未进行 API 调用,因为它未反映在 Google chrome 开发人员工具的网络选项卡中



【中文标题】未进行 API 调用,因为它未反映在 Google chrome 开发人员工具的网络选项卡中【英文标题】:API call not being made as it is not reflecting in the network tab in Google chrome developer tools 【发布时间】:2020-02-17 04:36:31 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试调用配方 API,解析响应,然后在 html 中显示它。代码如下:


<p>display-recipes works!</p>
<div id='display_recipe'  *ngFor="let recipe of recipeResult.hits">
    calories  recipe


import  Component, OnInit, Input from '@angular/core';
import  SearchRecipeService  from '../search-recipe.service';
import  RecipeGlobal  from '../pojos/RecipeGlobal';

  selector: 'app-display-recipes',
  templateUrl: './display-recipes.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./display-recipes.component.css']
export class DisplayRecipesComponent implements OnInit 

  @Input() calories: String;
  @Input() recipe: String;
  recipeResult: RecipeGlobal;
  constructor(private searchRecipeService: SearchRecipeService)  

    this.recipeResult = new RecipeGlobal();



     subscribe(recipeResult => this.recipeResult = recipeResult);


import  Injectable  from '@angular/core';
import  HttpClient  from '@angular/common/http';
import  RecipeGlobal, Recipe  from './pojos/RecipeGlobal';
import  Observable, of from 'rxjs';
import catchError, map, tap from 'rxjs/operators'
import  Component, OnInit, Input  from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class SearchRecipeService 

    private http: HttpClient) 

    private searchUrl = 'https://api.edamam.com/search?q=bandejapaisa&app_id=xxxx&app_key=xxxxxxx&from=0&to=3&calories=591-722&health=alcohol-free';

  getRecipeInfo(): Observable<RecipeGlobal>
         return this.http.get<RecipeGlobal>(this.searchUrl)

           catchError(_ => console.log("error"); return [];)

RecipeGlobal.ts -> 为 API 响应映射 mojo

export class RecipeGlobal
    q!: String;
    hits!: Recipe[];

export class Recipe
    image: String;
    calories: String;
    label: String

API 调用的响应应该是这样的:

