通过 XMLHttpRequest 将 gettext 与 PHP 中的 Javascript 一起使用



【中文标题】通过 XMLHttpRequest 将 gettext 与 PHP 中的 Javascript 一起使用【英文标题】:Using gettext with Javascript from PHP via XMLHttpRequest 【发布时间】:2018-03-10 16:05:49 【问题描述】:

我有一个主要用 php 编写的应用程序。翻译是使用 gettext() 完成的。

有一个小的 javascript 部分也包含要翻译的字符串。 我使用 XMLHttpRequest 编写了这个简单但有效的方法:

function gettext(string_to_translate) 
    var filename = get_php_script_folder() + 'gettext.php?string_to_translate=' + string_to_translate;
    var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlhttp.open("GET", filename, false);
    if (xmlhttp.status === 200) 
        var translated_string = xmlhttp.responseText;
        return translated_string;
        console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xmlhttp.status);
        return string_to_translate; //Just give the original string.


require_once '../../default.php'; //configures gettext, session management, etc.
//TODO: support for ngettext might be added.
$string_to_translate = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'string_to_translate', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$translated_string = gettext($string_to_translate);
echo $translated_string;

在我刚刚调用的 JavaScript 中:

var input_box_form_default_reason = gettext("Vacation");
document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason').value = input_box_form_default_reason;

如果我同步调用此函数 [xmlhttp.open("GET", filename, false);] Firefox/Chrome 会警告我:

[Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.


但如果我运行代码 async [xmlhttp.open("GET", filename, true);],那么下一行将在结果出现之前执行。该值将是未定义的。

在这种情况下使异步 XMLHttpRequest 工作是否可行?在编写一些聪明的 API 之前,我是否应该坚持同步获取值? 我应该用 PHP 编写我的 JS 文件吗? (我希望不会。)


    我不使用任何像 jQuery 这样的框架。这是一个“宗教”的事情。我想自己完全理解和维护整个代码库。


    Translation in JavaScript like gettext in PHP?

    PHP Gettext in JavaScript, not working in extern JS file

    Extract javascript gettext in Poedit?

    How do I feed terms from a gettext dictionary into JavaScript?

    javascript i18n with gettext and .po files(链接失效)


我个人使用 PHP 在页面源代码中直接填充需要翻译的任何字符串的 JS 数组,不依赖任何 AJAX 请求。如果您有很多字符串,那么您还会查看大量请求,这可能会降低您的应用速度。 我同意。我加载了一个带有翻译的 xml 文件,并使用 xpath 将它们读出。 【参考方案1】:


function gettext(string_to_translate, obj, callback)
... //your original xmlhttprequest
xmlhttp.callback = callback;, add a callback to the xmlhttp

//set the readystate event that listens to changes in the ajax call
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()

    //target found and request complete
    if (this.status === 200 && this.readyState == 4) 
        //send result to the callback function
        this.callback(obj, this.responseText);
        console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xmlhttp.status);
        this.callback(obj, string_to_translate);

//callback function specific for this case.
function setValue(obj, value)

   obj.value = value;


gettext("Vacation", document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason'), setValue);


function ajax(url, method, json, callBack)

	//it supports get and post
	//returns parsed JSON, when json is set to true. | json accessible via this.JSON in the callBack
	//a callback can be attached where the this refers to the xmlHTTP
	//supply an url like you would in a get request: http://www.example.com/page.php?query=1
	//start the request with xmlDoc.fire.
	var xmlDoc = new XMLHttpRequest
	xmlDoc.JSON = json ? true : false;
	xmlDoc.error = true;
	xmlDoc.errorMessage = "";	
	xmlDoc.errorObj = "error" : xmlDoc.error, "object" : "XMLHttpRequest", "message" : xmlDoc.errorMessage, "url" : url, "sync" : true, "method" : (method ? "POST" : "GET");
	xmlDoc.url = url
	xmlDoc.method = method ? "post" : "get";
	xmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;

