


【中文标题】更改python中的分配顺序时“超出时间限制”【英文标题】:"Time limit exceeded" when changing order of assignment in python 【发布时间】:2020-12-20 03:13:24 【问题描述】:

我正在处理链接列表中 k 个节点的问题反转组。在写赋值操作做反转的时候,我给了:

cur, cur.next, prev = cur.next, prev, cur

其中curprev 表示当前和以前的节点。发生的最有趣的事情是,当我给予:

cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur


我相信 Python 对多个变量的赋值将它们作为元组,并且只考虑所有变量的先前值。那么这两个陈述应该是完全相同的吧?还是我错了?请在这里帮助我。

这是一个 leetcode 问题,我提供整个代码以防万一。该行标有 3 *,如果我单独更改该行,代码将从接受跳转到超出时间限制。

 while True:
            while i<k and right:
            if i==k:
                for _ in range(k):
                    ***cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur***
                return h.next



您是否阅读过有关此类作业的文档? “TLE”和“AC”是什么意思?请避免使用不必要的首字母缩略词,除非它们非常常见。清晰在这里至关重要。请参阅How to Ask。 cur.next 的含义会根据cur 的新值是否已经分配而改变。所以是的,分配的顺序在这里很重要。 @Chris 对不起,TLE 表示已超过时间限制,而 AC 表示已接受。我认为首字母缩略词很常见,将相应编辑 @jasonharper 在 python 中,赋值不是作为某种元组操作完成的。因此,每个值都将分配给它们在整个分配之前的值。这就是为什么只交换 a[i],a[j]=a[j],a[i] 在 python 中就足够了,对吧? 【参考方案1】:

分配是from left to right,所以...

cur, cur.next, ... = ...


cur.next, cur, ... = ...

这首先分配给cur.next,其中cur 仍然是旧值。然后到cur





现在我也明白这个问题了! (^_^)



如果您愿意,任何一个节点都会错过到下一个节点的链接,并且该节点将变为无链接; 或者一个节点会链接回它自己(像一个圆圈)并且列表将变得过时;


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution(object):
    def reverseKGroup(self, head, k):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type k: int
        :rtype: ListNode
        h = jump = ListNode(0)
        h.next = left = right = head
        while True:
            i = 0
            while i < k and right:
                i += 1
                right = right.next
            if i == k:
                prev = right
                cur = left
                for _ in range(k):
                    cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur
                jump.next, jump, left = prev, left, right
                return h.next

我们也可以使用辅助函数。这将在没有超过时间限制 (TLE) 的情况下通过:

class Solution:
    def reverseKGroup(self, head, k):
        def rev(head, count):
            prev, curr, next = None, head, head
            while count > 0:
                next = curr.next
                curr.next = prev
                prev, curr, count = curr, next, count - 1
            return (curr, prev)
        count, curr = 0, head
        while curr and count < k:
            curr, count = curr.next, count + 1
        if count < k:
            return head
        new_head, prev = rev(head, count)
        head.next = self.reverseKGroup(new_head, k)
        return prev

这里是 LeetCode 的官方解决方案,带有解释性 cmets:


class Solution:
    def reverseLinkedList(self, head, k):
        # Reverse k nodes of the given linked list.
        # This function assumes that the list contains 
        # atleast k nodes.
        new_head, ptr = None, head
        while k:
            # Keep track of the next node to process in the
            # original list
            next_node = ptr.next
            # Insert the node pointed to by "ptr"
            # at the beginning of the reversed list
            ptr.next = new_head
            new_head = ptr
            # Move on to the next node
            ptr = next_node
            # Decrement the count of nodes to be reversed by 1
            k -= 1
        # Return the head of the reversed list
        return new_head
    def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:
        count = 0
        ptr = head
        # First, see if there are atleast k nodes
        # left in the linked list.
        while count < k and ptr:
            ptr = ptr.next
            count += 1
        # If we have k nodes, then we reverse them
        if count == k: 
            # Reverse the first k nodes of the list and
            # get the reversed list's head.
            reversedHead = self.reverseLinkedList(head, k)
            # Now recurse on the remaining linked list. Since
            # our recursion returns the head of the overall processed
            # list, we use that and the "original" head of the "k" nodes
            # to re-wire the connections.
            head.next = self.reverseKGroup(ptr, k)
            return reversedHead
        return head


class Solution:
    def reverseLinkedList(self, head, k):
        # Reverse k nodes of the given linked list.
        # This function assumes that the list contains 
        # atleast k nodes.
        new_head, ptr = None, head
        while k:
            # Keep track of the next node to process in the
            # original list
            next_node = ptr.next
            # Insert the node pointed to by "ptr"
            # at the beginning of the reversed list
            ptr.next = new_head
            new_head = ptr
            # Move on to the next node
            ptr = next_node
            # Decrement the count of nodes to be reversed by 1
            k -= 1
        # Return the head of the reversed list
        return new_head
    def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:
        ptr = head
        ktail = None
        # Head of the final, moified linked list
        new_head = None
        # Keep going until there are nodes in the list
        while ptr:
            count = 0
            # Start counting nodes from the head
            ptr = head
            # Find the head of the next k nodes
            while count < k and ptr:
                ptr = ptr.next
                count += 1

            # If we counted k nodes, reverse them        
            if count == k:
                # Reverse k nodes and get the new head
                revHead = self.reverseLinkedList(head, k)
                # new_head is the head of the final linked list
                if not new_head:
                    new_head = revHead
                # ktail is the tail of the previous block of 
                # reversed k nodes
                if ktail:
                    ktail.next = revHead
                ktail = head 
                head = ptr
        # attach the final, possibly un-reversed portion
        if ktail:
            ktail.next = head
        return new_head if new_head else head


有关更多详细信息,请参阅Discussion Board,您可以在其中找到大量解释清楚且公认的解决方案,其中包含各种languages,包括低复杂度算法和渐近runtime/memory 分析@ 987654325@, 2.


嘿,非常感谢!但是我给出的代码被接受了,上面给出了必须更改的行。如果标有 *** 的行更改为前一行,则不接受该代码。谢谢你的时间,但你能帮我吗 您能否解释一下在这种特殊情况下订单的重要性?在两个语句中,所有 3 个变量都分配给相同的变量。在 python 中,它首先在赋值之前取原始值,对吗?这就是交换 a,b=b,a 有效的原因。很抱歉打扰您,您能解释一下吗? 哦对,明白了!非常感谢



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