  "q": "bandeja paisa",
  "from": 0,
  "to": 3,
  "more": false,
  "count": 1,
  "hits": [
        "uri": "http://www.edamam.com/ontologies/edamam.owl#recipe_023ae14ca70ba202bfa5dddfd60564a8",
        "label": "Bandeja Paisa",
        "image": "https://www.edamam.com/web-img/e7e/e7e5236b4b1c067c881c25004ee9e239.jpg",
        "source": "My Recipes",
        "url": "http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/bandeja-paisa",
        "shareAs": "http://www.edamam.com/recipe/bandeja-paisa-023ae14ca70ba202bfa5dddfd60564a8/bandeja+paisa/alcohol-free/591-722-cal",
        "yield": 4.0,
        "dietLabels": [
        "healthLabels": [
        "cautions": [],
        "ingredientLines": [
          "1 pound skinless pork belly",
          "2 teaspoons kosher salt",
          "2 teaspoons granulated sugar",
          "1/2 teaspoon ground cumin"
        "ingredients": [
            "text": "1 pound skinless pork belly",
            "weight": 453.59237
            "text": "2 teaspoons kosher salt",
            "weight": 9.70833333382575
            "text": "2 teaspoons granulated sugar",
            "weight": 8.4
            "text": "1/2 teaspoon ground cumin",
            "weight": 1.05
        "calories": 2386.0539766,
        "totalWeight": 465.4413539831457,
        "totalTime": 780.0,
            "label": "Energy",
            "quantity": 2386.0539766,
            "unit": "kcal"
            "label": "Fat",
            "quantity": 240.68315033700003,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Saturated",
            "quantity": 87.695522621,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Monounsaturated",
            "quantity": 112.18473539000001,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Polyunsaturated",
            "quantity": 25.662398405000005,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Carbs",
            "quantity": 8.86284,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Fiber",
            "quantity": 0.11025,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Sugars",
            "quantity": 8.406825,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Sugars, added",
            "quantity": 8.3832,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Protein",
            "quantity": 42.552532358,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Cholesterol",
            "quantity": 326.5865064,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Sodium",
            "quantity": 1076.7957705876,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Calcium",
            "quantity": 33.114874655954964,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Magnesium",
            "quantity": 22.01068463983146,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Potassium",
            "quantity": 858.2798032186518,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Iron",
            "quantity": 3.0675769711443808,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Zinc",
            "quantity": 4.6802811579831465,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Phosphorus",
            "quantity": 495.1192596000001,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin A",
            "quantity": 14.279771100000001,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin C",
            "quantity": 1.4416271100000002,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Thiamin (B1)",
            "quantity": 1.8028197852000003,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Riboflavin (B2)",
            "quantity": 1.1027230354000002,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Niacin (B3)",
            "quantity": 21.126516933900003,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin B6",
            "quantity": 0.594237581,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Folate equivalent (total)",
            "quantity": 4.640923700000001,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Folate (food)",
            "quantity": 4.640923700000001,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin B12",
            "quantity": 3.810175908,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin E",
            "quantity": 1.8039752430000002,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin K",
            "quantity": 0.05670000000000001,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Water",
            "quantity": 166.7409447059663,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Energy",
            "quantity": 119.30269883000001,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Fat",
            "quantity": 370.2817697492308,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Saturated",
            "quantity": 438.477613105,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Carbs",
            "quantity": 2.95428,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Fiber",
            "quantity": 0.441,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Protein",
            "quantity": 85.105064716,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Cholesterol",
            "quantity": 108.8621688,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Sodium",
            "quantity": 44.86649044115,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Calcium",
            "quantity": 3.3114874655954964,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Magnesium",
            "quantity": 5.240639199959872,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Potassium",
            "quantity": 18.261272408907484,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Iron",
            "quantity": 17.042094284135448,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Zinc",
            "quantity": 42.548010527119516,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Phosphorus",
            "quantity": 70.73132280000002,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin A",
            "quantity": 1.5866412333333333,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin C",
            "quantity": 1.6018079000000003,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Thiamin (B1)",
            "quantity": 150.23498210000002,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Riboflavin (B2)",
            "quantity": 84.82484887692308,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Niacin (B3)",
            "quantity": 132.040730836875,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin B6",
            "quantity": 45.71058315384615,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Folate equivalent (total)",
            "quantity": 1.1602309250000002,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin B12",
            "quantity": 158.7573295,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin E",
            "quantity": 12.026501620000001,
            "unit": "%"
            "label": "Vitamin K",
            "quantity": 0.04725000000000001,
            "unit": "%"
        "digest": [
            "label": "Fat",
            "tag": "FAT",
            "schemaOrgTag": "fatContent",
            "total": 240.68315033700003,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 370.2817697492308,
            "unit": "g",
            "sub": [
                "label": "Saturated",
                "tag": "FASAT",
                "schemaOrgTag": "saturatedFatContent",
                "total": 87.695522621,
                "hasRDI": true,
                "daily": 438.477613105,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Trans",
                "tag": "FATRN",
                "schemaOrgTag": "transFatContent",
                "total": 0.0,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Monounsaturated",
                "tag": "FAMS",
                "schemaOrgTag": null,
                "total": 112.18473539000001,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Polyunsaturated",
                "tag": "FAPU",
                "schemaOrgTag": null,
                "total": 25.662398405000005,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
            "label": "Carbs",
            "tag": "CHOCDF",
            "schemaOrgTag": "carbohydrateContent",
            "total": 8.86284,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 2.95428,
            "unit": "g",
            "sub": [
                "label": "Carbs (net)",
                "tag": "CHOCDF.net",
                "schemaOrgTag": null,
                "total": 8.75259,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Fiber",
                "tag": "FIBTG",
                "schemaOrgTag": "fiberContent",
                "total": 0.11025,
                "hasRDI": true,
                "daily": 0.441,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Sugars",
                "tag": "SUGAR",
                "schemaOrgTag": "sugarContent",
                "total": 8.406825,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
                "label": "Sugars, added",
                "tag": "SUGAR.added",
                "schemaOrgTag": null,
                "total": 8.3832,
                "hasRDI": false,
                "daily": 0.0,
                "unit": "g"
            "label": "Protein",
            "tag": "PROCNT",
            "schemaOrgTag": "proteinContent",
            "total": 42.552532358,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 85.105064716,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Cholesterol",
            "tag": "CHOLE",
            "schemaOrgTag": "cholesterolContent",
            "total": 326.5865064,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 108.8621688,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Sodium",
            "tag": "NA",
            "schemaOrgTag": "sodiumContent",
            "total": 1076.7957705876,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 44.86649044115,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Calcium",
            "tag": "CA",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 33.114874655954964,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 3.3114874655954964,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Magnesium",
            "tag": "MG",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 22.01068463983146,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 5.240639199959872,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Potassium",
            "tag": "K",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 858.2798032186518,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 18.261272408907484,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Iron",
            "tag": "FE",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 3.0675769711443808,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 17.042094284135448,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Zinc",
            "tag": "ZN",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 4.6802811579831465,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 42.548010527119516,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Phosphorus",
            "tag": "P",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 495.1192596000001,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 70.73132280000002,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin A",
            "tag": "VITA_RAE",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 14.279771100000001,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 1.5866412333333333,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin C",
            "tag": "VITC",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 1.4416271100000002,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 1.6018079000000003,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Thiamin (B1)",
            "tag": "THIA",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 1.8028197852000003,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 150.23498210000002,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Riboflavin (B2)",
            "tag": "RIBF",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 1.1027230354000002,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 84.82484887692308,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Niacin (B3)",
            "tag": "NIA",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 21.126516933900003,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 132.040730836875,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin B6",
            "tag": "VITB6A",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 0.594237581,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 45.71058315384615,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Folate equivalent (total)",
            "tag": "FOLDFE",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 4.640923700000001,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 1.1602309250000002,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Folate (food)",
            "tag": "FOLFD",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 4.640923700000001,
            "hasRDI": false,
            "daily": 0.0,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Folic acid",
            "tag": "FOLAC",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 0.0,
            "hasRDI": false,
            "daily": 0.0,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin B12",
            "tag": "VITB12",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 3.810175908,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 158.7573295,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin D",
            "tag": "VITD",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 0.0,
            "hasRDI": false,
            "daily": 0.0,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Vitamin E",
            "tag": "TOCPHA",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 1.8039752430000002,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 12.026501620000001,
            "unit": "mg"
            "label": "Vitamin K",
            "tag": "VITK1",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 0.05670000000000001,
            "hasRDI": true,
            "daily": 0.04725000000000001,
            "unit": "µg"
            "label": "Sugar alcohols",
            "tag": "Sugar.alcohol",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 0.0,
            "hasRDI": false,
            "daily": 0.0,
            "unit": "g"
            "label": "Water",
            "tag": "WATER",
            "schemaOrgTag": null,
            "total": 166.7409447059663,
            "hasRDI": false,
            "daily": 0.0,
            "unit": "g"
      "bookmarked": false,
      "bought": false

