Flutter StreamBuilder ListView在流数据更改时不会重新加载



【中文标题】Flutter StreamBuilder ListView在流数据更改时不会重新加载【英文标题】:Flutter StreamBuilder ListView not reloading when stream data changes 【发布时间】:2020-03-26 10:49:28 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试构建一个应用程序,该应用程序可以从 ListView 中的博客加载无穷无尽的提要。在顶部,用户可以通过“类别”菜单选择根据某个类别过滤提要。当用户点击“类别”菜单时,会出现另一个 ListView,其中包含所有可用类别。当用户点击所需的类别时,应用程序应返回到提要 ListView 仅显示该类别下的帖子。


应用调用 API 并检索 10 个最新帖子 随着用户滚动,接下来的 10 个帖子将通过连续的 API 调用检索 用户点击“类别”菜单并打开带有类别的 ListView。 用户点击所需的类别,应用程序返回到提要列表视图,创建一个 API 调用以检索该类别的前 10 个帖子。 当用户滚动时,该类别的下 10 个帖子将通过连续 API 检索 来电。


应用调用 API 并检索 10 个最新帖子 随着用户滚动,接下来的 10 个帖子将通过连续的 API 调用检索 用户点击“类别”菜单并打开带有类别的 ListView。 用户点击所需的类别,应用程序返回到提要列表视图,创建一个 API 调用以检索该类别的前 10 个帖子。 所需类别的帖子被附加到 ListView 并且仅出现在帖子之后 之前已加载。


我必须如何修改我的状态或我的 Bloc,才能获得想要的结果?



PostBloc - 我的 bloc 组件,其中包含 Articles 和 ArticleCategory StreamBuilders 的流定义。还包含对 API 进行调用的方法 获取文章和文章类别。

  class PostBloc extends Bloc<PostEvent, PostState> 
  final http.Client httpClient;
  int _currentPage = 1;
  int _limit = 10;
  int _totalResults = 0;
  int _numberOfPages = 0;

  int _categoryId;

  bool hasReachedMax = false;

  var cachedData = new Map<int, Article>();

  PostBloc(@required this.httpClient) 

    //Listen to when user taps a category in the ArticleCategory ListView
      if (articleCategory.id != null) 
        _categoryId = articleCategory.id;


        _currentPage = 1;

        _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit, _categoryId)


  List<Article> _articles = <Article>[];

  // Category Sink for listening to the tapped category
  final _articleCategoryController = StreamController<ArticleCategory>();
  Sink<ArticleCategory> get getArticleCategory =>

  //Article subject for populating articles ListView
  Stream<UnmodifiableListView<Article>> get articles => _articlesSubject.stream;
  final _articlesSubject = BehaviorSubject<UnmodifiableListView<Article>>();

  //Categories subjet for the article categories
  Stream<UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>> get categories => _categoriesSubject.stream;
  final _categoriesSubject = BehaviorSubject<UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>>();

  void dispose() 

  Stream<PostState> transform(
    Stream<PostEvent> events,
    Stream<PostState> Function(PostEvent event) next,
    return super.transform(
      (events as Observable<PostEvent>).debounceTime(
        Duration(milliseconds: 500),

  get initialState => PostUninitialized();

  Stream<PostState> mapEventToState(PostEvent event) async* 

    //This event is triggered when user taps on categories menu
    if (event is ShowCategory) 
      _currentPage = 1;
      await _fetchCategories(_currentPage, _limit).then((categories) 
      yield PostCategories();

    // This event is triggered when user taps on a category
    if(event is FilterCategory)
      yield PostLoaded(hasReachedMax: false);

    // This event is triggered when app loads and when user scrolls to the bottom of articles
    if (event is Fetch && !_hasReachedMax(currentState)) 
        //First time the articles feed opens
        if (currentState is PostUninitialized) 
          _currentPage = 1;
          await _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit).then((articles) 
            _articlesSubject.add(UnmodifiableListView(articles)); //Send to stream
          this.hasReachedMax = false;
          yield PostLoaded(hasReachedMax: false);

        //User scrolls to bottom of ListView
        if (currentState is PostLoaded) 
          await _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit, _categoryId)
            _articlesSubject.add(UnmodifiableListView(articles));//Append to stream

          // Check if last page has been reached or not
          if(_currentPage > _numberOfPages)
            this.hasReachedMax = true;
            this.hasReachedMax = false;
          yield (_currentPage > _numberOfPages)
              ? (currentState as PostLoaded).copyWith(hasReachedMax: true)
              : PostLoaded(
                  hasReachedMax: false,
       catch (e) 
        yield PostError();

  bool _hasReachedMax(PostState state) =>
      state is PostLoaded && this.hasReachedMax;

  Article _getArticle(int index) 
    if (cachedData.containsKey(index)) 
      Article data = cachedData[index];
      return data;
    throw Exception("Article could not be fetched");

