J</div>




这里有一个技巧可以帮助您选择一半的项目。默认使用float:left,并将float: right设置为被选为后半部分的项目。


  width: 160px;

  width: 40px;
  float: left;

/* selecting half or more items. Up to 6 */
  float: right;
<div class="box">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>


  margin-top: 100px;
  width: 160px;
  transform: rotate(90deg);

  width: 40px;
  float: left;
  transform: rotate(-90deg);

/* selecting half or more items. Up to 6 */

  float: right;
<div class="box">
  <div class="item">A</div>
  <div class="item">B</div>
  <div class="item">C</div>
  <div class="item">D</div>
  <div class="item">E</div>
  <div class="item">F</div>
  <div class="item">G</div>
  <div class="item">H</div>


@AdityaGupta 是的,它不支持无限数量的项目,但他可能需要最多 20 个,并且可以覆盖它... 没关系,只需阅读 cmets。他正在通过代码生成行。他可以在他的情况下使用“flex-box”。

以上是关于CSS 环绕内容流的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



浮动( Floats )

如何使 HTML 列表环绕浮动内容

css的核心内容 标准流盒子模型浮动定位等分析

UITextView 的内容大小在环绕排除路径后没有改变