在 Swift 中检查 NSCFBoolean?



【中文标题】在 Swift 中检查 NSCFBoolean?【英文标题】:Check for NSCFBoolean in Swift? 【发布时间】:2019-01-29 01:47:43 【问题描述】:

我正在 ios 中制作待办事项列表应用程序。我将用户的任务存储在 Firebase 中。任务完成后,我更新数据库中的值。当该值被读回时,由于我之前遇到的一些错误,我对其进行了 Bool、NSNumber 和 String 测试。使用 type(of:),该值被读取为“__NSCFBoolean”,并且我在 switch 语句中的默认情况正在运行。我该如何测试这种类型?

对不起,如果这是一个重复的问题,我只能在 Objective-C 中找到带有 NSCFBoolean 的帖子。


func observeForChildAdded(tableView: UITableView, snapshot: DataSnapshot) 
    let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! Dictionary<String,Any>
    let taskIsCompleted = getIsCompletedSnapshotValue(snapshotValue: snapshotValue)

func getIsCompletedSnapshotValue(snapshotValue: Dictionary<String,Any>) -> Bool 
    print(“Complete value : \(snapshotValue[“isCompleted”]!) : \(type(of: snapshotValue[“isCompleted”]!))”)

    if let isCompValue = snapshotValue[“isCompleted”]! as? Bool 
        return isCompValue
     else if let isCompValue = snapshotValue[“isCompleted”]! as? Int 
        return (isCompValue == 1)
     else if let isCompValue = snapshotValue[“isCompleted”]! as? String 
        return (isCompValue == “true”)
    return false

observeForChildAdded() 会在将孩子添加到 Firebase 数据库时调用。 它打印: 完整值:0:__NSCFBoolean


“我测试它的布尔值、NSNumber 和字符串”——你如何测试它?编辑您的问题以包含代码。 type(of:) 非常objective-c-ish。我想有更好的原生方式。 __NSCFBoolean 应该始终可以转换为NSNumber(因为__NSCFBooleanNSNumber 的私有子类)以及Bool(由于桥接)。你能提供一个minimal reproducible example你所面临的问题吗? 您的代码似乎按我们所拥有的很少的预期工作。要重复 Hamish 的请求,您需要一个最小的、完整的示例来获得有用的答案。 @WillTaylor PS:由于您显然对数据库负责,因此您应该保存一致的数据以避免那种不必要的类型舞蹈。 【参考方案1】:

这是一个独立的示例,演示 __NSCFBoolean 可以转换为 BoolInt,但不能转换为 String

let snapshotValue: [String : Any] = ["isCompleted": false as CFBoolean, "isCompleted2": true as CFBoolean]

print("snapshotValue[\"isCompleted\"] is of type \(type(of: snapshotValue["isCompleted"]!))")
print("snapshotValue[\"isCompleted2\"] is of type \(type(of: snapshotValue["isCompleted2"]!))")

if let b1 = snapshotValue["isCompleted"] as? Bool 
    print("isCompleted is \(b1)")
    print("isCompleted is not a Bool")

if let b2 = snapshotValue["isCompleted2"] as? Bool 
    print("isCompleted2 is \(b2)")
    print("isCompleted2 is not a Bool")

if let i1 = snapshotValue["isCompleted"] as? Int 
    print("isCompleted is \(i1)")
    print("isCompleted is not an Int")

if let i2 = snapshotValue["isCompleted2"] as? Int 
    print("isCompleted2 is \(i2)")
    print("isCompleted2 is not an Int")

if let s1 = snapshotValue["isCompleted"] as? String 
    print("isCompleted is \(s1)")
    print("isCompleted is not a String")

if let s2 = snapshotValue["isCompleted2"] as? String 
    print("isCompleted2 is \(s2)")
    print("isCompleted2 is not a String")

// Testing with a switch
switch snapshotValue["isCompleted"] 
case let b as Bool:
    print("it is a Bool with value \(b)")
case let i as Int:
    print("it is an Int with value \(i)")
case let s as String:
    print("it is a String with value \(s)")
    print("is is something else")


snapshotValue["isCompleted"] is of type __NSCFBoolean
snapshotValue["isCompleted2"] is of type __NSCFBoolean
isCompleted is false
isCompleted2 is true
isCompleted is 0
isCompleted2 is 1
isCompleted is not a String
isCompleted2 is not a String
it is a Bool with value false


以上是关于在 Swift 中检查 NSCFBoolean?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

iOS开发——语法OC篇&BOOL / bool / Boolean / NSCFBoolean四者区别

无法解决错误“[__NSCFBoolean length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance”

单元测试用例 - Swift 3.2

Swift:检查来自同一类的 2 个对象是不是具有不同的值?


如何将数据传递到 UIView 侧的嵌入式 UIViewController - Swift 5