   * Fetch all articles
  Future<List<Article>> _fetchPosts(int startIndex, int limit,
      [int categoryId]) async 
    String query =
    if (categoryId != null) 
      query += '&category_id=$categoryId';

    final response = await httpClient.get(query);
    if (response.statusCode == 200) 
      final data = json.decode(response.body);

      ArticlePagination res = ArticlePagination.fromJson(data);

      _totalResults = res.totalResults;
      _numberOfPages = res.numberOfPages;

      for (int i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) 

      return _articles;
      throw Exception('error fetching posts');

 * Fetch article categories
  Future<List<ArticleCategory>> _fetchCategories(int startIndex, int limit,
      [int categoryId]) async 
    String query =

    final response = await httpClient.get(query);
    if (response.statusCode == 200) 
      final data = json.decode(response.body);

      ArticleCategoryPagination res = ArticleCategoryPagination.fromJson(data);

      _totalResults = res.totalResults;
      _numberOfPages = res.numberOfPages;

      List<ArticleCategory> categories = <ArticleCategory>[];
      categories.add(ArticleCategory(id: 0 , title: 'Todos', color: '#000000'));

      for (int i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) 

      return categories;
      throw Exception('error fetching categories');

Articles - 包含一个 BlocProvider 来读取 PostBloc 中设置的当前状态并显示 对应的视图。

class Articles extends StatelessWidget

  PostBloc _postBloc;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) 
    return BlocProvider(
        builder: (context) =>
        PostBloc(httpClient: http.Client())..dispatch(Fetch()),
        child:  BlocBuilder<PostBloc, PostState>(
            builder: (context, state)

              _postBloc = BlocProvider.of<PostBloc>(context);

              // Displays circular progress indicator while posts are being retrieved
              if (state is PostUninitialized) 
                return Center(
                  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
              // Shows the feed Listview when API responds with the posts data
              if (state is PostLoaded) 
                return ArticlesList(postBloc:_postBloc );
              // Shows the Article categories Listview when user clicks on menu
              if(state is PostCategories)
                return ArticlesCategoriesList(postBloc: _postBloc);
              //Shows error if there are any problems while fetching posts
              if (state is PostError) 
                return Center(
                  child: Text('Failed to fetch posts'),
              return null;

ArticlesList - 包含一个 StreamBuilder,它从 PostBloc 读取文章数据并加载到提要 ListView 中。

class ArticlesList extends StatelessWidget 

  ScrollController _scrollController = new ScrollController();

  int currentPage = 1;
  int _limit = 10;
  int totalResults = 0;
  int numberOfPages = 0;

  final _scrollThreshold = 200.0;

  Completer<void> _refreshCompleter;

  PostBloc postBloc;
  ArticlesList(Key key, this.postBloc) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) 

    _refreshCompleter = Completer<void>();

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Posts"),
      body:  StreamBuilder<UnmodifiableListView<Article>>(
    stream: postBloc.articles,
        initialData: UnmodifiableListView<Article>([]),
        builder: (context, snapshot) 
          if(snapshot.hasData && snapshot != null) 
            if(snapshot.data.length > 0)
              return Column(
                mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
                children: <Widget>[
                    child: RefreshIndicator(
                      child: ListView.builder(
                        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context,
                            int index) 
                          return index >= snapshot.data.length
                              ? BottomLoader()
                              : ArticlesListItem(
                              article: snapshot.data.elementAt(
                        itemCount: postBloc.hasReachedMax
                            ? snapshot.data.length
                            : snapshot.data.length + 1,
                        controller: _scrollController,
                      onRefresh: _refreshList,
            else if (snapshot.data.length==0)
              return Center(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

          return CircularProgressIndicator();

  void dispose() 

  void _onScroll() 
    final maxScroll = _scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent;
    final currentScroll = _scrollController.position.pixels;
    if (maxScroll - currentScroll <= _scrollThreshold) 

  Future<void> _refreshList() async 
    return null;

ArticlesCategoriesList - 一个 StreamBuilder,它从 PostBloc 读取类别并加载到 ListView。

class ArticlesCategoriesList extends StatelessWidget 

  PostBloc postBloc;
  ArticlesCategoriesList(Key key, this.postBloc) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) 
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Categorias"),
            child: StreamBuilder<UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>>(
          stream: postBloc.categories,
          initialData: UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>([]),
      builder: (context, snapshot) 
        return ListView.separated(
            itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) 
              return new Container(
                  decoration: new BoxDecoration(
                    color: Colors.white,
                  child: ListTile(
                    dense: true,
                    leading: Icon(Icons.fiber_manual_record,color: HexColor(snapshot.data[index].color)),
                    trailing: Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_right),
                    title: Text(snapshot.data[index].title),
                    onTap: () 
            separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(
                  color: Color(0xff666666),
                  height: 1,
            itemCount: snapshot.data.length);


所有这些代码?伙计,你需要转行。 【参考方案1】:

