C 语言:收到错误:警告:格式“%d”需要“int *”类型的参数,但参数 2 的类型为“int **”[-Wformat=]



【中文标题】C 语言:收到错误:警告:格式“%d”需要“int *”类型的参数,但参数 2 的类型为“int **”[-Wformat=]【英文标题】:C language: received error: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int *’, but argument 2 has type ‘int **’ [-Wformat=] 【发布时间】:2021-11-14 11:54:46 【问题描述】:

仅限 C 语言。

当我运行此代码时,我在第 7 行收到错误消息:

warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int *’, but argument 2 has type ‘int **’ [-Wformat=]

另外,我在第 8 行收到错误消息:

warining: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr]


#include <stdio.h>

// Method getFraction() asks for numerator and denominator
int *getFraction() 
    int *n[2];  // declare array of pointers to return the numerator and
                // denominator
    printf("\n Enter the numerator and the denominator -- ");
    scanf("%d%d", (n + 0), (n + 1));  // read numerator and denominator
    return n;                         // return n

// method smallest() takes twointegers as its parameter and return the smallest
int smallest(int a, int b) 
    if (a < b)     // condition for a is smallest
        return a;  // return a
        return b;  // return b

// recursive method to return the GCD() of two numbers
int gcd(int a, int b) 
    if (b == 0)  // if denominator is 0 then return a
        return a;
    // recursively call to gcd()
    return gcd(b, a % b);

// method reduce() takes two parameters as call by reference and
// reduce the fraction
void reduce(int *a, int *b) 
    int g;
    // call to gcd()
    g = gcd(*a, *b);
    // reduce numerator
    *a = *a / g;
    // reduce denominator
    *b = *b / g;

// driver code
int main() 
    int *num, a, b, small, g;
    char ch;
    // loop to repeat the process till user wants
        num = getFraction();  // call to getFraction();
        a = *(num + 0);  // assign numerator to a
        b = *(num + 1);  // assign denominator to b
        // condition for denominator not zero
        if (b != 0) 
            reduce(&a, &b);  // call to reduce() as call by reference
            // print the reduced fraction
            printf("\n The reduced fraction is -- %d / %d", a, b);
        else printf("\n Denominator should not be zero.");
        // ask user to repeat more
        printf("\n Try again (Y/N) -- ");
        scanf("%c", &ch);  // read users choice
     while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y');
    return 0;


为什么是int *n[2]; 而不是int n[2];?你永远不会分配内存,所以读入n[0]n[1] 会使程序有未定义的行为 请正确格式化您的代码,以便可以按原样复制并成功编译。目前,它的格式很差。 你传递n 这是数组本身的地址(不是它未初始化的指针内容)。建议你重构一下函数,比如void getFraction(int n[2]) 【参考方案1】:
#include <stdio.h>

// Method getFraction() asks for numerator and denominator
int *getFraction() 
    int n[2];// declare array of pointers to return the numerator and
                // denominator
    int *n1=n;
    printf("\n Enter the numerator and the denominator -- ");
    scanf("%d%d", &n[0], &n[1]);  // read numerator and denominator
    return n1;                         // return n

// method smallest() takes twointegers as its parameter and return the smallest
int smallest(int a, int b) 
    if (a < b)     // condition for a is smallest
        return a;  // return a
        return b;  // return b

// recursive method to return the GCD() of two numbers
int gcd(int a, int b) 
    if (b == 0)  // if denominator is 0 then return a
        return a;
    // recursively call to gcd()
    return gcd(b, a % b);

// method reduce() takes two parameters as call by reference and
// reduce the fraction
void reduce(int *a, int *b) 
    int g;
    // call to gcd()
    g = gcd(*a, *b);
    // reduce numerator
    *a = *a / g;
    // reduce denominator
    *b = *b / g;

// driver code
int main() 
    int *num, a, b, small, g;
    char ch;
    // loop to repeat the process till user wants
        num = getFraction();  // call to getFraction();
        a = *(num + 0);  // assign numerator to a
        b = *(num + 1);  // assign denominator to b

        // condition for denominator not zero
        if (b != 0) 
            reduce(&a, &b);  // call to reduce() as call by reference
            // print the reduced fraction
            printf("\n The reduced fraction is -- %d / %d", a, b);
        else printf("\n Denominator should not be zero.");
        // ask user to repeat more
        printf("\n Try again (Y/N) -- ");
        scanf("%c", &ch);  // read users choice
     while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y');
    return 0;


成功了!谢谢! @yessirblender 由于这个答案有帮助,请通过单击灰色复选标记来考虑accepting。【参考方案2】:

你在第 8 行得到一个错误,因为在你的函数返回它的值堆栈弹出局部变量之后,我们无法访问它们的地址,因此你返回的东西可能会导致你的操作系统被杀死。编译器在构建时出错。


以上是关于C 语言:收到错误:警告:格式“%d”需要“int *”类型的参数,但参数 2 的类型为“int **”[-Wformat=]的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


警告:格式“%d”需要“int”类型的参数,但参数 2 的类型为“long int”[-Wformat=]

mingw g ++以错误的语言发出警告(德语而不是英语)



格式“%d”需要“int”类型的参数,但参数 2 的类型为“int *”