在 C# 中解析 html 的最佳方法是啥? [关闭]



【中文标题】在 C# 中解析 html 的最佳方法是啥? [关闭]【英文标题】:What is the best way to parse html in C#? [closed]在 C# 中解析 html 的最佳方法是什么? [关闭] 【发布时间】:2010-09-08 12:55:54 【问题描述】:

我正在寻找一种库/方法来解析具有比通用 xml 解析库更多的 html 特定功能的 html 文件。



您可以使用 HTML DTD 和通用 XML 解析库。


很少有真实世界的 HTML 页面能在 XML 解析库中幸存下来。【参考方案2】:

解析 HTML 的问题在于它不是一门精确的科学。如果您要解析的是 XHTML,那么事情会容易得多(正如您提到的,您可以使用通用的 XML 解析器)。因为 HTML 不一定是格式良好的 XML,所以在解析它时会遇到很多问题。几乎需要逐个站点完成。


W3C 规定的解析良好的 HTML 不是像 XHTML 一样精确吗? 应该是,但人们不这样做。 @J. Pablo 虽然没有那么容易(因此是库的原因:p)...例如,<p> 标签不需要在 HTML4/5 下显式关闭。哎呀!【参考方案3】:

您可以使用 TidyNet.Tidy 将 HTML 转换为 XHTML,然后使用 XML 解析器。

另一种选择是使用内置引擎 mshtml:

using mshtml;
object[] oPageText =  html ;
HTMLDocument doc = new HTMLDocumentClass();
IHTMLDocument2 doc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)doc;

这允许您使用类似 javascript 的函数,例如 getElementById()


叫我疯了,但我无法弄清楚如何使用 mshtml。你有什么好的链接吗? @Alex 你需要包含 Microsoft.mshtml 可以在这里找到更多信息:msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa290341(VS.71).aspx 我有一篇关于 Tidy.Net 和 ManagedTidy 的博文都能够解析和验证 (x)html 文件。如果你不需要验证东西。我会选择 htmlagilitypack。 jphellemons.nl/post/…【参考方案4】:

我认为@Erlend 使用HTMLDocument最好的 方式。不过,我也很幸运地使用了这个简单的库:




您可以做很多事情而不必对第 3 方产品和 mshtml(即互操作)发疯。使用 System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser。从那里,您可以在 HtmlDocument 上执行“GetElementById”或在 HtmlElements 上执行“GetElementsByTagName”等操作。如果您想实际与浏览器交互(例如模拟按钮点击),您可以使用一点反射(imo 比 Interop 更邪恶)来做到这一点:

var wb = new WebBrowser()

... 告诉浏览器导航(与此问题相关)。然后在 Document_Completed 事件上,您可以模拟这样的点击。

var doc = wb.Browser.Document
var elem = doc.GetElementById(elementId);
object obj = elem.DomElement;
System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().GetMethod("click");
mi.Invoke(obj, new object[0]);





我过去曾使用ZetaHtmlTidy 加载随机网站,然后使用xpath 访问内容的各个部分(例如/html/body//p[@class='textblock'])。它运行良好,但有一些特殊的网站存在问题,所以我不知道这是否是绝对最佳的解决方案。



Html Agility Pack

这是一个敏捷的 HTML 解析器,它构建一个读/写 DOM 并支持普通的 XPATH 或 XSLT(实际上你不必了解 XPATH 或 XSLT 就可以使用它,不用担心......)。它是一个 .NET 代码库,可让您解析“网络之外”的 HTML 文件。解析器对“真实世界”格式错误的 HTML 非常宽容。对象模型与 System.Xml 的提议非常相似,但用于 HTML 文档(或流)。



之前已经提到过 Html Agility Pack - 如果您追求速度,您可能还想查看the Majestic-12 HTML parser。它的处理相当笨拙,但它提供了非常快速的解析体验。



我编写了一些提供“LINQ to HTML”功能的代码。我想我会在这里分享它。它基于 Majestic 12。它采用 Majestic-12 结果并生成 LINQ XML 元素。此时,您可以针对 HTML 使用所有 LINQ to XML 工具。举个例子:

        IEnumerable<XNode> auctionNodes = Majestic12ToXml.Majestic12ToXml.ConvertNodesToXml(byteArrayOfAuctionHtml);

        foreach (XElement anchorTag in auctionNodes.OfType<XElement>().DescendantsAndSelf("a")) 

            if (anchorTag.Attribute("href") == null)


我想使用 Majestic-12,因为我知道它有很多关于在野外发现的 HTML 的内置知识。但我发现,将 Majestic-12 结果映射到 LINQ 将接受的东西,因为 XML 需要额外的工作。我包含的代码做了很多清理工作,但是当您使用它时,您会发现页面被拒绝。您需要修复代码以解决该问题。当抛出异常时,检查 exception.Data["source"] 因为它可能设置为导致异常的 HTML 标记。以良好的方式处理 HTML 有时并非易事...