我在这里回答我自己的问题... 最后,每当检测到类别点击事件时,我通过清除 _articles 列表让一切顺利运行。

所以这里是新的 PostBloc

class PostBloc extends Bloc<PostEvent, PostState> 
  final http.Client httpClient;
  int _currentPage = 1;
  int _limit = 10;
  int _totalResults = 0;
  int _numberOfPages = 0;

  int _categoryId;

  bool hasReachedMax = false;

  var cachedData = new Map<int, Article>();

  List<Article> _articles = <Article>[];

  PostBloc(@required this.httpClient) 

    //Listen to when user taps a category in the ArticleCategory ListView
      if (articleCategory.id != null) 
        _categoryId = articleCategory.id;

        _currentPage = 1;

        _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit, _categoryId)


  // Category Sink for listening to the tapped category
  final _articleCategoryController = StreamController<ArticleCategory>();
  Sink<ArticleCategory> get getArticleCategory =>

  //Article subject for populating articles ListView
  Stream<UnmodifiableListView<Article>> get articles => _articlesSubject.stream;
  final _articlesSubject = BehaviorSubject<UnmodifiableListView<Article>>();

  //Categories subjet for the article categories
  Stream<UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>> get categories => _categoriesSubject.stream;
  final _categoriesSubject = BehaviorSubject<UnmodifiableListView<ArticleCategory>>();

  void dispose() 

  Stream<PostState> transform(
    Stream<PostEvent> events,
    Stream<PostState> Function(PostEvent event) next,
    return super.transform(
      (events as Observable<PostEvent>).debounceTime(
        Duration(milliseconds: 500),

  get initialState => PostUninitialized();

  Stream<PostState> mapEventToState(PostEvent event) async* 

    //This event is triggered when user taps on categories menu
    if (event is ShowCategory) 
      _currentPage = 1;
      await _fetchCategories(_currentPage, _limit).then((categories) 
      yield PostCategories();

    // This event is triggered when user taps on a category
    if(event is FilterCategory)
      yield PostLoaded(hasReachedMax: false);

    // This event is triggered when app loads and when user scrolls to the bottom of articles
    if (event is Fetch && !_hasReachedMax(currentState)) 
        //First time the articles feed opens
        if (currentState is PostUninitialized) 
          _currentPage = 1;
          await _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit).then((articles) 
            _articlesSubject.add(UnmodifiableListView(articles)); //Send to stream
          this.hasReachedMax = false;
          yield PostLoaded(hasReachedMax: false);

        //User scrolls to bottom of ListView
        if (currentState is PostLoaded) 
          await _fetchPosts(_currentPage, _limit, _categoryId)
            _articlesSubject.add(UnmodifiableListView(_articles));//Append to stream

          // Check if last page has been reached or not
          if(_currentPage > _numberOfPages)
            this.hasReachedMax = true;
            this.hasReachedMax = false;
          yield (_currentPage > _numberOfPages)
              ? (currentState as PostLoaded).copyWith(hasReachedMax: true)
              : PostLoaded(
                  hasReachedMax: false,
       catch (e) 
        yield PostError();

  bool _hasReachedMax(PostState state) =>
      state is PostLoaded && this.hasReachedMax;

  Article _getArticle(int index) 
    if (cachedData.containsKey(index)) 
      Article data = cachedData[index];
      return data;
    throw Exception("Article could not be fetched");

   * Fetch all articles
  Future<List<Article>> _fetchPosts(int startIndex, int limit,
      [int categoryId]) async 
    String query =
    if (categoryId != null) 
      query += '&category_id=$categoryId';

    final response = await httpClient.get(query);
    if (response.statusCode == 200) 
      final data = json.decode(response.body);

      ArticlePagination res = ArticlePagination.fromJson(data);

      _totalResults = res.totalResults;
      _numberOfPages = res.numberOfPages;

      List<Article> posts = <Article>[];

      for (int i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) 

      return posts;
      throw Exception('error fetching posts');

 * Fetch article categories
  Future<List<ArticleCategory>> _fetchCategories(int startIndex, int limit,
      [int categoryId]) async 
    String query =

    final response = await httpClient.get(query);
    if (response.statusCode == 200) 
      final data = json.decode(response.body);

      ArticleCategoryPagination res = ArticleCategoryPagination.fromJson(data);

      _totalResults = res.totalResults;
      _numberOfPages = res.numberOfPages;

      List<ArticleCategory> categories = <ArticleCategory>[];
      categories.add(ArticleCategory(id: 0 , title: 'Todos', color: '#000000'));

      for (int i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) 

      return categories;
      throw Exception('error fetching categories');


以上是关于Flutter StreamBuilder ListView在流数据更改时不会重新加载的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Flutter:Streambuilder - 关闭流

Flutter:StreamBuilder 快照——无数据

Flutter Streambuilder 正在复制项目

无法从 StreamBuilder (Flutter) 查询子集合

在页面 flutter,streambuilder,listview 之间导航时列表视图位置丢失

Flutter 中 StreamBuilder 和流的问题(接收重复数据)