为 Google Admin SDK 创建和设置自定义属性



【中文标题】为 Google Admin SDK 创建和设置自定义属性【英文标题】:Creating and setting custom attributes for Google Admin SDK 【发布时间】:2019-01-11 19:32:52 【问题描述】:

我一直在阅读this documentation,了解如何为用户更新自定义属性。从它的写法来看,我似乎可以做到以下几点:

    email = "a@a.com"
    results = service.users().list(domain="a.com",projection="full",query='email=0'.format(email)).execute()

    if len(results["users"]) == 1:
        user = results["users"][0]
        user["customSchemas"]["TEST"] = "TEST"
            userResponse = service.users().update(userKey=email, body=user).execute()
        except HttpError, e:


https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users/test%40test.com?alt=json 返回“未授权访问此资源/api”>

我不确定该错误是否是因为我试图错误地更新字段,如果转义 url 中的 @ 导致问题,或者我没有正确的范围(我是使用https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.domain, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.userschema)。

如何创建自定义属性(适用于所有人)并为使用 python SDK 的用户更新它们?





该链接是通用的 Admin SDK 使用,而不是您在原始问题中提出的操作。【参考方案2】:


Create a Custom Schema Set Custom Schema fields for a given user


# third parties imports
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

# modify according to your requirements
CLIENT_SECRET = 'client.json'  # the credentials downloaded from the GCP Console
ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourdomain.com'  # The admin user used by the service account
SCHEMA_USER = 'user@yourdomain.com'  # The user for which the custom schema will be set
SCHEMA_NAME = 'TestSchema'  # the name of the schema we want to work with

# Scopes
SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.userschema',  # to create the schema
          'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', ]  # to manage users

# service account initialization
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(CLIENT_SECRET, scopes=SCOPES)
delegated_admin = credentials.create_delegated(ADMIN_USER)
admin_http_auth = delegated_admin.authorize(Http())

admin_sdk = build('admin', 'directory_v1', http=admin_http_auth)  # Admin SDK service

# we list all the schemas...
schema_list_params = 
    'customerId': 'my_customer',
    'fields': 'schemas/schemaName',

schema_list = admin_sdk.schemas().list(**schema_list_params).execute()

# ... And we create a set with the names of the custom schemas
unique_schemas = set()
for schema in schema_list['schemas']:

# if the schema we want to work with is not there, we create it
if SCHEMA_NAME not in unique_schemas:
    schema_insert_params = 
        'customerId': 'my_customer',
            'schemaName': SCHEMA_NAME,
            'displayName': 'Test Schema',
            'fields': [
                    'fieldName': 'TestField',
                    'fieldType': 'STRING',
                    'displayName': 'Test Field',
                    'multiValued': False,
    schema_insert = admin_sdk.schemas().insert(**schema_insert_params).execute()

# we set a value for our custom schema on the desired user
user_patch_params = 
    'userKey': SCHEMA_USER,
                'TestField': 'My cool test value!'

user_patch = admin_sdk.users().patch(**user_patch_params).execute()


以上是关于为 Google Admin SDK 创建和设置自定义属性的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在 C# 中与 Google Admin SDK 集成

“调用者没有权限”尝试使用 Firebase Admin SDK 创建自定义令牌

C# Google SDK 更新或补丁用户

无法使用 Google Directory API Admin SDK 列出用户

Firebase admin sdk:用于授权的 idToken 或自定义令牌验证

如何使用 JWT 通过 NodeJS 客户端库访问 Google Directory (Admin SDK)?