


【中文标题】如何将模型传递给具有其他参数的动作【英文标题】:How to pass model to an action which have other parameters 【发布时间】:2011-07-03 12:55:00 【问题描述】:

我的以下问题是,当我通过 DeleteEmployee 中的 catch 部分时,如何将 ModelStateErrors 发送给操作 Employee

   public ActionResult Employee(int ID, string Name)
        EmployeeListModel model = new EmployeeListModel (ID, projectName);
        return View(model);

 public ActionResult DeleteEmployee(Employee emp)

            return RedirectToAction("Employee", new  ID = emp.ID, Name = emp.Name );

        catch (Exception e)
            EmployeeListModel model = new EmployeeListModel (emp.ID, emp.Name);
            ModelState.AddModelError("Error", e.Message);
            return RedirectToAction("Employee", model);

With return View("Employee", model);我仍然无法将 ID 和名称作为参数发送。



使用TempDataModelState 持久化到多个控制器操作中。

MvcContrib 有一个执行此操作的操作过滤器。 Jeremy Skinner 在http://www.jeremyskinner.co.uk/2008/10/18/storing-modelstate-in-tempdata-with-aspnet-mvc/ 上写了代码和一篇关于它的博客文章。那里的源链接已损坏,所以我在下面发布了代码。

ModelStateToTempDataAttribute Source Code

/// <summary>
/// When a RedirectToRouteResult is returned from an action, anything in the ViewData.ModelState dictionary will be copied into TempData.
/// When a ViewResultBase is returned from an action, any ModelState entries that were previously copied to TempData will be copied back to the ModelState dictionary.
/// </summary>
public class ModelStateToTempDataAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute

    public const string TempDataKey = "__MvcContrib_ValidationFailures__";

    /// <summary>
    /// When a RedirectToRouteResult is returned from an action, anything in the ViewData.ModelState dictionary will be copied into TempData.
    /// When a ViewResultBase is returned from an action, any ModelState entries that were previously copied to TempData will be copied back to the ModelState dictionary.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filterContext"></param>
    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        var modelState = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState;

        var controller = filterContext.Controller;

        if(filterContext.Result is ViewResultBase)
            //If there are failures in tempdata, copy them to the modelstate
            CopyTempDataToModelState(controller.ViewData.ModelState, controller.TempData);

        //If we're redirecting and there are errors, put them in tempdata instead (so they can later be copied back to modelstate)
        if((filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult || filterContext.Result is RedirectResult) && !modelState.IsValid)
            CopyModelStateToTempData(controller.ViewData.ModelState, controller.TempData);

    private void CopyTempDataToModelState(ModelStateDictionary modelState, TempDataDictionary tempData)
        if(!tempData.ContainsKey(TempDataKey)) return;

        var fromTempData = tempData[TempDataKey] as ModelStateDictionary;
        if(fromTempData == null) return;

        foreach(var pair in fromTempData)
            if (modelState.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                modelState[pair.Key].Value = pair.Value.Value;

                foreach(var error in pair.Value.Errors)
                modelState.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

    private static void CopyModelStateToTempData(ModelStateDictionary modelState, TempDataDictionary tempData)
        tempData[TempDataKey] = modelState;


ASP.NET MVC - How to Preserve ModelState Errors Across RedirectToAction? How can I maintain ModelState with RedirectToAction?



从视图来看,模型状态字典是 ViewDataDictionary 的一部分,因此请尝试通过 viewdata 访问它,至少在 MVC 3 中是这样(相信在旧版本中也是如此)。您不需要通过模型传递它,而是通过这种方式访问​​它。


return View("Employee", model);



如何在返回部分传递 ID 和 name 的值?【参考方案3】:

ID 和 Name 的值被封装在您传递给“View”ActionResult 的 EmployeeListModel 中:

型号.ID 型号.名称

注意,@Brian 是正确的,因为您需要使用“View”ActionResult 而不是“RedirectToAction”ActionResult,否则模型状态错误将会丢失。另一种方法是将模型状态存储在 TempData 中,它实际上是会话对象的特殊包装器。如果您需要确保正确更新您的网址,则需要使用“RedirectToAction”ActionResult 之类的东西...


虽然 ID 和 Name 的值将存储在模型中,但我需要将这些值作为参数传递,否则 EmployeeListModel model = new EmployeeListModel (ID, projectName) in Employee 没有所需的值,因此搜索不会带来正确的值! 听起来你真的很想使用 RedirectToAction。如果是这样的话,那么看看这个接受的答案 - ***.com/questions/1936/…【参考方案4】:

将 ModelState 存储在 TempData 中:

TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;

然后使用动作过滤器合并 ModelState,例如:

protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)





试试下面的代码 //作为最佳实践,始终使用 Viewmodel,例如employeeViewMode 并将您的视图强输入到 viewmodel 公共类 EmployeviewModel 公共 int id; 公共字符串名称; 公共字符串错误消息; 公共 ActionResult Employee(int ID) EmployeeListModel model = new EmployeeListModel(ID, projectName); EmployeviewModel vm = new EmployeviewModel(); vm.id = 模型.id; vm.name = 型号.name; if (TempData.Keys.Count() > 0) vm.errormessage = TempData["errormessage"]; 返回视图(vm);

    public ActionResult DeleteEmployee(Employee emp)
            return RedirectToAction("Employee", new  ID = emp.ID, Name = emp.Name );

        catch (Exception e)
            //use TempData to store error message
            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = e.message;
            return RedirectToAction("Employee", emp.ID);




为啥从 AOP 传递到具有其他参数的控制器的模型的所有属性都是空的


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ASP.NET MVC我想重定向到另一个将我的模型传递给它的动作,以获得正确的URL