未在已安装的钩子中定义的方法,Vue JS
【中文标题】未在已安装的钩子中定义的方法,Vue JS【英文标题】:Method not defined in mounted hook, Vue JS 【发布时间】:2017-04-11 08:52:08 【问题描述】:所以我正在使用 Laravel 5.3,我正在尝试创建一个 DataTable,我正在尝试创建一个从后端获取数据的方法,并且我试图在组件完成后立即调用它准备好了。
我发现 ready() 钩子现在已经失效并被 mount() 取代,因此我的模板看起来像这样。
..Simple Bootstrap table...
export default
data: () =>
searchQuery: "",
columns: ['ID', 'Name', 'Campaign', 'Method', 'Limit Per Connection', 'Limit Per Day', 'Active', 'Last Ran'],
lastId: 0,
rowsPerPage: 10,
gridData: [
id: 1, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 2, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 3, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 4, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 5, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 6, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21",
id: 7, name: "Example 1", campaign: 3412, method: "POST", limitConn: 1250, limitDay: 50, active: "Yes", lastRun: "2016-11-27 18:42:21"
* Fetch JSON data for crons from the Backend
* @param lastId - The last ID in the current data
fetchData: (lastId) =>
Vue.http.get('/data').success((response) =>
).error((response) =>
mounted: () =>
// When the Component is ready fetch the JSON from the Server Backend
<style>...My Css...</style>
Mounted 方法触发但说this$1.fetchData is not defined
知道我做错了什么吗? Mounted 钩子是否无法访问我的方法?
mounted ()
// When the Component is ready fetch the JSON from the Server Backend
Don't use arrow function for lifecycle hooks,箭头函数使用由上下文确定的词法this
,vue 将无法为我们绑定它。
哇哦,原来如此,这不就是定义函数吗?这样做和使用 ES6 语法到底有什么区别?非常感谢:)以上是关于未在已安装的钩子中定义的方法,Vue JS的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章