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Majestic12;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Majestic12ToXml 
public class Majestic12ToXml 

    static public IEnumerable<XNode> ConvertNodesToXml(byte[] htmlAsBytes) 

        HTMLparser parser = OpenParser();

        XElement currentNode = new XElement("document");

        HTMLchunk m12chunk = null;

        int xmlnsAttributeIndex = 0;
        string originalHtml = "";

        while ((m12chunk = parser.ParseNext()) != null) 


                Debug.Assert(!m12chunk.bHashMode);  // popular default for Majestic-12 setting

                XNode newNode = null;
                XElement newNodesParent = null;

                switch (m12chunk.oType) 
                    case HTMLchunkType.OpenTag:

                        // Tags are added as a child to the current tag, 
                        // except when the new tag implies the closure of 
                        // some number of ancestor tags.

                        newNode = ParseTagNode(m12chunk, originalHtml, ref xmlnsAttributeIndex);

                        if (newNode != null) 
                            currentNode = FindParentOfNewNode(m12chunk, originalHtml, currentNode);

                            newNodesParent = currentNode;


                            currentNode = newNode as XElement;


                    case HTMLchunkType.CloseTag:

                        if (m12chunk.bEndClosure) 

                            newNode = ParseTagNode(m12chunk, originalHtml, ref xmlnsAttributeIndex);

                            if (newNode != null) 
                                currentNode = FindParentOfNewNode(m12chunk, originalHtml, currentNode);

                                newNodesParent = currentNode;
                            XElement nodeToClose = currentNode;

                            string m12chunkCleanedTag = CleanupTagName(m12chunk.sTag, originalHtml);

                            while (nodeToClose != null && nodeToClose.Name.LocalName != m12chunkCleanedTag)
                                nodeToClose = nodeToClose.Parent;

                            if (nodeToClose != null)
                                currentNode = nodeToClose.Parent;

                            Debug.Assert(currentNode != null);


                    case HTMLchunkType.Script:

                        newNode = new XElement("script", "REMOVED");
                        newNodesParent = currentNode;

                    case HTMLchunkType.Comment:

                        newNodesParent = currentNode;

                        if (m12chunk.sTag == "!--")
                            newNode = new XComment(m12chunk.oHTML);
                        else if (m12chunk.sTag == "![CDATA[")
                            newNode = new XCData(m12chunk.oHTML);
                            throw new Exception("Unrecognized comment sTag");



                    case HTMLchunkType.Text:


            catch (Exception e) 
                var wrappedE = new Exception("Error using Majestic12.HTMLChunk, reason: " + e.Message, e);

                // the original html is copied for tracing/debugging purposes
                originalHtml = new string(htmlAsBytes.Skip(m12chunk.iChunkOffset)
                    .Select(B => (char)B).ToArray()); 

                wrappedE.Data.Add("source", originalHtml);

                throw wrappedE;

        while (currentNode.Parent != null)
            currentNode = currentNode.Parent;

        return currentNode.Nodes();

    static XElement FindParentOfNewNode(Majestic12.HTMLchunk m12chunk, string originalHtml, XElement nextPotentialParent) 

        string m12chunkCleanedTag = CleanupTagName(m12chunk.sTag, originalHtml);

        XElement discoveredParent = null;

        // Get a list of all ancestors
        List<XElement> ancestors = new List<XElement>();
        XElement ancestor = nextPotentialParent;
        while (ancestor != null) 
            ancestor = ancestor.Parent;

        // Check if the new tag implies a previous tag was closed.
        if ("form" == m12chunkCleanedTag) 

            discoveredParent = ancestors
                .Where(XE => m12chunkCleanedTag == XE.Name)
                .Select(XE => XE.Parent)
        else if ("td" == m12chunkCleanedTag) 

            discoveredParent = ancestors
                .TakeWhile(XE => "tr" != XE.Name)
                .Where(XE => m12chunkCleanedTag == XE.Name)
                .Select(XE => XE.Parent)
        else if ("tr" == m12chunkCleanedTag) 

            discoveredParent = ancestors
                .TakeWhile(XE => !("table" == XE.Name
                                    || "thead" == XE.Name
                                    || "tbody" == XE.Name
                                    || "tfoot" == XE.Name))
                .Where(XE => m12chunkCleanedTag == XE.Name)
                .Select(XE => XE.Parent)
        else if ("thead" == m12chunkCleanedTag
                  || "tbody" == m12chunkCleanedTag
                  || "tfoot" == m12chunkCleanedTag) 