我只是通过使用上面提到的 POJO 类来解析响应中的一些元素。我看到该组件正在从父组件正确加载,但由于未进行 API 调用,因此未在 div 内显示数据。我看到控制台中显示了错误日志,但 API 调用未显示在网络选项卡中。


你的响应类型和类定义完全不同。您是否将原始响应映射(转换)到某个地方的类定义? @ShadabFaiz 没有。那是唯一的地方。我希望在服务方法中正确解析响应。然后我从 subscribe 内部的组件方法中获取它。 【参考方案1】:

您对 typescript 中的类有一些误解。打字稿中的类并不是什么魔法。您只定义了类并期望角度自动将原始响应映射到实际的类结构。他们没有。您必须手动将原始响应映射到实际的类定义结构。

  getRecipeInfo(): Observable<RecipeGlobal>
         return this.http.get<RecipeGlobal>(this.searchUrl)
           map(res => this.mapRawResponse(res))
           catchError(_ => console.log("error"); return [];)

    private mapRawResponse(rawResponse): RecipeGlobal 
          //... your code to map the response to Recipe.


至于“网络”选项卡中未显示 API 调用,请检查其上的过滤器,您可能会使用一些过滤器(css​​/Img/Media/etc)。切换到 xhr/All 即可查看。

更新为适当的类 改用这个类来获得类型支持:

export interface RecipeGlobal 
    q:     string;
    from:  number;
    to:    number;
    more:  boolean;
    count: number;
    hits:  Hit[];

export interface Hit 
    recipe:     Recipe;
    bookmarked: boolean;
    bought:     boolean;

export interface Recipe 
    uri:             string;
    label:           string;
    image:           string;
    source:          string;
    url:             string;
    shareAs:         string;
    yield:           number;
    dietLabels:      string[];
    healthLabels:    string[];
    cautions:        any[];
    ingredientLines: string[];
    ingredients:     Ingredient[];
    calories:        number;
    totalWeight:     number;
    totalTime:       number;
    totalNutrients:   [key: string]: Total ;
    totalDaily:       [key: string]: Total ;
    digest:          Digest[];

export interface Digest 
    label:        string;
    tag:          string;
    schemaOrgTag: null | string;
    total:        number;
    hasRDI:       boolean;
    daily:        number;
    unit:         Unit;
    sub?:         Digest[];

export enum Unit 
    Empty = "%",
    G = "g",
    Kcal = "kcal",
    Mg = "mg",
    Μg = "µg",

export interface Ingredient 
    text:   string;
    weight: number;

export interface Total 
    label:    string;
    quantity: number;
    unit:     Unit;


嗨沙巴德。当您说类定义时,您的意思是改变 pojo 的结构以匹配原始响应吗?而且我还在控制台中看到错误日志。 通过类定义,我的意思是您如何构建Recipe 和RecipeGlobal 的属性。我会用适当的结构更新我的答案。你可以用那个。至于日志错误,那些错误是什么? 万一发生了什么事,我把那个错误放在 catchError 块中。我假设如果请求成功,则不会执行 catch 错误块,并且关于网络选项卡,即使我切换到全部,API 调用也不存在。 在这一行,this.recipeResult = new RecipeGlobal(),我得到了。 RecipeGlobal 仅引用一个类型,但被用作一个值。 实际上 O 现在遇到了不同的错误。我在控制台日志中收到 404,并且呼叫未显示在网络选项卡中。该请求虽然来自邮递员。这是一个没有标头的获取请求,只有 URL。

以上是关于未进行 API 调用,因为它未反映在 Google chrome 开发人员工具的网络选项卡中的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


TypeError:无法解构“对象(...)(...)”的属性“setValues”,因为它未定义。 (反应/创建反应应用)


从 Vue CLI(Vue 3)迁移到 Vite:未捕获(承诺中)类型错误:无法解构“未定义”的属性“默认”,因为它未定义

axios.post 未从服务器返回数据:“无法解构‘(中间值)’的属性‘数据’,因为它未定义”

通过 OAuth 对 Google API 进行经过身份验证的调用时遇到问题