


【中文标题】如何在excel中突出显示选定的文本【英文标题】:How to highlight selected text within excel 【发布时间】:2012-07-25 05:49:42 【问题描述】:

我想编写一个 VBA 函数来突出显示 Excel 单元格中的特定文本。这可能吗?我一直在谷歌搜索,但目前还不清楚。



  Sub Colors()

    Dim searchString As String
    Dim targetString As String
    Dim startPos As Integer

    searchString = "abc"
    targetString = Cells(2, 1).Value
    startPos = InStr(targetString, searchString)

    If startPos > 0 Then

        Cells(2, 1).Characters(startPos, Len(searchString)).Font.Color = vbRed

    End If

 End Sub


只有一个单元格?一系列细胞?用户指定的单元格或范围?整个工作表? 我在问题中添加了更多细节。谢谢。 【参考方案1】:


 Sub Colors()

 With Range("A1")
    .Value = "Test"
    .Characters(2, 2).Font.Color = vbGreen
 End With

 End Sub



这看起来很有希望。我会试试的。 不幸的是,OP 改变了他的要求。 唯一的问题是重置单元格值。但它给了我足够的工作(见原帖)。回答接受。谢谢!【参考方案2】:


(这就是我解释问题的方式) 在本例中,您可以设置在 F1 中搜索的字符串

Sub test4String2color()
Dim strTest As String
Dim strLen As Integer
 strTest = Range("F1")
 strLen = Len(strTest)
For Each cell In Range("A1:D100")
 If InStr(cell, strTest) > 0 Then
  cell.Characters(InStr(cell, strTest), strLen).Font.Color = vbRed
 End If
End Sub



这是专门针对 @t.ztrk 的答案,他在 Col1 中有城市,并在第 2 列中搜索这些城市。他在这里发布了他的问题: is it possible to find and change color of the text in excel


Sub test4String2color()
Dim strTest As String
Dim strLen As Integer
 strTest = Range("F1")
 strLen = Len(strTest)
For Each cell In Range("A1:D100")
 If InStr(cell, strTest) > 0 Then
  cell.Characters(InStr(cell, strTest), strLen).Font.Color = vbRed
 End If
End Sub

我知道这可能不太优雅,但我在几分钟内完成了它以满足用户的需求。如果上述解决方案 (1) 更灵活或 (2) 更高效,请提前道歉。也对我的 C++ 嵌套循环习惯感到抱歉。

@t.ztrk 您可以录制一个宏并停止它(删除那里的任何内容)或插入一个按钮控件并将代码粘贴到那里。不确定您对 VB 的熟悉程度。只需确保在运行宏之前在要处理的工作表上选择一个单元格(它应该在任何工作表上运行,并且可以在任何工作簿上运行)。

Sub Macro1()
'Searches all text in Column 2 on a Sheet for the string located in Column 1
'If found it highlights that text
Dim ThisWB As Workbook
Dim ThisWS As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim y As Integer

Dim Col1 As Double
Dim Col2 As Double

Dim Col1_rowSTART As Double
Dim Col1_rowEND As Double

Dim Col2_rowSTART As Double
Dim Col2_rowEND As Double

Dim strTest As String
Dim strLen As Integer

'Set up parameter that we know
Set ThisWB = ActiveWorkbook
Set ThisWS = ActiveSheet
Col1 = 1 'city column
Col2 = 2 'text search column
'Define Starting Row for each column
Col1_rowSTART = 1
Col2_rowSTART = 1
'Define ending row for each column
Col1_rowEND = ThisWS.Cells(ThisWS.Rows.Count, Col1).End(xlUp).Row
Col2_rowEND = ThisWS.Cells(ThisWS.Rows.Count, Col2).End(xlUp).Row

'Could be fancy and see which column is shorter ....
'Won't do that here

For i = Col1_rowSTART To Col1_rowEND
    'make a string out of each cell value in Col1
    strTest = CStr(ThisWS.Cells(i, Col1))
    strLen = Len(strTest)
    'Roll thorugh all of Column 2 in search of the target string
    For y = Col2_rowSTART To Col2_rowEND
        'Check if Col1 string is in Col2 String
        If InStr(CStr(ThisWS.Cells(y, Col2)), strTest) > 0 Then
            ThisWS.Cells(y, Col2).Characters(InStr(ThisWS.Cells(y, Col2), strTest), strLen).Font.Color = vbRed
        End If
    Next y
Next i

MsgBox ("City Search Complete!")

