无法从 CloudKit 通知信息和用户信息结构中获取 CKRecord.ID



【中文标题】无法从 CloudKit 通知信息和用户信息结构中获取 CKRecord.ID【英文标题】:Can't get CKRecord.ID from CloudKit notificationInfo and userInfo structure 【发布时间】:2019-02-10 00:53:29 【问题描述】:

我已在公共数据库上为 CloudKit 应用程序设置订阅。我想从返回的 notificationInfo 中检索 recordName。我无法找到任何文档来解释如何使用框架方法检索记录名称,因此我尝试手动解析信息它不起作用,但这似乎很暴力,我不确定我是否可以指望notificationInfo 结构总是相同的。任何指导将不胜感激。这是代码sn-p。

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) 

    var changedCKRecord : String

    let dict = userInfo as! [String : NSObject]
    let notification = CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: dict)
    let db = CloudKitDatabase.shared

    if notification.subscriptionID == db.ckStyleSubscriptionID 
        print(".newData for CKStyle returned")

        for (key,value) in dict 
            if key == "ck" 
                let newDict : [String : NSObject] = value as! [String : NSObject]
                for (key2,value2) in newDict 
                    if key2 == "qry" 
                        let thirdDict : [String : NSObject] = value2 as! [String : NSObject]
                        for (key3,value3) in thirdDict 
                            if key3 == "rid" 
                                if let end = value3 as? String 
                                    changedCKRecord = end
                                    print(changedCKRecord as Any)
                            //if key3
                        //for key3
                    //if key2
                //for key 2 in
            //if key is ck
        //for in

        print(notification.subscriptionID as Any)
        print(".noData for CKStyle returned")
    //if notification else



[AnyHashable("aps"): "content-available" = 1;,
ce = 2;
cid = "iCloud. the real bundle identifier  ";
ckuserid = "_c4478d4d3a212da39cca27eb17dffe03";
nid = "58372f81-d10b-4e3b-98ae-40a0d1e048a2";
qry =     
dbs = 2;
fo = 2;
rid = "97DB306F-3277-07A1-04F5-40228A5EF036";
sid = "ckstyle-changes";
zid = "_defaultZone";
zoid = "_defaultOwner";



如果通知是订阅的结果,那么CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary:) 实际上会返回一个CKQueryNotification 的实例。然后您可以访问CKQueryNotificationrecordID 属性以获取更改记录的ID。

let dict = userInfo as! [String : NSObject]
let notification = CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: dict)
if let queryNotification = notification as? CKQueryNotification,
   let recordName = queryNotification.recordID?.recordName 
       print("Record name is \(recordName)")


以上是关于无法从 CloudKit 通知信息和用户信息结构中获取 CKRecord.ID的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

CloudKit 不发送更新通知

swift Swift - CloudKit用户ID和信息

私有数据库和订阅的 Cloudkit 问题?

CloudKit 向其他用户推送通知

Swift Cloudkit 获取当前用户信息以在整个应用程序中使用

用于从 cloudkit 检索单列的代码模式/片段