	if (method == "post")
		xmlDoc.pUrl = url; 
		xmlDoc.pArg = "";
		if (url.match(/\?/)) //we need to filter out the arguments since the are send seperately. 
			var splitted = url.split(/\?/);
			xmlDoc.pUrl = splitted[0];
			xmlDoc.pArg = "";
			for (var i = 1; i < splitted.length; i++)
				xmlDoc.pArg += splitted[i];	//prevent additional questionmarks from being splitted.				
		xmlDoc.open.apply(xmlDoc, ["post", xmlDoc.pUrl , true]); //set up the connection
		xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded ; charset=UTF-8");
		//get request, no special action need, just pass the url
		this.xmlDoc.open("get", url, true); //true for async

	xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = readyStateXML.bind(xmlDoc, callBack);
	xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
	xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate");
	xmlDoc.fire = fireXmlRequest; //set up fire function.
	return xmlDoc;

function fireXmlRequest()

	if (this.method == "post")
		this.send(this.pArg); //post
		this.send(null); //get

function readyStateXML(callBack)

	if (this.readyState == 4)
		//request completed, now check the returned data
		//We always assume that a request fails.
		if (this.errorMessage == "XML Not loaded." || this.errorMessage == "")
			this.error = false; //set error to false, request succeeded.
			this.errorObj.error = false;			

			if (!this.responseXML && !this.JSON)
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "invalid XML.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				
			if (this.error == false)
				this.xmlData = this.responseXML;
				if (this.JSON)
						this.JSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
						//JSON couldn't be parsed
						this.error = true;
						this.errorMessage = err.message + "<br />" + this.responseText;
						this.errorObj.error = this.error;
						this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;		
			//404 or 400, not found error
			if (this.status == "400" || this.status == "404" || this.status == 400 || this.status == 404)
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "404: The requested page isn't found.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				
			else if(this.status == "500")
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "500: Internal server error.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				

			if (typeof(callBack) != "undefined")
				callBack.call(this); //pass the xmlDoc object to the callBack
			alert("Error \n" + this.errorMessage);
			if (typeof(callBack) != "undefined")
		this.error = true;
		this.errorMessage = "XML Not loaded.";
		this.errorObj.error = this.error;
		this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;		

//to use
ajx = ajax("index.php?query=1", "post", true, false, function()/*callback*/);



JS 是一种事件驱动的编程语言。您缺少的是在您的请求完成时触发的事件。您可以将事件“onreadystatechange”绑定到您的 xmlhttp 对象,该对象将在每次readyState 更改时触发。

function gettext(string_to_translate) 
var filename = get_php_script_folder() + 'gettext.php?string_to_translate=' + string_to_translate;
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() 
    if (xmlhttp.status === 200) 
        var translated_string = xmlhttp.responseText;
        document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason').value = translated_string;
        console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xmlhttp.status);
xmlhttp.open("GET", filename);

我建议阅读有关 JS 事件和回调的内容。



正如 Mouser 所指出的,需要有回调。 我编辑了我的函数如下:

function gettext(string_to_translate, object, callback_function) 
    var filename = get_php_script_folder() + 'gettext.php?string_to_translate=' + string_to_translate;
    var xml_http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();

     * Default values:
    if (undefined === callback_function) 
        callback_function = set_value;
     * Input error handling:
    if (typeof object !== "object") 
        console.log("Error:" + object + " is not an object.");
        return false;
    if (typeof callback_function === "function") 
        xml_http_request.callback = callback_function; // add a callback to the xml_http_request
        console.log("Error:" + callback_function + " is not a function.");
        return false;

    xml_http_request.onreadystatechange = function ()
        //target found and request complete
        if (this.status === 200 && this.readyState === 4) 
            //send result to the callback function
            this.callback(object, this.responseText);
         else if (this.readyState === 4) 
            console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xml_http_request.status);
            this.callback(object, string_to_translate);
    xml_http_request.open("GET", filename, true);

//callback function specific for gettext
function set_value(object, value)

    object.value = value;


gettext("Vacation", document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason'));

“假期”是要翻译的字符串,input_box_form_reason 是要更改值的对象。为了在分配中更加灵活,可以修改 set_value 函数。对于复杂的文本翻译和拼接,gettext.php 需要优化。


以上是关于通过 XMLHttpRequest 将 gettext 与 PHP 中的 Javascript 一起使用的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


通过 XMLHttpRequest 从 JavaScript 向 PHP 发送数据


如何使用 GET 方法通过 XMLHttpRequest 传递 FormData

ruby Gett媒体基准测试

使用 XMLHttpRequest 将多个文件上传到 Express.js 3.5 服务器