End Sub


干杯 - 继续学习和应用。 -WWC


感谢代码,你救了我。它工作得很好,但是当您的第 1 列与第 2 列的行数不同时,它会突出显示每个单词。我在第 1 列中有 75 个城市名称,在第 2 列中有 3500 个文本,所以当我意识到这一点时,我一遍又一遍地复制并粘贴了我的第 1 列。再次感谢。 欢迎您,但您不必复制它。让我看看代码。 - WWC 发现错误,第一个 FOR 循环根本不应该引用 col2,抱歉它是针对 "" 或 col1 中的空字符串运行脚本。如果列的长度不同,这将起作用,编辑此行的答案:For i = Col1_rowSTART To Col1_rowEND 如果您希望能够在同一行文本中找到多次出现的城市,我们将不得不采用上述答案中的方法。【参考方案4】:


Sub Colors()

    Dim searchTerms As Variant

    searchTerms = Array("searchterm1", "searchterm2",  "lastsearchterm")

    Dim searchString As String
    Dim targetString As String
    Dim offSet As Integer
    Dim colToSearch As Integer
    Dim arrayPos, rowNum As Integer

    colToSearch = 3

    For arrayPos = LBound(searchTerms) To UBound(searchTerms)
        For rowNum = 2 To 31124

            searchString = Trim(searchTerms(arrayPos))

            offSet = 1

            Dim x As Integer

            targetString = Cells(rowNum, colToSearch).Value

            x = HilightString(offSet, searchString, rowNum, colToSearc)

        Next rowNum
    Next arrayPos

 End Sub

Function HilightString(offSet As Integer, searchString As String, rowNum As Integer, ingredCol As Integer) As Integer

            Dim x As Integer
            Dim newOffset As Integer
            Dim targetString As String

            ' offet starts at 1

            targetString = Mid(Cells(rowNum, ingredCol), offSet)

            foundPos = InStr(LCase(targetString), searchString)

            If foundPos > 0 Then

                ' the found position will cause a highlight where it was found in the cell starting at the offset - 1
                Cells(rowNum, ingredCol).Characters(offSet + foundPos - 1, Len(searchString)).Font.Color = vbRed

                ' increment the offset to found position + 1 + the length of the search string
                newOffset = offSet + foundPos + Len(searchString)

                x = HilightString(newOffset, searchString, rowNum, ingredCol)
                ' if it's not found, come back out of the recursive call stack
                Exit Function
            End If
End Function



@Jack BeNimble 感谢您的代码,在 10 分钟内成功使用它来突出显示单元格中的所有数字。我对其进行了一点重组,首先搜索一行和单元格中的所有搜索词,并允许多列。我发现了一个错误,您的突出显示文本不喜欢重复 55、444,只突出显示序列中的奇数重复。修改高亮功能中的一行

newOffset = offSet + foundPos + Len(searchString) - 1 //added the - 1.


Sub NumberColors()

Dim searchTerms As Variant

searchTerms = Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".")

Dim searchString As String
Dim targetString As String
Dim offSet As Integer
Dim colsToSearch As Variant
Dim arrayPos, colIndex, colNum As Integer
Dim rowNum As Integer

colsToSearch = Array(4, 44, 45)

For colIndex = LBound(colsToSearch) To UBound(colsToSearch)
    colNum = colsToSearch(colIndex)
    For rowNum = 5 To 3000
        For arrayPos = LBound(searchTerms) To UBound(searchTerms)
            searchString = Trim(searchTerms(arrayPos))

            offSet = 1

            Dim x As Integer

            targetString = Cells(rowNum, colNum).Value

            x = HilightString(offSet, searchString, rowNum, colNum)
        Next arrayPos
    Next rowNum
Next colIndex


函数 HilightString(offSet As Integer, searchString As String, rowNum As Integer, ingredCol As Integer) As Integer

        Dim x As Integer
        Dim newOffset As Integer
        Dim targetString As String

        ' offet starts at 1

        targetString = Mid(Cells(rowNum, ingredCol), offSet)

        foundPos = InStr(LCase(targetString), searchString)

        If foundPos > 0 Then

            ' the found position will cause a highlight where it was found in the cell starting at the offset - 1
            Cells(rowNum, ingredCol).Characters(offSet + foundPos - 1, Len(searchString)).Font.Color = vbBlue

            ' increment the offset to found position + 1 + the length of the search string
            newOffset = offSet + foundPos + Len(searchString) - 1

            x = HilightString(newOffset, searchString, rowNum, ingredCol)
            ' if it's not found, come back out of the recursive call stack
            Exit Function
        End If


感谢 Jack BeNimble 和数据



您不需要 VBA 来执行此操作。您可以使用条件格式。

假设您在 E 列中有一组值。您想在单元格 B1 中输入一个值并突出显示 E 列中与该值匹配的单元格。

突出显示 E 列中的单元格并应用以下条件格式:

更改颜色以适合。这将对 E 列中的单元格应用相对条件格式。例如:选择 E3 并查看条件格式,它应该如下所示:


编辑:如果您想将 B1 中的值与 E 列中的值的子字符串匹配,请改用此条件格式公式:=FIND($B$1,E1)>0

现在在单元格 B1 中键入不同的值。如果您键入的值与 E 列中的值之一匹配,则这些单元格(在 E 列中)将改变颜色。将单元格 B1 更改为 E 列中不存在的值,格式消失。


这是突出显示整个单元格还是仅突出显示文本?我希望突出显示文本。 这将突出显示整个单元格。如果要匹配子字符串,则需要使用 VBA。已发布带有代码 Kim 的 Worksheet_Change 事件。


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