            discoveredParent = ancestors
                .TakeWhile(XE => "table" != XE.Name)
                .Where(XE => m12chunkCleanedTag == XE.Name)
                .Select(XE => XE.Parent)

        return discoveredParent ?? nextPotentialParent;

    static string CleanupTagName(string originalName, string originalHtml) 

        string tagName = originalName;

        tagName = tagName.TrimStart(new char[]  '?' );  // for nodes <?xml >

        if (tagName.Contains(':'))
            tagName = tagName.Substring(tagName.LastIndexOf(':') + 1);

        return tagName;

    static readonly Regex _startsAsNumeric = new Regex(@"^[0-9]", RegexOptions.Compiled);

    static bool TryCleanupAttributeName(string originalName, ref int xmlnsIndex, out string result) 

        result = null;
        string attributeName = originalName;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalName))
            return false;

        if (_startsAsNumeric.IsMatch(originalName))
            return false;

        // transform xmlns attributes so they don't actually create any XML namespaces
        if (attributeName.ToLower().Equals("xmlns")) 

            attributeName = "xmlns_" + xmlnsIndex.ToString(); ;
            if (attributeName.ToLower().StartsWith("xmlns:")) 
                attributeName = "xmlns_" + attributeName.Substring("xmlns:".Length);

            // trim trailing \"
            attributeName = attributeName.TrimEnd(new char[]  '\"' );

            attributeName = attributeName.Replace(":", "_");

        result = attributeName;

        return true;

    static Regex _weirdTag = new Regex(@"^<!\[.*\]>$");       // matches "<![if !supportEmptyParas]>"
    static Regex _aspnetPrecompiled = new Regex(@"^<%.*%>$"); // matches "<%@ ... %>"
    static Regex _shortHtmlComment = new Regex(@"^<!-.*->$"); // matches "<!-Extra_Images->"

    static XElement ParseTagNode(Majestic12.HTMLchunk m12chunk, string originalHtml, ref int xmlnsIndex) 

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m12chunk.sTag)) 

            if (m12chunk.sParams.Length > 0 && m12chunk.sParams[0].ToLower().Equals("doctype"))
                return new XElement("doctype");

            if (_weirdTag.IsMatch(originalHtml))
                return new XElement("REMOVED_weirdBlockParenthesisTag");

            if (_aspnetPrecompiled.IsMatch(originalHtml))
                return new XElement("REMOVED_ASPNET_PrecompiledDirective");

            if (_shortHtmlComment.IsMatch(originalHtml))
                return new XElement("REMOVED_ShortHtmlComment");

            // Nodes like "<br <br>" will end up with a m12chunk.sTag==""...  We discard these nodes.
            return null;

        string tagName = CleanupTagName(m12chunk.sTag, originalHtml);

        XElement result = new XElement(tagName);

        List<XAttribute> attributes = new List<XAttribute>();

        for (int i = 0; i < m12chunk.iParams; i++) 

            if (m12chunk.sParams[i] == "<!--") 

                // an HTML comment was embedded within a tag.  This comment and its contents
                // will be interpreted as attributes by Majestic-12... skip this attributes
                for (; i < m12chunk.iParams; i++) 

                    if (m12chunk.sTag == "--" || m12chunk.sTag == "-->")


            if (m12chunk.sParams[i] == "?" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(m12chunk.sValues[i]))

            string attributeName = m12chunk.sParams[i];

            if (!TryCleanupAttributeName(attributeName, ref xmlnsIndex, out attributeName))

            attributes.Add(new XAttribute(attributeName, m12chunk.sValues[i]));

        // If attributes are duplicated with different values, we complain.
        // If attributes are duplicated with the same value, we remove all but 1.
        var duplicatedAttributes = attributes.GroupBy(A => A.Name).Where(G => G.Count() > 1);

        foreach (var duplicatedAttribute in duplicatedAttributes) 

            if (duplicatedAttribute.GroupBy(DA => DA.Value).Count() > 1)
                throw new Exception("Attribute value was given different values");

            attributes.RemoveAll(A => A.Name == duplicatedAttribute.Key);


        return result;

    static HTMLparser OpenParser() 
        HTMLparser oP = new HTMLparser();

        // The code+comments in this function are from the Majestic-12 sample documentation.

        // ...

