如何获取整数的位数并将其存储到数组中? [关闭]



【中文标题】如何获取整数的位数并将其存储到数组中? [关闭]【英文标题】:How to get the digits of an integer and store it into an array? [closed] 【发布时间】:2022-01-20 05:57:28 【问题描述】:

我对编程很陌生。我在 Programming Praxis 中发现了这个有趣的问题,并被困在如何获取整数的数字并将它们存储到数组中。

老实说,我不知道从哪里开始,我想学习如何在 Java 中做到这一点。


public class MyClass 
    public static void main(String args[]) 
    // Determine all three-digit numbers N having the property that N is divisible by 11, and N/11 is equal to the sum of the squares of the digits of N.
    int num = 100;
    int square_sum = 0;
    int digit1 = 0;
    int digit2 = 0;
    int digit3 = 0;
    while (num <= 999)
        if (num % 11 == 0)  //if remainder == 0; the number is divisible by 11// 
            // We need to get the digits of int "num" and square them // 
            int arrayDigits[] = new int[3];



这能回答你的问题吗? How to get the separate digits of an int number? 【参考方案1】:


 int[] arr = new int[] 100, 123, 21;

//get first index of your array
        int a = arr[0];

//turn it into a string
        String b = String.valueOf(a);

//split the string
        String[] c = b.split("");


通过这种方式,您的String[] c 是一个字符串数组,您可以像访问普通数组一样访问这些值


public static void main(String args[]) 
    // Determine all three-digit numbers N having the property that N is divisible by 11, and N/11 is equal to the sum of the squares of the digits of N.
    int num = 100;
    int square_sum = 0;
    int digit1 = 0;
    int digit2 = 0;
    int digit3 = 0;
    while (num <= 999) 
        if (num % 11 == 0)  //if remainder == 0; the number is divisible by 11//
            // We need to get the digits of int "num" and square them //
            int arrayDigits[] = new int[3];
            digit1 = num % 10;
            digit2 = (num / 10) % 10;
            digit3 = (num / 100) % 10;
            square_sum = digit1 * digit1 + digit2 * digit2 + digit3 * digit3;
            if ((num / 11) == square_sum) 

如果你想得到 int "num" 的每个数字

digit1 = num % 10;
digit2 = (num / 10) % 10;
digit3 = (num / 100) % 10;


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以上是关于如何获取整数的位数并将其存储到数组中? [关闭]的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



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