【中文标题】如何从子表单刷新父表单上的数据网格【英文标题】:How to refresh a datagrid on a parent form, from a child form 【发布时间】:2021-06-15 20:05:59 【问题描述】:在 frmBrands 上有一个 dgBrands,它在 subLoadDgBrands 中获取它的数据。在 frmBrand 上,您可以在触发 btnSave_Click 事件处理程序时将记录添加到 dtBrands。相同的事件处理程序也调用 frmBrands.subLoadDgBrands 但是它不会刷新显示的 dg。当您在 frmBrand 上完成保存过程时,我需要它来刷新 frmBrands 上的 dg,因为我只想在保存成功时刷新,并且对于不同的表单我需要将一个整数传回给那个子
Public Class frmBrands
Friend Sub subLoadDgBrands()
dtBrands = fnGetBrand(0) 'Go get the data for the DataGridView
dgBrands.DataSource = Nothing
If dtBrands IsNot Nothing Then
dgBrands.DataSource = dtBrands
End If
End Sub
End Class
此事件处理程序需要刷新打开此表单的 frmBrands 实例上的数据网格
Public Class frmBrand
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
'intID is passed by parent form = intBrand_ID
'intSupplier_ID is declared at the top of the form and set correctly by event handler
Dim intResult As Integer = 0
Dim strMessage As String = ""
Dim strBrandName As String = txtBrand.Text
'string builder that checks if the important fields are filled in
If strBrandName = "" Then 'if there is nothing written in str
If strMessage = "" Then 'and if the error message is empty
strMessage = "Please provide a brand name" 'then add the error message to the string
Else 'if the error message isn't empty '
strMessage &= "and brand name" 'then add str to the message
End If
End If
If intSupplier_ID < 1 Then 'if there is a 0 or negative ID selected, can also use cboSupplier.selectedValue
If strMessage = "" Then 'and if the error message is empty
strMessage = "Please provide a supplier" 'then add the error message to the string
Else 'if the error message isn't empty
strMessage &= "and supplier" 'then add "Title" to the message
End If
End If
'save string checker
If strMessage <> "" Then 'if there is something in the message
MsgBox(strMessage) 'display it
Else 'if there's nothing in the message
intResult = fnSaveBrand(intID,
strBrandName) 'We can save
'Additional logic loop that gives some feedback if it isn't saved
If intResult < 1 Then 'feedback number if the save wasn't succesfull
MsgBox("ID fault") 'Will let the user know it didn't save
Else 'the save was succesfull
**frmBrands.subLoadDgBrands()** 'Needs to refresh the datagrid on the instance of frmBrand**s** that this form was opened through
Me.Close() 'then it closes the form
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
第三种形式,frmSupplier 有一个几乎相同的保存过程,之后我想将一个整数传回其父窗体 frmBrand 并刷新其 cboSupplier 并将 selectedValue 设置为传递的整数,以便它选择您刚刚添加的记录。像这样;VB public class frmSupplier Private Sub btnSave_Click (Shortened to make it brief) **frmBrand.subLoadCboSupplier(intResult) Me.Close() End Sub End Class
如果您想反映更改,即使 frmBrand
仍处于打开状态,请将 subLoadDgBrands
Dim _frmBrands As frmBrands = TryCast(Me.Owner, frmBrands)
替换为Me.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Using frmBrand As New frmBrand()
If frmBrand.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Using
是的,保存有效,我的意思是,如果我关闭并重新打开程序,我刚刚添加的数据就在那里。为什么我不只是在表单调用下运行刷新子是因为我只想在保存成功的情况下在其父表单上运行刷新子。我想对第三层使用相同的结构,该结构还允许我向 refreshsub 传递从保存返回的整数,因此它可以使用它来设置 combobox.selectedValue 给它。 你考虑过使用DialogResult吗?如果子表单以 DialogResult = OK 关闭,则刷新您的 datagridview。 这似乎与我的情况无关。我只想从 frmBrand 触发 frmBrandS.subLoadDgBrands,并可选择传递一个变量作为参数。我该怎么做? 您的意思是您不想关闭frmBrand
如何在 Windows Forms 2.0 中从子窗体关闭父窗体?