【中文标题】Python:带有字符串列表和子字典的嵌套字典【英文标题】:Python: nested dictionary with string list and subdictionaries 【发布时间】:2021-11-10 11:55:32 【问题描述】:我对某些 YouTube 频道上制作的 cmets(=文本)感兴趣。我已经使用 Google YouTube Data API 抓取了数据。这些数据具有复杂的结构和格式(见下图),我正试图为一个研究项目解开这些数据。
cmets 存储在 Text Display 和 Text Original 字段中,它们属于字典 Snippet,而字典又是字典***评论。 ***评论是字符串列表的一部分,而字符串列表又是字典items的一部分。
我认为我需要对字典进行子集***评论,因为我需要的所有 cmets 和相关信息(见下图)都存储在嵌套字典中。我认为我无法访问字典 Top Level Comment,因为它是列表 Snippet 的一部分。所以我首先尝试对列表片段进行子集化。这就是我卡住的地方。
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
api_key = '_______________________________'
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey = api_key)
#find channel ID
request = youtube.commentThreads().list(
part = 'snippet',
allThreadsRelatedToChannelId = 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ'
response3 = request.execute()
##Code to explore data structure and format is excluded
#subset dictionary according to keys we want
includedKeys = ['items']
dataDic = k:v for k, v in response3.items() if k in includedKeys
在下面的代码中,我尝试以不同的方式对列表 Snipet 进行子集化或转换,但未成功。
dataDic2 = x['snippet'] for x in dataDic #Link no 1
#TypeError: string indices must be integers
dataDic2 = x['snippet'] for x in dataDic #Link no 1
#TypeError: string indices must be integers
dataDic2 = ['snippet': d['snippet'] for d in dataDic] #Link no 2
#TypeError: string indices must be integers
dataDic2 = [topLevelComment['snippet'] for topLevelComment in dataDic['topLevelComment']['snippet']] #Link no 3
#KeyError: 'topLevelComment'import ast
result = ast.literal_eval('[snippet]')
assert type(result) is list #Link no 4 and 5
#ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Name object at 0x0000010F6D7B9A08>
Link no 1
Link no 2
Link no 3Link no 4
Link no 5This link 说 ast.literal.eval
那么最后 - 如何检索数据? 我需要在显示数据结构的图片中用红色圈出的所有字段。
编辑:sample data
分享您从电子管中获得的实际数据和所需的输出(作为文本) @balderman - 你的评论是标准的......我描述了日期,包括数据结构的图片。但是,如果您需要数据进行响应。当然,如果您想通过所有的 和 [] 睁大眼睛,我可以分享数据..... 是的,请 - 将其添加到帖子中(您只能添加 子集),但请确保这些是有效的数据结构 @balderman 数据已上传。非常期待您的想法和解决方案。 :-) 我可以看到输入,但看不到请求的输出。你也可以添加这个吗?保存评论的字段是什么?是textDisplay
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'textOriginal': 'Très mauvaise voix off, à un moment il y se reprend même dans le texte ?',
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'textDisplay': 'I am only 15, but i have a very very big passion for these trains, i can’t wait to drive around Switzerland and help people arrive at their destinations<br>I also learned about signals in Switzerland as short documentaries on how these trains work.<br>I hope nothing major will change in 5 years:) i really dreaming of becoming an engine driver',
'textOriginal': 'I am only 15, but i have a very very big passion for these trains, i can’t wait to drive around Switzerland and help people arrive at their destinations\nI also learned about signals in Switzerland as short documentaries on how these trains work.\nI hope nothing major will change in 5 years:) i really dreaming of becoming an engine driver',
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'publishedAt': '2021-08-19T22:32:58Z',
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'textDisplay': 'wie heisst der sprecher dieser werbung? so eine wunderbare stimme!<br>die musik ist auch toll, wie heisst das stück?',
'textOriginal': 'wie heisst der sprecher dieser werbung? so eine wunderbare stimme!\ndie musik ist auch toll, wie heisst das stück?',
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'publishedAt': '2021-08-18T00:50:32Z',
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'textDisplay': 'Ihr seid spitze! Danke, dass es euch gibt ?',
'textOriginal': 'Ihr seid spitze! Danke, dass es euch gibt ?',
'authorDisplayName': 'Cris Tiano',
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'updatedAt': '2021-08-16T15:53:30Z', 'canReply': True,
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comments = []
for item in data['items']:
entry =
snippet = item['snippet']['topLevelComment']['snippet']
for field in ['channelId', 'videoId']:
entry[field] = snippet[field]
for field in ['textOriginal', 'textDisplay','canRate','likeCount','updatedAt','viewerRating','publishedAt']:
entry[field] = snippet[field]
entry['canReply'] = item['snippet']['canReply']
entry['isPublic'] = item['snippet']['isPublic']
entry['totalReplyCount'] = item['snippet']['totalReplyCount']
for idx,comment in enumerate(comments,1):
print(f'idx) comment')
1) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'tUXWw6WvgkI', 'textOriginal': 'Tipp 1: Zusatzszüge – machs wie Fredy. (Hinweis: dieses Video wurde vor der Corona-Pandemie erstellt)', 'textDisplay': 'Tipp 1: Zusatzszüge – machs wie Fredy. (Hinweis: dieses Video wurde vor der Corona-Pandemie erstellt)', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 1, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-15T07:29:00Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-15T07:29:00Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
2) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'M98TRem03Lg', 'textOriginal': 'Ich sehe das Kulturland schon schmelzen und verschwinden...', 'textDisplay': 'Ich sehe das Kulturland schon schmelzen und verschwinden...', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-14T18:08:55Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-14T18:08:55Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 1
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4) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'zYnbgDyWM9o', 'textOriginal': 'Très mauvaise voix off, à un moment il y se reprend même dans le texte ?', 'textDisplay': 'Très mauvaise voix off, à un moment il y se reprend même dans le texte ?', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-12T12:12:58Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-12T12:12:58Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
5) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': '4nU0MgKft6c', 'textOriginal': 'Shiey be like', 'textDisplay': 'Shiey be like', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-02T23:23:35Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-02T23:23:35Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
6) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'oxSLp_1WtcM', 'textOriginal': 'Vivement un Lyria en Belgique !!!!', 'textDisplay': 'Vivement un Lyria en Belgique !!!!', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-02T21:39:26Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-02T21:39:26Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
7) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': '8vCvSmAIv1s', 'textOriginal': 'Build a high speed railway line into the moon I dare you with 20 million francs', 'textDisplay': 'Build a high speed railway line into the moon I dare you with 20 million francs', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-09-02T08:36:45Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-09-02T08:36:45Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
8) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': '7earPWDJbhA', 'textOriginal': 'Sehr schön', 'textDisplay': 'Sehr schön', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 2, 'updatedAt': '2021-08-27T16:06:59Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-08-27T16:06:59Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
9) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'AXMw3vtsswY', 'textOriginal': 'wie kann mann feuerwehr mann bei SBB werden', 'textDisplay': 'wie kann mann feuerwehr mann bei SBB werden', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-08-21T11:00:05Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-08-21T11:00:05Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 1
10) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'DmBo0MMxDb0', 'textOriginal': 'I am only 15, but i have a very very big passion for these trains, i can’t wait to drive around Switzerland and help people arrive at their destinations\nI also learned about signals in Switzerland as short documentaries on how these trains work.\nI hope nothing major will change in 5 years:) i really dreaming of becoming an engine driver', 'textDisplay': 'I am only 15, but i have a very very big passion for these trains, i can’t wait to drive around Switzerland and help people arrive at their destinations<br>I also learned about signals in Switzerland as short documentaries on how these trains work.<br>I hope nothing major will change in 5 years:) i really dreaming of becoming an engine driver', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 1, 'updatedAt': '2021-08-19T22:32:58Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-08-19T22:32:58Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 1
11) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'ES0AnIBNJfQ', 'textOriginal': 'wie heisst der sprecher dieser werbung? so eine wunderbare stimme!\ndie musik ist auch toll, wie heisst das stück?', 'textDisplay': 'wie heisst der sprecher dieser werbung? so eine wunderbare stimme!<br>die musik ist auch toll, wie heisst das stück?', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 1, 'updatedAt': '2021-08-18T00:50:32Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-08-18T00:50:32Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 2
12) 'channelId': 'UC_zxivooFdvF4uuBosUnJxQ', 'videoId': 'AXMw3vtsswY', 'textOriginal': 'Ihr seid spitze! Danke, dass es euch gibt ?', 'textDisplay': 'Ihr seid spitze! Danke, dass es euch gibt ?', 'canRate': True, 'likeCount': 0, 'updatedAt': '2021-08-16T15:53:30Z', 'viewerRating': 'none', 'publishedAt': '2021-08-16T15:53:30Z', 'canReply': True, 'isPublic': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0
这只能解决部分问题。我需要所有用红色圈起来的字段。 你不认为你可以从这里拿走吗...? 代码有效。谢谢。字典列表有点难以转换为 DF,因为经常建议的转换代码都不起作用。始终为 channelId 和视频 ID 引入 NaN。所以花一些时间在谷歌上搜索。 (我通常使用 R,而不是 Python)最后dataDF = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(comments, orient='columns')
成功了 --> 我喜欢为人们提供完整的解决方案,因为我很感谢完整的解决方案,并很好地描述了事情发生的原因。以上是关于Python:带有字符串列表和子字典的嵌套字典的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章