        // This is optional, but if you want high performance then you may
        // want to set chunk hash mode to FALSE. This would result in tag params
        // being added to string arrays in HTMLchunk object called sParams and sValues, with number
        // of actual params being in iParams. See code below for details.
        // When TRUE (and its default) tag params will be added to hashtable HTMLchunk (object).oParams

        // if you set this to true then original parsed HTML for given chunk will be kept - 
        // this will reduce performance somewhat, but may be desireable in some cases where
        // reconstruction of HTML may be necessary
        oP.bKeepRawHTML = false;

        // if set to true (it is false by default), then entities will be decoded: this is essential
        // if you want to get strings that contain final representation of the data in HTML, however
        // you should be aware that if you want to use such strings into output HTML string then you will
        // need to do Entity encoding or same string may fail later
        oP.bDecodeEntities = true;

        // we have option to keep most entities as is - only replace stuff like &nbsp; 
        // this is called Mini Entities mode - it is handy when HTML will need
        // to be re-created after it was parsed, though in this case really
        // entities should not be parsed at all
        oP.bDecodeMiniEntities = true;

        if (!oP.bDecodeEntities && oP.bDecodeMiniEntities)

        // if set to true, then in case of Comments and SCRIPT tags the data set to oHTML will be
        // extracted BETWEEN those tags, rather than include complete RAW HTML that includes tags too
        // this only works if auto extraction is enabled
        oP.bAutoExtractBetweenTagsOnly = true;

        // if true then comments will be extracted automatically
        oP.bAutoKeepComments = true;

        // if true then scripts will be extracted automatically: 
        oP.bAutoKeepScripts = true;

        // if this option is true then whitespace before start of tag will be compressed to single
        // space character in string: " ", if false then full whitespace before tag will be returned (slower)
        // you may only want to set it to false if you want exact whitespace between tags, otherwise it is just
        // a waste of CPU cycles
        oP.bCompressWhiteSpaceBeforeTag = true;

        // if true (default) then tags with attributes marked as CLOSED (/ at the end) will be automatically
        // forced to be considered as open tags - this is no good for XML parsing, but I keep it for backwards
        // compatibility for my stuff as it makes it easier to avoid checking for same tag which is both closed
        // or open
        oP.bAutoMarkClosedTagsWithParamsAsOpen = false;

        return oP;



btw HtmlAgilityPack 过去对我来说效果很好,我只是更喜欢 LINQ。 添加 LINQ 转换后的性能如何?知道它与 HtmlAgilityPack 相比如何吗? 我从来没有做过性能比较。这些天我使用 HtmlAgilityPack,少了很多麻烦。不幸的是,上面的代码有很多我懒得写测试的特殊情况,所以我无法真正维护它。【参考方案10】:

如果您需要查看 JS 对页面的影响[并且您准备启动浏览器],请使用 WatiN



我发现了一个名为 Fizzler 的项目,它采用 jQuery/Sizzler 方法来选择 HTML 元素。它基于 HTML 敏捷包。它目前处于测试阶段,仅支持 CSS 选择器的子集,但在讨厌的 XPath 上使用 CSS 选择器非常酷且令人耳目一新。



谢谢,这看起来很有趣!我很惊讶,jQuery 如此受欢迎,以至于很难找到一个受它启发的 C# 项目。现在,如果我能找到一些文档操作和更高级的遍历也是包的一部分... :) 我今天才用这个,不得不说,如果你懂jQuery的话,用起来还是很方便的。【参考方案12】:

根据您的需要,您可能会选择功能更丰富的库。我尝试了大多数/所有建议的解决方案,但最突出的是 Html Agility Pack。这是一个非常宽容和灵活的解析器。






script SS_URLs.txt URL("http://***.com/questions/56107/what-is-the-best-way-to-parse-html-in-c")






我在 C# 中编写了一些用于解析 HTML 标签的类。如果它们满足您的特定需求,它们会很简单。

您可以阅读有关它们的文章并在http://www.blackbeltcoder.com/Articles/strings/parsing-html-tags-in-c 下载源代码。

http://www.blackbeltcoder.com/Articles/strings/a-text-parsing-helper-class 上还有一篇关于通用解析助手类的文章。



没有 3rd 方库,可以在 Console 和 Asp.net 上运行的 WebBrowser 类解决方案

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;

class ParseHTML

    public ParseHTML()  
    private string ReturnString;

    public string doParsing(string html)
        Thread t = new Thread(TParseMain);
        t.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;
        return ReturnString;

    private void TParseMain(object html)
        WebBrowser wbc = new WebBrowser();
        wbc.DocumentText = "feces of a dummy";        //;magic words        
        HtmlDocument doc = wbc.Document.OpenNew(true);
        this.ReturnString = doc.Body.InnerHtml + " do here something";


string myhtml = "<HTML><BODY>This is a new HTML document.</BODY></HTML>";
Console.WriteLine("before:" + myhtml);
myhtml = (new ParseHTML()).doParsing(myhtml);
Console.WriteLine("after:" + myhtml);


以上是关于在 C# 中解析 html 的最佳方法是啥? [关闭]的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在 C# 代码中解析(大)XML 的最佳方法是啥?

在 C# 中解析大型 XML(大小为 1GB)的最佳方法是啥?

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